Page 14 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 14

NEWS        DRUPA 2024

      Canon’s ProStream 2000 series

        Canon has launched  the                                          Director, Marketing &   ciency.”
      ProStream 2000, a new                                              Innovation, Commercial   The new ProStream 2000
      series of web-fed inkjet                                           Print, Canon EMEA, com-  series is the ideal inkjet
      presses for commercial print                                       ments, “Canon is constantly  investment choice for gen-
      and business communica-                                            looking to deliver new tech-  eral and specialised com-
      tions service providers look-                                      nologies that offer our cus-  mercial print service
      ing for an especially                                              tomers maximum value in   providers, predominantly
      attractive cost/performance                                        terms of a return on their   producing high-quality
      ratio for applications on                                          investment and enable them   applications on lower
      media up to 150gsm and on                                          to  adapt and succeed in   weight media or on a wide
      uncoated papers. The                                               changing market conditions.   range of media types and
      ProStream 2000 series made                                         In the case of ProStream, the   weights and want to migrate
                                                                                               high-volume work from off-
      its global debut at drupa in   Canon launches ProStream 2000 series of  web-fed inkjet printers   advances we’ve introduced   set to digital. Papers up to
      Düsseldorf, Germany),                                              in recent years have given   300 gsm are supported at
      where it was exhibited in a   less energy  than the   range. Both the ProStream   print businesses exceptional   reduced speed. The
      live production workflow   ProStream 1800.   2000  series  and the   quality, productivity and   ProStream 2000 series will
      with a broad range of print   Also announced was the   ProStream 3160  enable   cost efficiency for high vol-  equally appeal to book
      applications. Printing at up   new ProStream 3160, the   ultra-fast production, allow-  umes of on-demand applica-  printers, as well as to busi-
      to 133m/min on standard   160m/min flagship model of  ing print businesses to move   tions on multiple media   ness communications com-
      offset coated, uncoated and   the ProStream 3000 series.  even higher volumes of work   types and weights. And with   panies that want to expand
      inkjet optimised media from   A new polymer pigment ink   from offset and legacy tech-  the introduction of the   beyond traditional print
      28gsm up to 150gsm, the   set, also included with the   nologies. Both the new   160-metres-per-minute   jobs, such as reports, and
      ProStream 2000 series   ProStream 2000 series,   ProStream 2000 series and   ProStream 3160, we’re fur-  statements, to premium
      offers a better cost/perfor-  ensures high, consistent off-  the ProStream 3160 are   ther improving the breake-  direct mail and brochures
      mance ratio and is 20%   set-like print quality at rated  immediately available   ven point, compared with   through a cost-efficient and
      shorter than the ProStream   speed, while extending the   directly from Canon.  offset, to offer customers   flexible means of produc-
      3000. It also consumes 10%   media grammage/speed   Hans Schmidbauer,   even greater cost effi-  tion.

      Müller Martini showcases expanded offering at drupa 2024

        Müller Martini displayed                                                 for slick, highly-automated    prising a SigmaLine
      the fruits of collaboration                                        post-press systems despite   Compact book block sys-
      with recent acquisition                                            the obvious decline in some   tem, InfiniTrim, and Antaro
      Hunkeler at Drupa, with a                                          of its key markets, such as
      world premiere for the inno-                                       magazines.            Digital perfect binder, pro-
      vative Starbook Sheetfolder                                         He said: “We believe in   ducing 45 different book
      connected to a Vareo Pro                                           print even though changes   types in less than eight min-
      perfect binder.At its booth,                                       are needed and we need to   utes. The first showing for
      Hall 1-B50, Müller’s classic
      blue devices were seen mar-                                        adapt to the new situation.   the Hunkeler Starbook
      ried with the grey of                                              Digital has completely   Sheetfolder also drew
      Hunkeler’s livery.                                                 changed the logistics in the   crowds. It can make glued
        Müller Martini CEO   Müller Martini displayed fruits of collaboration with Hunkeler   printing industry,” he noted   book blocks from four- or
      Bruno Müller said of the                                           as he charted the company’s
      firm’s future go-to-market   nels to more effectively   Hunkeler is active  in a   advancements in adapting to   eight-page signatures, and
      plans: “Hunkeler is working   come close to the customer.   number of different markets   that change since the first   can also include different
      in various channels and   The way we approach this is  where Müller Martini does   SigmaLine was shown at ‘the   paper types. The stability of
      Müller Martini has a glob-  very carefully, we go from   not have in-depth know-         the glued sections results in
      ally local service and sales   country-to-country and look  how. Plans for the UK have   JDF Drupa’ of 2004.
      organisation, we are work-  for the best possible setup to  not as yet been disclosed.   The group’s Drupa show-  an “excellent” flat spine
      ing on combining these to   support our global custom-  Müller was also enthusiastic   case includes a compact   when the job reaches the
      use all the different chan-  ers.”           about the market potential   ‘smart factory’ setup com-  binder.

      14 PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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