Page 13 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 13
Elitron unveils new Kombo Konica Minolta
UK expansion
Tav at drupa 2024 major investment in its UK
Konica Minolta has made a
professional print business
with the opening of a new
Elitron has unveiled the ciency and minus 30% Client Engagement Centre.
new version of its Kombo energy consumption all add The facility is located in
Tav fully automatic, inte- up to place the Kombo Tav Houghton Regis near Luton,
grated, digital cutting sys- in a class of its own”. close to transport links. It has
tem at Drupa. At Hall 16, been kitted out with a wealth
Stand D11, the Italian com- He added: “Furthermore, of Konica Minolta equip-
pany said the “new era” of the system is not only ready ment alongside products and
the Kombo Tav features a for Industry 4.0 but it’s also software from a number of
“next generation” control ready for Industry 5.0 and
board, redesigned electron- future AI integration.” technology partners includ-
ics, and a new motion con- Elitron is also showcasing ing eProductivity Software,
trol system with faster “New era” of the Kombo Tav uses 30% less energy consumption Fiery, Flex4 OPS, Foilco,
communication protocol. the new compact Spark cut- Plockmatic, Premier Paper
Elitron executive director investing in digital finishing using the integrated Airo ting system, a machine for and Solimar Systems.
Paolo Malatesta said: “This and looking for ROI in the Panel for a clean-cut, per- sample making that features The setup includes
is the only cutting system shortest timeframe.” fectly finished, and aligned a multi-tool cutting head, AccurioJet KM-1 B2-plus
with a fully integrated, pat- Elitron said multi-stack palleted stack. the patented Seeker System sheetfed inkjet press and a
ented pallet management pallets of boards feed Daniele Gallucci, Elitron JetVarnish Evo75 from sister
system and it’s now become directly into the machine, America’s president, said vision system, and Stressless company MGI. Workflow
even more outstanding, so with individual sheets being the productivity with “plus Working Technology for and production monitoring is
it’s a real game-changer and loaded, aligned, cut and 35% faster speed, plus 40% immediate sample produc- via KM’s AccurioPro Flux
a must-see for all those creased, and then unloaded greater production effi- tion. and Dashboard systems.
Heidelberg reports recovery in Gelato reveals Landa
incoming orders after drupa collaboration
Heidelberg has said the Gelato and Landa Digital
large number of orders Printing have unveiled a
placed during Drupa has led new collaboration between
to a recovery in incoming both parties, while ESP
orders at the manufacturer Colour has separately part-
at the start of financial year nered with Gelato to
2024/2025 and, conse- Implement GelatoConnect
quently, to higher capacity across all modules. The
utilisation in production. Landa partnership, revealed
The business also said during Drupa at Messe
short time working at its Düsseldorf, is said to lever-
German sites will end as Heidelberg’s drupa stand has been busy throughout the show age Landa’s Nanographic A new collaboration launched
early as this month. print technology and cus- agno stic software,
“Our Drupa team won ner of the printing and pack- tions in commercial and tomer network, and Gelato’s GelatoConnect, that will
over customers with a fabu- aging industry. The large packaging printing. recently-launched global drive volume and increase
lous stand and futureproof number of orders placed The company is also aim- software platform – profitability in our custom-
innovations. The positive across all technologies dur- ing to use its collaboration GelatoConnect – for the ers’ production facilities,
spirit among customers and ing the trade show empha- with Canon that was delivery of on-demand, thereby enabling us to
staff alike was simply mind- sizes our customers’ trust in announced at Drupa to lev- short-to-medium run, digi- broaden the use of
blowing,” said Dr David the company as a leading erage its growth potential in tally printed jobs. Nanography across the
globe. Nanography is now a
Schmedding, head of sales system provider.” inkjet printing. Orders in Gil Oron, CEO at Landa mature, robust, and future-
and marketing at Heidelberg Daily presentations at the the “mid-double-digit Digital Printing, said: “We proofing technology, driving
and board member for sales 11-day show at Messe range” have already been are delighted to partner with production efficiency with
and service with effect from Düsseldorf, which closes placed for the new Jetfire 50 Gelato who have an excel- high quality output thereby
1 July. later today (7 June), focused inkjet system from lent global business model supporting creators around
“Heidelberg is a true part- on the company’s innova- Heidelberg. with a product and machine the world – our customers.” June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13