Page 21 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 21


      SBTi approves Flint Group’s                                                              Amcor opens
                                                                                               new centre
      2030 carbon reduction goals                                                              leaders in developing and
                                                                                                Amcor, one of the global

                                                                                               producing responsible
                                                                                               packaging, has opened its
        Flint Group’s 2030 car-                                          areas where we can make   Amcor Innovation Center
      bon reduction targets have                                         the biggest impact,   Europe (AICE) in Ghent,
      been approved by the                                               “Product, Planet and   Belgium, which will pio-
      Science Based Targets initi-                                       People”.              neer new material technol-
      ative (SBTi). The business                                          ‘The real work begins now,   ogies to make packaging
      is working towards a 46.2                                          and it is time to put our plans   more sustainable and per-
      percent reduction in scope                                         into action. Our connected   formant, while focusing on
      1, 2 and 3 emissions by                                            initiatives will include   designs that stand out in
                                                                         greater use of low-carbon
      2030 versus its 2019 base-                                         materials, which currently   shops and increase ease-of-
      line. The Science Based                                            account for more than 60%   use for consumers.
      Targets initiative (SBTi) is a                                     of our greenhouse gas (GHG)   The new facility
      collaboration between CDP                                          emissions.            expanded the company’s
      (formerly the Carbon   The company works towards a 46.2 percent reduction by 2030  ‘We are also channeling   packaging innovation hubs
      Disclosure Project), the   independently assesses   business to develop a   over 75 percent of our   around the world in addi-
      United Nations Global   companies’ targets.   detailed plan to reduce   research and development   tion to existing centers in
      Compact,  the  World      Matthew Rowland-   emissions and combat cli-  costs into sustainability-  the US, South America and
      Resources Institute (WRI)   Jones, sustainability officer   mate change. Carbon   focused ink and coating solu-  Asia Pacific.
                                                   reduction forms part of
      and the World Wide Fund   at Flint Group, said: ‘We are   “PRISM”, our vision and   tions, such as barrier coatings   In its Innovation Center
                            delighted that our 2030 car-
      for Nature (WWF). The   bon reduction targets have   strategy for long-term sus-  that make it simpler to recy-  Europe, Amcor supports
      SBTi defines and promotes   been approved by the SBTi.  tainability. PRISM  splits   cle packaging structures on   brands  from  concept  to
      best practice in science-  This validation represents   the broader topic of sustain-  the journey to a circular   shelf using its Catalyst
      based  target  setting  and   significant work across the   ability into the three core  economy.’  approach.
      TSC Auto ID launches space-saving  Delo launches new

      industrial printers                                                jet valve

        TSC Auto ID has intro-                                            Delo has introduced Delo-
      duced two new industrial                                           DOT PN5 LV, a new pneu-
      printers, the MB241 and                                            matic jet valve designed for
      ML241P Series, developed                                           dispensing low-viscosity
      with operational efficiency in                                     adhesives and other media in
      mind, offering easy access for                                     miniaturized applications.
      media replacement and                                              Thanks to its compact design,
      maintenance.The MB241                                              it also requires very little
      features a bifold media door                                       space to install in production
      design that reduces opera-                                         systems. This new device   Delo-DOT PN5 LV jet valve
      tional space usage by 24 per-  The new MB241 boasts an innovative and bifold door design  widens Delo’s existing port-
      cent, making it ideal for                                          folio of dispensing valves.   reliable applications at differ-
      restricted workspaces. The   ciency as the label rolls don’t  such as a linerless kit for   While the closely related   ent droplet sizes. Volumes of
      ML Series is already   need replacing as often.  more sustainable printing. In   Delo-DOT PN5, introduced   as low as 1 nl can be achieved,
      renowned for its compact   The MB241 is especially   industries like food packag-  in 2022, was developed for   which corresponds to droplet
      footprint and efficient 245   suited to harder, thicker   ing, where keeping the work   more viscous, highly filled   diameters of 250 µm or less.
      mm height, and the new   labels, such as hangtags. Its   environment tidy is vital, the   materials, the new LV (low-  Thanks to its compact
      ML241P is no exception as it   multi-point thermal print-  MB241’s peel-off kit and   viscosity) variant is primarily   dimensions of 68 X 19 X 90
      fits perfectly in height-  head (TPH) pressure adjust-  liner rewinder kit, can help   aimed at dispensing smaller
      restricted environments.  ment mechanism and its   mitigate any operational   droplet sizes of low-to-  mm, Delo-DOT PN5 LV
        Both new devices support   advanced heat line manage-  risks. These accessories   medium-viscosity media   requires very little space to
      large, 8-inch OD label rolls,   ment ensure consistent,   enhance the printer’s func-  with up to 35,000 mPa·s.  install in production systems.
      meaning they can not only   high-quality printing across   tionality and adaptability,   Interchangeable nozzles   The jet valve also supports
      meet daily high-volume   various media types. The   meeting the evolving   with different diameters and   high-speed processes with a
      printing demands but also  MB241 can be purchased   demands of dynamic busi-  a flexible, adjustable plunger   continuous dispensing fre-
      improve operational effi-  with a number of accessories,   ness needs.  stroke ensure precise and   quency of up to 250 Hz.                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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