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      27th edition of SGI Dubai ends on a

      high note

      S       and graphic imaging expo, concluded its 27th edition with
               GI Dubai 2024, the Middle East and Africa’s largest signage

              record-breaking success. The event, which took place from
              September 24th to 26th at the Dubai World Trade Centre,
              attracted several global print and signage leaders and wel-
      comed visitors from 100 countries. The expo was buzzing from the
      moment the doors opened until the final hour, solidifying SGI Dubai’s
      position as one of the key players in the US$27.85 billion global print
      equipment market.
        This year’s event showcased the latest in large-format printing, textile
      printing, LED technology, digital signage, precision cutting machines,
      metal cutting, and other industry-leading technologies. Exhibitors dis-
      played a wide array of products, from high-performance printing equip-
      ment to cuttingedge visual communication tools. Notably, a significant
      number of exhibitors reported selling a majority of their machines right
      from the exhibition floor, underscoring the serious buying interest and
      commercial success of the event.
        Live demonstrations, particularly in car wrapping, became one of the
      standout attractions, captivating audiences and demonstrating the crea-
      tive potential of the industry. These dynamic showcases highlighted the
      precision, speed, and flexibility of modern printing technology, attract-  and enhanced sustainability, responding to the growing market demand for
      ing substantial attention from business owners and industry influencers
      alike.                                                  greener solutions. “SGI Dubai is not just a trade show, it’s a powerful mar-
        One of the show’s unique features was the Wall of Fame, where exhib-  ketplace for ideas, technology, and business growth,” Falaknaz added.
      itors displayed their most creative and visually striking artworks. This   “As the Middle East and Africa continue to emerge as critical hubs for the
      vibrant space became a focal point for visitors, showcasing innovative   global printing and signage industries, SGI Dubai will remain at the fore-
      designs and techniques that demonstrated the limitless potential of   front of this transformation. We are already looking ahead to SGI Dubai
      large-format printing, vehicle graphics, textile printing, and more. The
      Wall of Fame gave exhibitors a platform to highlight their artistic   2025, where we aim to deliver an even larger, more impactful event for the
      achievements, while also inspiring attendees with the latest trends in   industry.”
      visual design.                                           Team SGI Dubai added: “SGI Dubai 2024 once again proved its impor-
        Abdulrahman Falaknaz, President of International Expo Consults,   tance as a critical platform for exhibitors to expand their business networks,
      expressed his enthusiasm about this year’s achievements: “SGI Dubai   build relationships, and close deals that will shape the future of the printing
      2024 exceeded expectations on every front. From packed halls to exhib-  and signage sectors. As we look ahead to the future, we are excited to
      itors reporting strong sales, the event solidified its role as the go-to plat-  announce that SGI Dubai 2025 will be even bigger and better, bringing
      form for printing, signage, and visual communication solutions. The car   together the most cutting-edge technologies, insights, and opportunities
      wrapping demonstrations, creative displays on the Wall of Fame, and   that will continue to shape the printing and signage industry. We would love
      the cutting-edge technologies showcased across the floor demonstrated
      the immense potential and creativity within the industry. The curated   to welcome you back and continue this journey of growth and innovation
      leads generated at the show will certainly keep our exhibitors busy until   with us! We look forward to seeing you in 2025.”
      the next edition. We are thrilled to have hosted visitors from 100 coun-  Her Excellency Mona Ghanem Al Marri, Vice Chairperson and Managing
      tries, reflecting SGI Dubai’s global reach.”            Director of the Dubai Media Council, and Director General of the
        The event brought together professionals from sign-making, print   Government of Dubai Media Office, inaugurated the 27th edition of SGI
      production, digital signage, promotional companies, media agencies,   Dubai, the Middle East and Africa’s largest sign and graphic imaging expo.
      real estate developers, and many other sectors. They experienced first-  Her Excellency Mona Al Marri was briefed about the innovative products
      hand the innovations driving the next wave of industry evolution,   and technologies redefining the printing and advertising industry, displayed
      including highresolution printers, and precision cutting tools. Exhibitors   at the event, including solutions for traditional and digital billboards, retail
      presented breakthrough technologies such as advanced eco-friendly tex-  banners, public advertisements, road ads, and digital printing. She said that
      tile printers, digital signage solutions that are redefining advertising,   Dubai’s growing status as a global economic hub is driving the printing and
      and state-of-the-art LED displays tailored for the retail and outdoor mar-  advertising industry’s growth, creating new growth opportunities for com-
      kets. These technologies offer faster turnaround times, cost efficiencies,
                                                              panies in the sector across the region.
      06  PrintWeek MENA October 2024                                                    
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