Page 15 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 15


      BOBST unveils innovative solutions

        BOBST announced its lat-                                         features full inline and auto-  monitoring, providing more
      est solutions and strategic                                        mated printing adjustment   detailed data insights than
      partnerships to help shape                                         capabilities and quality   ever before, while perfor-
      the future of the packaging                                        inspection, is ideal for runs   mance management pro-
      world, contributing to a new                                       up to 6,000 B1 equivalent   vides insights on equipment,
      era in packaging where the                                         sheets where it can signifi-  shift and job performance
      entire production line is                                          cantly reduce production
      connected, enabling seam-                                          time by up to 80% and   and energy consumption,
      less end-to-end workflows.                                         reduce costs on short runs,   optimizing  sustainability
        “We are fulfilling our                                           while eliminating waste,   and cost. For labels, the new
      industry vision ‘to shape the                                      logistics, and downtime   cloud based BOBST’s Digital
      future of the packaging                                            required for traditional pro-  Front End (DFE) 3.0, will be
      world’ based on the pillars of   BOBST unveils solutions & forges strategic partnerships at drupa  duction processes.  showcased for the first time
      connectivity, digitalization,                                       In the packaging sector,   to the public and be com-
      automation, and sustainabil-  The DIGITAL MASTER 55   mpm (meters per minute),   BOBST is taking connectivity   mercially available later in
      ity,” said Jean-Pascal Bobst,   is the new all-in-one digital   the DIGITAL MASTER 55   and digitalization to the next   the year. It enables access to
      CEO, Bobst Group. “Our   printing and converting plat-  ensures the shortest time to   level by enabling a closed-  real-time data, resources and
      solutions empower printers   form tailored for the folding   market (even offering same-  loop workflow ecosystem   workflow templates any-
      and converters to embrace   carton industry, opening up  day delivery) and the best   from pdf to twin pdf to boost   where, at any time. BOBST
      digitalization while advanc-  new possibilities for short-to-  Total Cost of Ownership   productivity, ease of use and   is also launching a cloud-
      ing towards a more sustain-  mid-size runs, and drastically   (TCO) among printing and   contribute to sustainability.
      able future. We are proud to   increasing opportunities   converting solutions.  New  features  of  BOBST   based certified substrate
      engage with industry lead-  with short lead times and   By enabling just-in-time   Connect – the constantly   library in BOBST Connect,
      ers, forge new partnerships,   high product quality.  production, this all-in-one   evolving, cloud-based digital   which allows converters to
      and chart a course towards   Combining printing, embel-  solution minimizes the need   platform, which improves   access up to date BOBST cer-
      continued innovation and  lishment, quality control,   for large stocks and invento-  productivity – include a   tified material lists to fast-
      progress.”            and die-cutting inline at 100  ries. This platform, which   major update to equipment   track substrate calibration.

      Drupa and Printing United Expo announce partnership

        Messe Düsseldorf Group                                                   and textile is what our   Organized by Messe
      and PRINTING United                                                attendees appreciate.”  Düsseldorf, drupa is the
      Alliance, two of the most                                           Ford Bowers, CEO,    world’s No. 1 trade fair for
      important printing technol-                                        PRINTING United Alliance,
      ogy event organizers,                                              speaking to the outcomes of   printing technologies taking
      announce a closer working                                                                place every four years in
      relationship. Starting in                                          this agreement, “Our part-  Düsseldorf and is a must-
      2024, the partnership of the                                       nership with drupa under-  attend event for everyone
      world’s leading trade fairs                                        scores our commitment to
      drupa and PRINTING                                                 advancing the entirety of the   involved in the printing,
      United  Expo  located  in                                          printing industry. Together,   packaging, and graphic arts
      Europe and North America,                                          we will be able to deliver   industries.
      respectively, will bolster the   This will bolster the reach of each brand throughout the industry  even more opportunities for   With its impressive range
      reach of each brand                                                growth and collaboration to
      throughout the  industry.   technology landscape.  drupa has brought to the   all who participate in the   of exhibitors and outstand-
      Both organizations, with   Sabine Geldermann,   industry over the last 7 dec-  marketplace of events. We   ing conference program,
      their customer-centric   Director drupa, Portfolio   ades. Showcasing the many           drupa offers a unique oppor-
      focus, will look to make all   Print Technologies, com-  applications printing tech-  look forward in the coming   tunity for inspiration, inno-
      their events even more rele-  ments on this partnership,   nology has these days, not   months to sharing our con-  vation, top-class knowledge
      vant and beneficial to both   “PRINTING United Expo’s              versations on how this part-
      attendees and exhibitors in   one-roof approach aligns   only in the graphic arts field   nership will unfold and the   transfer, intensive network-
      the ever-changing printing   very strongly with what  but in packaging, industrial   benefits to all our partners.”  ing and business growth.

                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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