Page 5 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
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        BRIEFS                                     FUJIFILM receives

       Technology giant Epson
       has established Epson
       META-CWA, a new sales
       c om pa ny to  ser ve                       Excellence Award
       busi ne ss e s and
       consumers within one of
       the world’s most dynamic regions for technology adoption,   FUJIFILM has been
       with operations set to begin in October 2024. Headquartered   awarded the Customer
       in Dubai, the new operation reflects the immense potential   Excellence Partnership
       that Epson sees across the Middle East, Türkiye, Africa, and   Award by Dubai Chambers.
       Central & West Asia (META-CWA). The new regional operation   The recognition highlights
       is being led by Neil Colquhoun, as President for Epson META-  the technology giant’s com-
       CWA, who has spent more than a decade with the company.   mitment to delivering out-
       “At Epson, we take pride in what we design, manufacture,   standing service and
       and deliver. This expansion into the Middle East, Türkiye,   fostering strong partner-
       Africa, and Central & West Asia represents more than just   ships.
       business growth – it’s about connecting with the heart of
       local needs and delivering technology that empowers   “We are grateful to Dubai   Customer Excellence Partnership Award by Dubai Chambers
       people and businesses, all while caring for the planet and   Chambers for this honour
       building a more sustainable future,” notes Colquhoun.   and look forward to contin-  Film Co. Ltd. FUJIFILM   nologies in the field of photo
       “Moreover, this structure will give our talented on-ground   ued collaboration and suc-  MEA performs its operations   imaging.
       teams even greater opportunity to support the continued   cess together,” said   of medical systems, graphic   In line with its efforts to
       business growth with local partners.”       FUJIFILM.             systems, device technology,   become a comprehensive
                                                    Dubai-based FUJIFILM   electronic imaging, photo   healthcare company,
       The Emirates Publishers                     Middle East & Africa is a sub-  imaging, optical devices,
       Association (EPA) has                       sidiary of FUJIFILM   recording media, and indus-  Fujifilm is now applying
       signed a memorandum                         Holdings Corporation,   trial products in various   these technologies to the pre-
       of understanding (MoU)                                            offices throughout the   vention, diagnosis, and treat-
       wit h Ne tw or k                            Tokyo, Japan. The company                   ment of diseases in the
       International, a leading                    was founded in 1934 as a pro-  Middle East and Africa.
       enabler of digital                          ducer of photographic film   The company has built up   Medical and Life Science
       commerce in the Middle                      under the name Fuji Photo   a wealth of advanced tech-  fields.
       East and Africa, to offer
       advanced digital payment solutions to UAE publishers. This   Canon conducts ‘Women Who
       partnership aims to streamline the sales process of their
       publications and reduce financial overheads. The
       effective rates on both local and international payment  Empower’ Campaign
       agreement will enable publishers to benefit from cost-
       cards, along with reduced fees on online sales transactions.
       Additionally, it will facilitate seamless and secure payment   Canon Middle East cele-
       processing leveraging Network International’s payment   brated its third award this
       solutions in the UAE. EPA Executive Director Rashid Al Kous   month, winning the Bronze
       highlighted that this initiative aligns with the Association’s   medal at the 24th Gulf
       goals to advance the publishing sector in the UAE.   Sustainability Awards for
                                                   ‘Best Learning and
       The Dubai Exhibition                        Educational Programme’, as
       Centre (DEC) is all set to                  part of its ‘Women Who
       become the largest                          Empower’ campaign. The
       indoor exhibition and                       award is on a mission to rec-
       events destination by                                             The programme included printing, photography, and content creation as its three modules
       2031. This comes in the                     ognize, reward, and pro-
       wake of the Dh10 billion                    m o te  o u ts ta n di n g   Business Women Council   Canon Emirates' role is to
       ($2.72 billion) master plan being approved by HH Sheikh   sustainability initiatives   (DBWC), a leading platform   consolidate and reinforce
       Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and   across the Middle East.  in the UAE for the personal   Canon's position in the
       Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. On completion   Aligning with the compa-  and professional develop-  region through an inte-
       the DEC will become the largest purpose-built indoor events   ny’s core value of a human-  ment of business women.  grated structure. The com-
       and exhibitions venue in the region. The expansion of the   centric approach, Canon   The initiative embodies
       venue will be carried out in 3 phases: phase 1 will be   presented its workshop   Canon’s unwavering dedica-  pany is responsible for
       completed by 2026, and phase 2 by 2028. The final phase,   series ‘Women Who   tion to uplift and support   Canon Business Solutions in
       expected to be completed by 2031, will increase the total   Empower’. The programme   women in the print and   the UAE  and all  related
       indoor exhibition space to 180,000 square metres featuring        imaging industries through   activities. Canon Emirates'
       26 halls. The inaugural edition of FESPA Middle East was   included printing, photogra-  presence  is an  important
       successfully launched at the DEC with the support of Dubai   phy, and content creation as   webinars, mentorship
       World Trade Centre’s proactive team helmed by its Vice   its three modules. The cam-  opportunities, and network-  step towards the realization
       President Mahir Abdulkarim Julfar.          paign was conducted in col-  ing events.    of Canon's potential in the
                                                   laboration with the Dubai   Established in 2007,   UAE.                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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