Page 12 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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Stora Enso, Altris to develop Greif increases
most sustainable battery announced that it is imple-
Greif, Inc. on June 4
menting a $50 to $70 per
short ton increase for all
Stora Enso has partnered ble electrification. Stora grades of uncoated recycled
with Altris, a Swedish devel- Enso’s European-based paperboard (URB) products.
oper of sodium-ion batter- operations offer a localized The uncoated recycled
ies. The two companies aim solution that minimizes paperboard increase is effec-
to further advance the environmental impact and tive with new orders and
development and commer- promotes energy independ- shipments on and after July
cialization of a sustainable 8, 2024.
battery value chain in ence. “The URB price increase is
Europe. Together, the two “Bio-based materials are in response to increased raw
companies will drive the key to improving the sustain- material, energy, labor, and
adaptation of Stora Enso’s Lignode by Stora Enso is a sustainable hard carbon from lignin ability of battery cells. With transportation, as well as
hard carbon solution Lignode having the potential increasing demand for our
Lignode® as an anode mate- incumbent anode solutions. is currently upgrading the to become the most sustaina- uncoated recycled board
rial in Altris’ sodium-ion Lignin makes up 20-30% plant from a technical point ble anode material in the (URB) products,” Greif said
battery cells.Lignode by of a tree, which makes it of view. According to Stora world, this partnership with in a press release.
Stora Enso is a sustainable abundantly available. Lignin Enso, the significant major- Altris aligns perfectly with Greif is a global leader in
hard carbon derived from being a product from pulp ity of battery materials today our common commitment to industrial packaging prod-
lignin, a product from the manufacturing ensures a are sourced from outside support the ambition on ucts and services. The com-
manufacturing of pulp, to be stable and consistent raw Europe. The partnership pany produces steel, plastic
used as an anode material in material supply for anode between Stora Enso and more sustainable electrifica- and fibre drums, intermedi-
both lithium-ion and material manufacturing. Altris aims to support the tion,” said Juuso Konttinen, ate bulk containers, recondi-
sodium-ion batteries. It Lignode is developed in establishment of a European Senior VP & Head of tioned containers, flexible
serves as a more sustainable Stora Enso’s pilot plant in battery value chain, foster- Biomaterials Growth at Stora products, containerboard
alternative to current Kotka, Finland. Stora Enso ing the continent’s sustaina- Enso. and so on.
Ahlstrom completes EUR 2 Green Bay Packaging
million investment in Brazil expands operations
Ahlstrom has successfully Green Bay Packaging Inc.
completed a EUR 2 million (GBP) announced the suc-
investment for a new lamina- cessful acquisition of SMC
tor at its Louveira plant in Packaging Group based in
Brazil. Springfield, Missouri. The
According to Ahlstrom, transaction, which took
the investment marks a sig- place on May 31, 2024,
nificant expansion of its marks a significant mile-
product offerings in the stone for both companies.
South American market for Founded in 1972, SMC SMC Packaging Group
industrial air, industrial liq- Packaging Group has gar-
uid, and fuel filtration, nered an outstanding repu- ering quality products, cus-
including products currently tation for its innovative tomized solutions, and
produced in European and Investment for new lamination line at Louveira Plant in Brazil corrugated packaging solu- exceptional customer satis-
North American markets. supply chain management enhanced efficiency, tions. With over 50 years of faction.
“The new laminator prevents interruptions to the extended service intervals, growth, expansion, and “We are excited to unite
increases our manufacturing and reduced energy con- technological advancement, two well-established, fam-
ily-run businesses,” said Will
capabilities and brings supply stream, and shorter sumption of filtration units. SMC Packaging Group oper- Kress, Chairman and CEO
needed flexibility to supply transport distances reduce Laminated fuel filtration ates across multiple loca- of Green Bay Packaging.
our local customers with the carbon emissions and lower materials adapted for EURO tions in Missouri, Arkansas, “We look forward to the con-
best-in-class filtration solu- environmental impact.” 5 and EURO 6 standards and Oklahoma. Its Midwest tinued growth and success
tions,” said Andre Pereira, Combining filtration optimize fuel consumption roots instill a strong work of both SMC Packaging
Head of Sales, Filtration, materials by lamination and reduce the emissions of ethic, a commitment to Group and Green Bay
Latin America. “Efficient offers several advantages: harmful pollutants. safety, and a focus on deliv- Packaging.”
12 PrintWeek MENA June 2024