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      Star product

      Tecnau BookReady

      A novel cut-and-stack solution helps reduce labour requirements, says Simon Eccles

                                                                                     printer speed is maximised and book of one
                                                                                     is made possible.
                                                                                       Book blocks are cut, stacked, offset-sepa-
                                                                                     rated and delivered to a belt conveyor ready
                                                                                     for the next finishing process. “As the book
                                                                                     blocks or stacks are produced with a single
                                                                                     cross-cutting blade, for 1-up, and single slit-
                                                                                     ting blade for 2-up, the book blocks or
                                                                                     stacks are suitable for producing perfect-
                                                                                     bound books or saddle- stitched booklets or
                                                                                     any other binding style that has a three-
                                                                                     knife trimmer to finish the book or book-
                                                                                     let,” Seaber says.
                                                                                       For example, from the IFS range, the
                                                                                     Tecnau Libra 800 Variable Binding System
                                                                                     can be configured with a book block con-
      What does it do?                                6000 series printer.           veyor input channel, and the Horizon
        This is a very compact, automated and          So far the BookReady can only be used   BQ-500 iCE binder has an optional LBF-
      integrated inline cut and stack solution        with that Canon model and there are no   500 loose-sheet book block feeder which
      built by Tecnau to work with the Canon          immediate plans to adapt it for anything   can automatically process and feed single
      VarioPrint 6000 Titan cut sheet black-  Specifications  else, according to Jason Seaber, technical  book blocks (loose-leaf, glued or sewn book
      and-white digital toner presses.   Paper weights   sales director at Tecnau’s UK distributor   blocks).
        It can create 1-up or 2-up separated   70-350gsm  Intelligent Finishing Systems.   The Tecnau BookReady requires no
      book blocks or stacks from a sheet sizes         “There is no near-line version of the   waste bin or waste extraction as no waste is
      between B3 down to a minimum of   Input width 203-  Tecnau BookReady, however, Tecnau does   produced with the cross-cutting blade and
      203x203mm, running at the printer’s full   350mm  offer a near-line cut sheet cut and stack   single slitting blade.
      speed if required.                              solution called Stack 1010 NL, which is   An optional Tecnau SheetFeeder VP
        Canon claims that the VarioPrint 6000   Input length 203-  configured with a high-pile sheet feeder,”   6000 roll feed system can be fitted to the
      series, introduced in 2017 (Printweek   500mm   Seaber says. “There is also an inline version   press to give significant savings on paper
      Star Product:, is still the   Output length   of this, Tecnau Stack 1010, for the Canon
      fastest cut sheet mono digital press avail-  317.5mm  VarioPrint iX series of cut sheet colour   costs, by producing odd-sized sheets from
      able, thanks to the Océ-developed               inkjet presses.”               rolls.
      Gemini technology that prints both sides   Output min 1-up:                    How productive is it?
      simultaneously. This allows a top speed   203x127mm; 2-up:   How does it work?
      of 328 A4ppm on the VarioPrint 6330   127x127mm  The BookReady is fitted inline with the   It has been designed not to slow down the
      model, and it is said to produce litho-         VarioPrint 6000 press and is controlled via  printer. Therefore, when used with the
      quality print with flat output. Canon also   Cross cuts Single for   the Canon front end. This is the first inline   flagship VarioPrint 6330, the BookReady
      highlights low power consumption and   1-up and 2-up  cutting and stacking solution to be natively   has a speed of up to 328ipm, including aver-
      noise with minimal ozone emissions.   Stack height 250mm   fully integrated with the VarioPrint 6000   age monthly print volumes of up to 10 mil-
      There are four models with different   for about 2,000   Titan using Canon’s PrismaSync workflow   lion images. You can print all your book or
      maximum speeds.                  sheets         for set up and control. The BookReady is   booklet applications using larger sheet sizes
                                                      essentially part of the Canon printing sys-
      When was it launched and what mar-              tem, rather than being an add-on finishing   such as B3, SRA3 or A3-plus maximises
      ket is it aimed at?                             device, with more simple stop/start, ready/  productivity compared with smaller input
        The BookReady was launched at the end         not ready signals.             sheet sizes such as B4, SRA4 or A4-plus.
      of September 2022. It’s intended for the         BookReady can be equipped with an   What’s the price?
      production of mono blocks for near-line         automatic 90-degree turning station to
      binding or stitching to produce books or        rotate 2-up imposed sheets from long-edge   It starts at £99,000, on top of the
      booklets, in conjunction with a VarioPrint      leading to short-edge leading, so that   VarioPrint 6000 printer.
                            “The BookReady was launched at the end of September 2022.”

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