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      Star product
      Uchida AeroDieCut

      A B3 die-cutter that mixes the benefits of conventional technology with modern automation
                                                                                     formed creases and can handle real
                                                                                     embossing, because of the counter-form
                                                                                     that goes underneath the sheet,” he says.
                                                                                     Horizon’s RD-N4055DM rotary die-cut-
                                                                                     ter does have provision for a counter die
                                                                                     on the impression cylinder, but it costs a
                                                                                     lot more.

                                                                                     How does it work?
                                                                                       The AeroDieCut has top and bottom
                                                                                     plates, each with pressure applied by a
                                                                                     roller, which Uchida says makes it qui-
                                                                                     eter than traditional platens. The roller
                                                                                     pressure is set by a large hand screw for
                                                                                     each. The official stock weight range of
                                                                                     120-400gsm ties in with most digital
                                                                                     presses, but something heavier would be
                                                                                     handy for small box work by  litho.
                                                                                     Blakemore says that the first user in the
                                                                                     UK, Healeys in Ipswich, has been getting
                                                                                     up to 600gsm in practice, so the official
      What does it do?                                delayed its appearance in the UK.   specs are likely to change.
        This is a fully automated B3 format die-      Morgana, which sells other Uchida prod-  The plywood die forme is mounted on
      cutting, creasing and embossing platen   Maximum speed   ucts including the AeroCut and AeroCut   the top plate with the rules facing down,
      that uses traditional plywood-mounted   1,000sph  X multi-finishers, announced the UK dis-  while a metal counter-plate goes on the
      dies with metal rules. It’s compact, quiet      tributorship in March but its first public   bottom. For cutting-only work that’s all
      and runs off a 13amp plug. It takes dies   Multiple-up   appearance was at the Print Show in   that is needed, but for creasing and
      with the standard letterpress type height   repeats Up to 5 per   September. It’s available for delivery.   embossing a thin resilient plastic counter
      that you’ll find in old Heidelberg   sheet       According to Gavin Blakemore,   matrix is attached to the plate. Most die
      Windmill-type clamshell platens and             Morgana’s UK national sales manager,   makers can supply the counter sheet
      converted letterpress cylinders, so any   Die board size   the target markets include current users   ready to mount. There’s a choice of steel
      die-maker can supply them. The price   350x550mm  of small converted letterpress die-cut-  or aluminium counter plate – aluminium
      depends on the length and complexity of   Die board thickness   ters, who may be finding that skilled   is cheaper and less durable, but not so
      the rules, but £150 would be typical   18mm     operators are retiring and new ones pre-  critical for the pressure setting. Small
      according to UK distributor Morgana.            fer the automation and easy setup of the
      Unusually, there’s an automated step-  Cutting rule height   AeroDieCut. He says it’s also attractive to   multi-up jobs (such as tickets or busines
      and-repeat facility so a small die pattern   23.3-23.8mm  small printers, often all-digital SRA3   cards) can be set up with smaller dies at
      can be duplicated along the sheet length        press users, that haven’t had in-house   one end, with the machine able to step
      in the same pass.                Max paper size   die-cutting at all until now.    the sheet to repeat them up to five times
        Unlike the straight-line cuts, creases   365x515mm  “At this price point it’s an alternative to   along the length. There’s a ‘tri-suction’
      and perforations of multi-finishers, dies   Maximum finishing   some of the cutting and slitting multi-   sheet feeder with an ultra-sonic sensor
      allow production of complex shapes such   size 310x485mm  finishers,” he says. “It’s not for high-  for double feed detection, and a cut-mark
      as small boxes, angles, round corners,          speed, high-throughout work.”  sensor to compensate for lengthways
      tear-off perforated coupons, as well as   Stock range 120-  It’s also a much lower-priced alterna-  image shift on the sheet. Delivery can be
      true embossing.                  400gsm         tive to the small rotary die-cutters that   to an optional conveyor with separator,
                                                      have been introduced in recent years by   which allows for waste to fall into a catch
      When was it launched and what’s   Footprint 2.7x1m  Morgana (whose RDC is about £60,000   bin.
      the target market?               Power Single-  compared to the AeroDieCut’s £39,995)   All job settings are entered through a
                                       phase, 400W
        Uchida is a Japanese manufacturer.            and Duplo (the PFI Di-Cut 310), says   10cm colour touchscreen with several
      The AeroDieCut was launched in Europe           Blakemore. “Unlike the rotary machines,  menu layers. Up to 100 jobs can be stored
      in 2019 but the disruption from Covid           the AeroDieCut produces properly   in the memory.
                  “This is a fully automated B3 format die- cutting, creasing and embossing platen.”                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 29
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