Page 16 - PWM2024_November EBook
P. 16


      Stora Enso to acquire Finnish                                                            Kemira plans
                                                                                               to close site

      sawmill company                                                                          plans to consolidate some
                                                                                                Kemira today announced
                                                                                               Pulp & Paper chemical pro-
                                                                                               duction in North America,
         Stora Enso has entered                                          ment. It will also further   resulting in the closure of a
      into an agreement to                                               enhance operational effi-  manufacturing site in
      acquire 100% of the Finnish                                        ciency and optimise the   Vancouver, Canada. The
      s a w m ill  c o m p a n y                                         Oulu production site and   Vancouver site produces pro-
      Junnikkala Oy. This acquisi-                                       sawmills as an integrated   cess and functional chemi-
      tion aims to secure a cost-                                        unit, while also strengthen-  cals for the Pulp & Paper
      efficient wood supply to                                                                 segment. The planned con-
      Stora Enso’s packaging                                             ing our wood products offer-  solidation is expected to
      board site in Oulu, Finland,                                       ing,” says Hans Sohlström,   impact approximately five
      and to support Stora Enso’s                                        Stora Enso’s President and   employees.
      wood products business   The acquisition aims to secure a cost-efficient wood supply  CEO. The transaction will   Kemira said it expects pro-
      with new production assets.                                        strengthen the Group’s   duction at the Vancouver site
      The total enterprise value   2025.Junnikkala  Oy  is a   grated board site in Oulu   wood supply operations and   to end during the first half of
      (EV) for the transaction is   Finnish producer of sawn   through long-term supply of   reinforce its position in saw-
      up to EUR 137 million, a sig-  timber and processed wood   raw materials such as wood   log and pulpwood sourcing   2025, and will move it to
      nificant part of it being con-  products for domestic and   chips, pulpwood and inter-  in the Baltic Rim wood mar-  Kemira’s Washougal,
                                                   nally sourced biomass going
      tingent upon achieving   export markets. It operates   from the sawmills to the   ket. Stora Enso’s annual   Washington site, where
      specific production mile-  three sawmills in Finland   Oulu site.  wood procurement in   Kemira already produces
      stones.               including its new state-of-  “We are preparing for the             process and functional chem-
        The transaction is subject   the-art sawmill, less than 10   start-up of our new con-  Finland will hence increase   icals. The intended move is
      to customary closing condi-  kilometres from the Stora   verted packaging board line   by approximately 1.7 million   expected to streamline oper-
      tions including regulatory   Enso Oulu site. The   in Oulu and this acquisition   m3 and the Group’s total   ational efficiency in Kemira’s
      approvals, and is expected   acquired sawmills will cre-  will establish a solid founda-  saw-milling capacity by   North American operations
      to close in the first half of   ate synergies with the inte-  tion for our wood procure-  approximately 700,000 m3.  as per marketing conditions.
      Georgetown Mill Supply                                             Cascades announces

      Agreement terminated                                               role changes

        Sylvamo and International                                         Cascades Inc. announced
      Paper are mutually terminat-                                       organizational changes
      ing a supply agreement for                                         designed to support the
      uncoated freesheet, bristols                                       company’s strategic growth
      and specialty papers at the                                        by strengthening alignment,
      G e orgetow n , S out h                                            increasing agility, improv-
      Carolina, mill. The agree-                                         ing execution and accelerat-
      ment will terminate Dec. 31,                                       ing decision making within
      2024.                                                              the organization. These   Organisational changes
        Sylvamo is successfully                                          changes will take effect on
      transitioning many paper                                           November 11.          Tissue group, has been
      grades from Georgetown to                                           These changes will com-  appointed to the position of
      its Ticonderoga, New York,                                         bine its containerboard and   Executive Vice-President,
      and Eastover, South   The agreement will be terminated on December 31, 2024  specialty products (SPG)   Packaging. He has worked
      Carolina, mills to continue   support our customers   “Looking ahead, we are con-  activities into a single opera-  in each of the company’s
      supplying customers.   through this transition and   fident in our future and our   tional unit. This combina-  three groups since joining
      International Paper has   will retain the most profita-  strategy to grow earnings   t i o n  w i l l  u n i t e  the company in 1997. Tardiff
      announced plans to discon-  ble  pro duc t s  f rom   and cash flow by continuing   Containerboard Packaging’s   holds a bachelor’s degree in
      tinue operations at the   Georgetown, reducing eco-  to invest in high-return pro-  network and strike force   mechanical  engineering
      Georgetown mill.      nomic downtime in our mill   jects in our mills and pro-  with SPG’s agility and game   and an MBA.  Cascades also
        “We have been preparing   system and improving our   cesses.”    changing innovation. Jean-  announced  that  Jérôme
      for this possibility since our   mix,”  said  Jean-Michel   More details are available   David Tardif, currently   Porlier has been appointed
      2 021 spi nof f f rom   Ribiéras, Chairman and   in a presentation available at   President and Chief   to the position of Executive
      International Paper. We will   Chief Executive Officer.  Operating Officer of the   Vice-President, Tissue.
      14 PrintWeek MENA November 2024                                                   
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