Page 3 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
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      Konica Minolta at GPP Saudi Arabia

        Konica Minolta Middle                                             Konica Minolta’s partici-  about Konica Minolta’s par-
      East, a leader in the print                                        pation in Gulf Print and   ticipation  and  offerings,
      and embellishment pro-                                             Pack 2025 will also facilitate   visit  their  website  www.
      vider, is set to participate in                                    valuable interactions with, or join
      Gulf Print and Pack 2025,                                          industry leaders and poten-  them at Gulf Print and Pack
      taking place from January                                          tial partners. The event will   2025 in Riyadh.
      14-16, 2025, in Riyadh,                                            provide critical insights into   Konica Minolta, Inc.
      Saudi Arabia. This event is                                        market trends, allowing the
      one  of  the  region’s  most                                       company to adapt and inno-  President and CEO,
      prominent trade exhibi-                                            vate in response to customer   Toshimitsu Taiko, recently
      tions, serving as a crucial                                        demands and industry shifts.  visited the company’s
      platform for industry profes-                                       Konica Minolta Business   Middle East office in Dubai
      sionals to explore the latest   Konica Minolta Middle East is set to participate in GPP 2025, KSA  Solutions Middle East’s   as part of his global tour of
      trends and technologies in                                         presence at Gulf Print and   Konica Minolta affiliates.
      printing and packaging.  meet the evolving needs of   improves the overall effi-  Pack 2025 underscores its   This visit underscored his
        Gulf Print and Pack 2025   the industry.   ciency of printing opera-  commitment to driving   commitment to direct com-
      will gather leading compa-  Visitors  to  the  Konica   tions. With an increasing   innovation in the print sec-  munication with regional
      nies, experts, and decision-  Minolta booth can expect a   emphasis on sustainability   tor. As the company contin-  teams and highlights the
      makers from across the   diverse range of products,   within the industry, Konica   ues to expand its footprint in   strategic importance of the
      region, providing network-  including high-performance  Minolta will highlight its   the region, its participation   Middle East market in
      ing and idea exchange   digital printing systems,   eco-friendly initiatives. The   in this prestigious event
      opportunities. Konica   automated workflows, and   company is dedicated to   reaffirms its role as a leader   Konica Minolta’s global
      Minolta is excited to show-  advanced colour and print   minimizing its environmen-  in providing advanced solu-  operations. He outlined his
      case its commitment to sus-  solutions. The company will  tal impact through sustaina-  tions that address the   expectations for Konica
      tainability and innovation by   demonstrate how its tech-  ble practices and solutions,   dynamic needs of today’s   Minolta’s participation in
      presenting its latest cutting-  nology enhances productiv-  aligning with global trends   marketplace.  the upcoming Gulf Print &
      edge solutions designed to   ity, reduces waste, and  toward greener operations.  For more information   Pack (GPP) 2025.

      Wellcare unveils flagship UV Printer from Keundo at SGI Dubai

        Wellcare Advertising                                                     and Foiling. This was one of   keeping pace—they are lead-
      Solutions LLC participated                                         the major attractions of the   ing the charge toward the
      in the 27th edition of SGI                                         show. Also we launched the   future. For businesses look-
      Dubai held from 24th to                                            Unifol products which is   ing to tap into this thriving
      26th of September at the                                           now coming under the   market,  SGI  Dubai 2024
      Dubai World Trade Centre.                                                                offered a unique gateway to
      Godwin Joseph, Executive                                           Fedrigoni group, Italy.
      Director of Wellcare                                               Wellcare is opening our new   connect with high-calibre
      Advertising Solutions LLC,                                         branch at Dammam, Saudi   audiences and explore
      said: “SGI Dubai is the old-                                       Arabia.”              immense new growth oppor-
      est exhibition event in the                                         This year’s SGI Dubai   tunities. From advanced 3D
      Middle East region for the                                         placed a spotlight on the   printing to metal cutting and
      Sign and Graphics Industry.   Wellcare Advertising Solutions participated in SGI Dubai 2024  Middle East and Africa, two   textile printing, SGI Dubai
      We had visitors from all                                           regions rapidly emerging as   2024 discuss the industry’s
      Middle East countries,   printing, cutting, and finish-  new customers under one   pivotal hubs in the global   future trends. The event
      Africa, India etc along with   ing solutions. All our   roof and give demo for vari-  printing and signage indus-  helped generate new conver-
      the local crowd. Also, we   machines were with the   ous machines.
      were able to meet principals   most modern technology   “We have launched the   tries. With a massive growth   sations, insights, and busi-
      of various factories from dif-  and designed to suit the vari-  flagship  UV  Printer from   in infrastructure projects,   ness relationships that have
      ferent parts of the world.   ous need of our customers.            retail developments, and   the potential to shape the
        “Wellcare was able to   SGI gives us the opportunity   Keundo with Fluorescent   technological adoption,   next chapter of this dynamic
      exhibit the whole range of   to bring all our existing and   Inks, 3D Embossed Printing   these markets are not just   sector.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and   ditor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced p Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.thout the written permission of the publishers.                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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