Page 22 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
P. 22

NEWS          GLOBAL

       IN BRIEF                                    ‘The Power to Move’:

       Contiweb LLC reported that
       Seaway Printing, based in
       Green Bay Wisconsin, has                    Canon at drupa 2024
       leveraged Contiweb’s lead-
       ing-edge non-stop winding
       technology to drive major                    At drupa 2024 (Messe                       enrich lives and businesses.
       productivity improvements
       in both their digital and off-              Düsseldorf, 28 May – 7 June                 The Core brings  to life
       set printing operations. For their offset operations, Seaway   2024, Hall 8a) under the   Canon’s ‘World Unseen’ ini-
       will be the first in the world to implement automatic splic-  theme ‘The Power to Move’,   tiative with the Royal
       ing on the Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106 8-color perfector   Canon highlighted key part-  National Institute of Blind
       using the Contiweb CB-N Non-Stop Unwinder and CutStar   nerships and initiatives that
       reel sheeter. Seaway Printing is a family-owned business   demonstrated the power of    People (RNIB) and invites
       with an excellent reputation in publication production and                              visitors to experience images,
       a focus on continuous operational improvement. The com-  collaboration to drive posi-  Canon’s ‘The Power to Move’  shot by renowned photogra-
       pany purchased their first inkjet press, an HP PageWide T250   tive change and create expe-  phers, in a unique and inclu-
       HD, with a single unwinder and rewinder. When they   riences that enrich lives and   variety of causes.  sive way. The ‘Printworks’
       moved to a new facility in 2024, the company decided to   businesses. In line with its   At the centre of the Canon
       invest in the Contiweb CD-N Non-Stop Unwinder with   Kyosei philosophy of living   stand was ‘The Core’, offer-  area of the Canon stand was
       automatic splicing and a Muller Martini SigmaLine Compact   and working together for the   ing visitors an immersive,   about ‘People, Planet and
       for the 22-inch continuous inkjet press.                                                What’s Possible’. This annual
                                                   common good, Canon was   multi-sensory exploration of
       ECO3 and eProductivity                      partnering with a number of   print’s emotional impact and  project saw Canon collabo-
       Software (ePS) are pleased                  businesses and charities and   how technology and exper-  rating with ‘The Drum’, a
       to announce a strategic                     will donate 20,000 books   tise converge to create imag-  global publisher for the mar-
       partnership that will push                                        ing  experiences that can
       automation in print pro-                    produced during drupa to a                  keting and media industries
       duction to the next level.
       With fully integrated and                   DALIM SOFTWARE  at drupa
       tailored workflow solu-
       tions, this collaboration
       will set a new benchmark in efficiency, unlocking more   DALIM SOFTWARE   across various formats and   ogy  investments, with a
       opportunities for growth. The new partnership harnesses   (, demon-  channels, businesses are fac-  focus on finding versatile,
       industry-leading prepress innovation from ECO3 and ePS to   strated its next-generation   ing unprecedented chal-  scalable solutions that can
       deliver an unparalleled workflow solution, seamlessly                                   be easily integrated and built
       incorporating every aspect of the entire production process.    platform, comprising the   lenges  in scaling their
       By creating certified end-to-end workflows, from customer   renowned DALIM ES and   operations to  meet  these   upon.
       and order acquisition, job and financial management, to   DALIM TWIST products, at  growing needs. Many organ-  Now, the ‘buy vs. build’
       production and postproduction, tailored to the specific                                 debate has taken centre
       needs of each customer, the partnership will empower   drupa 2024, stands Hall 16/  izations are finding that   stage, with integration capa-
       printers to succeed in a rapidly changing and complex mar-  A40 and Hall 7a/D01, dem-  their existing in-house   bilities and platform consoli-
       ket. With a unified user interface, customers will gain full   onstrating how businesses  developed solutions and leg-  dation becoming more
       control over their entire production.
                                                   can streamline their produc-  acy systems are limiting   crucial than ever.
       “It’s a very good solution                  tion operations for   their ability to expand their   Companies realise the need
       for flexo platemakers                       enhanced efficiency and   offerings and scale produc-  for highly flexible solutions
       looking to increase pro-                    scalability.          tion effectively. This realiza-  that offer an intuitive user
       duction efficiency by                        As the demand for con-  tion has led to a critical   experience and powerful
       switching to LED exposure
       from fluorescent technol-                   tent continues to skyrocket  evaluation of their technol-  automation capabilities.
       ogy at a very competitive
       cost,” is how  Adam
       Malengowski, Prepress Manager, for Polish flexo prepress   Miraclon and BOBST partnership
       trade shop Fleksograf studio prepress, describes his experi-
       ence with the Shine LED Lamp Kit, innovated by Miraclon. In   Miraclon and BOBST have   Germany have been able to
       fact, the company was so satisfied with its experience as a   reinforced their strategic   see FLEXCEL NX plates in
       beta site for the new technology that it promptly installed   partnership, with Miraclon
       a second Shine LED Lamp Kit at a second production facility.   named as the plate technol-  action after we installed a
       By utilizing customers’ existing fluorescent exposure   ogy partner in BOBST’s new      FLEXCEL  NX  System  in
       frames, the Shine LED Lamp Kit is a simple, cost-effective
       route to the advantages of LED, retrofitted in the field in a   Competence Center in    2019. Our strategic relation-
       few hours — around three, in the case of Fleksograf studio   Atlanta. Officially opening   ship underscores both com-
       prepress. Benefits include consistent, predictable intensity   this week, the center is home   Their strategic partnership  panies’ commitment to
       over a much longer operating life (up to 5,000 hours com-  to a FLEXCEL NX System
       pared to 800 hours for fluorescent tubes), faster exposure   and FLEXCEL NX Ultra   Marketing Officer, Miraclon,   enabling our customers and
       times (by 20% or more), and enhanced sustainability due   Processing Solution to sup-  said, “We’ve been collaborat-  partners to achieve their effi-
       to reduced waste and less power consumed. On press, the   port BOBST’s goal to pro-  ing closely with BOBST since   ciency, sustainability and
       increased plate consistency leads to more efficient printing.   duce plates that maximize   our partnership in Europe
       Fleksograf studio prepress operates across two production   the performance of their   started more than eight years   quality goals with some of the
       sites, in Druzyna, Wagrowiec, producing high-quality flexo   presses.   ago. Visitors to the Bobst   best technology and exper-
       plates for European wide-web packaging customers.
                                                    Emma Weston, Chief   Bielefeld Demo Center in   tise in the industry.”
      22 PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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