Page 19 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 19


      Koenig & Bauer Durst VariJET 106

        Koenig & Bauer Durst                                             VariJET 106 systems fea-  come. The VariJET 106 –
      demonstrated important                                             tured in daily shows . There   our major digital
      advances with its digital                                          were also demonstrations of   development in folding car-
      press systems and software                                         folding box production   ton markets – is now a real-
      services in folding carton                                         shows together with Koenig   ity. See for yourself this
      and corrugated markets on                                          & Bauer with the VariJET   highly versatile machine
      its booth (A-31-1, Hall 16) at                                     106 in English as well as in
      drupa in Dusseldorf,                                               German. Game-changing   that will be running samples
      Germany. The VariJET 106                                           industry firsts such as the   on a regular basis. Some of
      single pass press, which uses                                      announcement of printing   these have been produced in
      market-proven technology                                           on mainly brown substrates   Switzerland  by
      developed by Durst and                                             with water-based digital   SCHELLING AG, one of our
      Koenig & Bauer, made its   Koenig & Bauer Durst VariJET 106 made its public debut at drupa  white  are being  shown.   customer sites. We’re also
      public debut at the show,                                          Koenig & Bauer Durst is the   showing game-changing
      with regular production run   figuration linked to Koenig   markets – another family   first company in the world   industry firsts such as our
      demonstrations.       & Bauer’s industry     member in Koenig & Bauer   to offer digital white ink for   breakthrough involving
        Visitors to the stand got a   acclaimed Rapida offset   Durst’s single pass digital   corrugated substrates in pri-  printing on mainly brown
      variety of printed samples   press technology and work-  sheet-fed press portfolio – is   mary food packaging. This   substrates with water-based
      from the Koenig & Bauer   flow. There are multiple   also an important focus at   creates new possibilities in   digital white for corrugated
      Durst stand. These included   production runs throughout  drupa. A control station will   packaging, for example   substrates in primary food
      applications for markets   the show. Latest die cutting   is set up on the stand to dem-  printing on plain brown or
      such  as  pharmaceuticals,   and folding gluer technology   onstrate how the Delta SPC   lower grade white boards.  packaging.”
      health and beauty products,   is also being shown live at   130 works in a production   Daniel Velema, Managing   All Koenig & Bauer Durst
      as well as food and beverage.   the Koenig & Bauer neigh-  environment utilising Durst   Director of Koenig & Bauer   presses use water-based
      At drupa, Koenig & Bauer   bouring booth.    Workflow and Durst    Durst, said: “Visitors to our   food-safe inks & coatings
      Durst’s VariJET106 was   The market-proven Delta   Analytics. Koenig & Bauer   drupa stand in Hall 16 can   that comply with all regula-
      being shown in a hybrid con-  SPC 130 used in corrugated   Durst’s Delta SPC 130 and   be assured of a warm wel-  tory requirements.

      drupa Prize 2024 awarded to Daria Vakhrushova

        Literary and cultural sci-                                               (The Red Jews: Yiddish-  given by the Faculty of
      entist Daria Vakhrushova is                                        Soviet Cultural Design 1917-  Philosophy at Heinrich
      awarded the drupa Prize                                            1934).                Heine University for nomi-
      2024 for her outstanding                                            In her work, Daria   nating Daria Vakhrushova
      thesis. With this award                                            Vakhrushova combines cul-  for the drupa Prize primar-
      drupa honours and supports                                                               ily focuses on the wealth of
      outstanding young scientists                                       tural, literary and linguistic
      from the Faculty of                                                approaches to explore a   material she has reviewed,
      Philosophy at Heinrich                                             topic that has received little   some of which has been ana-
      Heine University Düsseldorf                                        attention to date: the  lysed for the first time, and
      every year.                                                        Yiddish-Soviet cultural   on her remarkable mastery
        The drupa Prize, that                                            design between the October  in combining theory and
      comes with Euro 6,000   Drupa Prize 2024 for literary & cultural scientist Daria Vakhrushova   Revolution of 1917 and the   methodology.
      prize money, was presented                                         First All-Union Congress of   The commission is con-
      by  Erhard Wienkamp   Heinrich Heine University   mal ceremony on 6 June   Soviet Writers, a high point   vinced that the excellently
      (Managing Director at   Düsseldorf), Prof. Dr. Roger   2024 at drupa.    in the consolidation process   written work should be
      Messe Düsseldorf), Dr.   Lüdeke (Vice-Rector of the   The PhD thesis awarded
      Andreas Pleßke (Chairman   Faculty of Philosophy at   with summa cum laude   of Soviet cultural policy,   made accessible to a wide
      of the Board/CEO Koenig &   Heinrich Heine University   bears the title “Rote Juden:   which was accompanied by  audience and is therefore an
      Bauer and Chairman of the   Düsseldorf) and PhD super-             the first  tightening of  ideal choice for the drupa
      drupa Committee), Prof. Dr.   visor Prof. Dr. Efrat Gal-Ed   Der jiddisch-sowjetische   nationality policy and  prize, comes with a printing
      Anja Steinbeck (Rector of   to the award winner in a for-  Kulturentwurf 1917-1934”   repression.  The justification  costs grant.

                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 19
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