Page 11 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 11


      Kyocera highlights latest                                                                Screen acquires
                                                                                               CGS Oris

      TASKalfa’s USPs                                                                            Screen’s Graphic Solutions

                                                                                               business has acquired long-
                                                                                               term  partner  CGS  Oris.
        Kyocera used its Drupa                                           600. While Ando conceded
      debut to highlight the USPs                                        that the SRA3 market was   Germany-headquartered
      of its inkjet portfolio, includ-                                   congested, he highlighted   CGS Oris develops a range of
                                                                                               proofing, colour manage-
      ing the TASKalfa Pro                                               the TASKalfa USPs, regard-  ment and workflow solutions
      55000c,  which  got  its                                                                 for the print and packaging
      European show premiere in                                          less of whether it was toe-to-  industry. The firm was estab-
      Düsseldorf. Speaking on the                                        toe with toner or inkjet   lished in 1985 and its part-
      company’s booth in hall 8a,                                        rivals. These included: the   nership with Screen dates
      Hironori Ando, Kyocera                                             ability to handle offset qual-  back to the early 1990s when
      Document Solutions presi-                                          ity  coated  stock  up  to   the companies worked on
      dent, said while Kyocera is                                        400gsm with no pre-treat-  colour technologies for
      still a relative newcomer to                                       ment, 1,200dpi and an   Screen’s high-end scanners
      production digital, it had a   Hironori Ando with fellow Kyocera Document Solutions execs at Drupa  and recorders at the time.
      long history in document   business developing consid-  prehensive capabilities, we   advanced IR dryer.  CGS Oris also works with a
      imaging and inkjet head  ered technology based on   continue to create new value   “Our USP is concentrated   range of digital press special-
      development through its  customer feedback and unri-  to support the challenges of   on our banners [on the   ists and lists its partners as
      background in high-perfor-  valled engineering.  our customers.”   stand]: small footprint, big   including with Canon,
      mance office equipment.  “Furthermore, we found   The group generated   potential. Our machine has   Epson, Fujifilm, HP, Konica
        He singled out the gesta-  combining our inkjet tech-  annual revenues of €12.8bn   a very small footprint, and is   Minolta, Landa and Xerox.
      tion period of its first pro-  nology with our water-based   (£10.9bn) to March 2024,   very compact.”   CEO  Bernd  Rueckert  has
      duction device, which took  pigment ink contributes to   €2.9bn from the Document        worked at the company for
      14 years from the first feasi-  solving [customers] environ-  Solutions business. To date,   The Pro 55000c expands   more than 25 years. Screen
      bility studies, to the launch  mental challenges,” said   the firm has sold more than   that to also include photo-  Graphic Solutions is known
      of the TASKalfa Pro 15000c  Ando.            200  15000c  engines  into   books, catalogues, books and   as Screen GA. Kunio Muraji,
      in 2019, as evidence of the   Based on the group’s com-  EMEA alone, worldwide   magazines.  becomes the new COO.
      Kodak boss: ‘we help                                               HP secures a major

      printers thrive’                                                   Canva deal

                                                                          HP has secured an exclu-
        Kodak launched a new,                                            sive, multi-year global part-
      improved version of its                                            nership with graphic design
      Sonora process-free plate at                                       platform Canva that it said
      Drupa, while celebrating 20                                        would significantly benefit
      years since the plate was                                          printers using HP technol-
      first introduced.Amid an                                           ogy, making them the pre-
      ongoing ‘plates war’ with                                          ferred production partners
      rivals that import plates into                                     of Canva’s 185m monthly   ‘transformational’ Canva deal
      the US, and a patent claim                                         users. The strategic part-
      from Fujifilm, Kodak                                               nership was unveiled at   monthly users, I’m talking
      asserted that its new Sonora                                       Drupa  and  according  to   about 5bn plus designs and
      Ultra plate had a number of   Kodak launched improved version of its Sonora process-free plate  Haim Levit, senior vice   we’re talking about taking
      advantages over competing   the Magnus Q3600 Titan,  belong and we are commit-  president and division pres-  Canva into more than 150
      products.              was also introduced with  ted to this industry. We help   ident, HP Industrial   countries. And why have
        Kodak hailed the Ultra’s   the first unit sold to   printers thrive. We only   Printing, it has the potential   they decided to go with us?
      image contrast  with the   Imprimerie Pollina in   make money when our   to “transform the design   Because we have the best
      image stable for up to six   France at the show.  printers make money – we   and print industries”.  quality, versatility, and cov-
                              Kodak chairman and
      weeks if stored in the dark,   CEO Jim Continenza said:   are true partners,” he stated.  He said the deal gave HP   erage around the world.”
      allowing plates to be imaged   “We’ve been on a journey.   Kodak also showed some   exclusivity to run all   This year Canva users are
      in advance. White light   We’ve refined and refocused   of its new own-brand Kodak   Canva’s printing on its   expected to generate 5bn
      exposure tolerance has also   ourselves and we feel we’ve  Finishing Solutions follow-  Indigo, inkjet and wide-for-  designs on the platform and
      been enhanced.   A new   really done that. We are get-  ing last year’s acquisition of   mat presses and printers.  around 0.2%, or 10m, result
      four-up to VLF platesetter,   ting back to where we  GSS.           “I’m talking about 185m   in printed jobs                                                                      June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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