Page 20 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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      RotoMetrics launches new                                                                 TLMI Annual
                                                                                               Meeting 2024
      flexible die portfolio                                                                   Manufacturers Institute
                                                                                                The Tag and Label

        Maxcess has launched a                                           materials and inks and the   (TLMI) has opened regis-
                                                                                               tration for the 2024 Annual
      new  RotoMetrics  flexible                                         growing use of small blade   Meeting, which will take
      die portfolio that combines                                        spaces and  intricate  pat-  place from September 29 to
      the manufacturing and oper-                                        terns, as well as for the sheet   October 2 at the JW
      ational processes of                                               fed rotary die cutting mar-  Marriott Grande Lakes in
      RotoMetrics, Electro Optic                                         kets.                 Orlando, Florida. Members
      and MLC Brazil to offer the                                         ‘We automated and    are encouraged to take
      right technology for every                                         enhanced our manufactur-  advantage of early bird and
      application.The new portfo-                                        ing processes to better man-  group pricing for this year’s
      lio consists of the re-engi-                                       ufacture flexible dies to   event.
      neered improved value and                                          improve blade consistency
      performance SmartFlex                                              to ensure reliability and   The TLMI Annual
      series for paper and film, the                                     eliminate potential die   Meeting 2024 promises an
      increased versatility and lon-  All dies are engineered to work with any press or converting line  strike issues. We stream-  engaging agenda filled with
      gevity of the Prime Series for                                     lined our durability and   insightful presentations
      a wider variety of Paper and   Special for thin film liner   verting challenges they were   chroming processes to   and networking opportuni-
      Film applications, the   applications  and   trying to solve,’ noted Kiki   improve flexible die longev-  ties.
      improved accuracy and lon-  MicroBlade for small and   Chosid, regional vice presi-  ity converting abrasive   Highlights of this year’s
                                                   dent of sales at Maxcess.
      gevity of Dura Series for   intricate spacing applica-  ‘And, our customers told us   materials and inks.   event include early bird
      complex film and abrasive   tions.           they needed flexible dies   According to the com-  pricing, available between
      applications.In addition,   ‘We spent a significant   specifically engineered for   pany, enhanced automation   June 4 and July 8, and group
      RotoMetrics also offers   amount of time asking our   today’s materials, including   minimizes deviations in   pricing with special dis-
      Specialty Dies like GoldLine   customers the biggest con-  thinner liners, abrasive   total plate height.  counts available for groups.
      Fall Technical       Betaflex Micrometer                          Dymo and Taylor

      Conference           Table launched                               Labeling Solutions

        Flexographic Technical
      Association (FTA) has con-  Beta Industries has                    Dymo, one of the leading
      firmed that Dr John   released the Betaflex                       providers of innovative labe-
      Anderson, director  of   Micrometer Table with                    ling technologies, and
      A dv an c ed  P ri n t  FlexiGage  Database                       Taylor, a custom label manu-
      Applications at Miraclon,   Software, a device designed           facturing specialist, have
                           to offer an affordable, easy-
      will serve as the program   to-fit, or retrofit alternative       partnered to make custom-
      chair for its Fall Technical   to flexo plate measuring           printed LabelWriter labels   Dymo partners with Taylor
      Conference 2024, themed   technology. According to                available with Dymo   and jam-free performance.
                                                                        LabelWriter 5 Series print-
      ‘Viva flexo Vegas’.  the company, the new prod-                   ers.                    ‘We  are  excited to  join
        Dr Anderson said: ‘My   uct is an instant and eco-  Beta Industries introduces it  Taylor will offer various
      goals are simple: to create   nomic micrometre table   database and report genera-  label customization options   forces with Taylor to offer
      an engaging event that has   that offers significant sav-  tion software for maintain-  for the millions of Dymo   our consumers unparalleled
      something each day for   ings in production time, cost   ing an active database of   LabelWriter 5 Series print-  custom labeling solutions for
      everyone involved in the   and resources.   plates measured, customers,   ers, including the   the Dymo LabelWriter 5
      flexographic supply chain.   The new Betaflex   and more. The new product   LabelWriter 550, 550 Turbo   Series, saving them time,
      I encourage attendees to   Micrometer Table is a mod-  offers a solid stainless-steel   and 5XL.  Dymo consumers   money and effort,’ said
      come early, to enjoy the   ular solid steel micrometer   base, the choice of two high-  can specify custom label   Liesbet De Soomer, Dymo’s
                           table that can be easily
      Vegas experience, and   installed between two exist-  resolution micrometers, and   designs and sizes, branding,   global marketing director.
                                                                        flood-coated colors, adhesive
      then settle in for technical   ing tables or within a   software with report genera-  variations, and an array of   ‘This partnership reflects
                                                  tion for internal and exter-
      and engaging sessions   recessed area. It measures   nal documentation. It aims   paper  and  film  label  sub-  our commitment to provid-
      designed to capture the   only 39.5 x 12 x 3 in and   to offer businesses more   strates.   ing innovative labeling solu-
      attention of printers, con-  weighs less than 45 lbs. The   consistent production,   Taylor will manufacture   tions that meet the various
      verters, suppliers and   FlexiGage Micrometer   reduced waste and better   the pre-printed labels to   evolving needs of our con-
      brand owners.’       Software is the optional   ROI.              ensure durability, legibility,   sumers.’
      20 PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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