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CGS unveils resin proofing Innotech
Digital’s deal
press in collab with Mutoh ised an exclusive distribu-
Innotech Digital has final-
tion agreement with Heytex
Bramsche to supply its side
CGS Oris has unveiled a strate, lack colour accuracy
brand-new resin inkset, to and overall print quality. curtains for trucks and trail-
be sold with Mutoh’s VJ They also typically have a ers in the UK. The high-
628MP and upcoming very offensive smell, con- quality banner materials are
1628MH inkjet presses. The trary to resin inks, which are available in 900gsm and in
inkset, released at the end of non-toxic and odourless.” 2.5m and 3m widths and are
June as part of the Real The inks comprise part of specifically designed for use
Substrate Proof package, the total €35,000 (£30,000) as truck curtains. The print-
was designed to allow pack- package, which includes the able side curtains are
aging converters to produce Collab with Mutoh provides software, press and inks for proofing Mutoh VJ 628MP inkjet claimed to be the industry’s
proofs that mimic the final press and requisite Flex Pack first material for trucks and
product as closely as possi- tions, it is highly important ing thin flexibles, shrink and side curtains to be designed
ble. Heiner Müller, CGS to not only match the col- IML film, as well as solid software. The Real Substrate for Latex print, although it is
Oris’ packaging sales direc- ours and print quality of the carton and corrugated Proof package, already avail- also printable with solvent
tor, said resin (latex) inks final product, but to retain board. Developed for a wide able in Europe and parts of and UV inks.
gave superior results com- the tactile properties to give gamut, with orange, green Asia, will expand in July to Side curtains from the
pared to older methods of a customer an exact replica- and blue inks, it is intended include Mutoh’s upcoming Heycargo range are available
proof printing, such as print- tion of the final product.” for high-density printing. European launch of the in more than 17 different
ing onto proofing paper, The new inkset, CGS Müller added: “UV inks 1628MH hybrid press. It is colours from stock. Any col-
using transfers or printing claimed, is highly stretcha- will not deliver the same available through CGS our can also be manufac-
with UV inks. He said: “For ble, and able to print on a results, as they create a ‘plas- directly as well as through its tured to the customer’s
many packaging applica- variety of substrates, includ- tic’ layer of ink on the sub- distributor network. requirements.
Ricoh releases first details of a Antalis relaunches
new flagship digital press Conqueror range
Ricoh has released the first Antalis has relaunched
details of a new digital press the historic Conqueror
that will wrest its flagship paper range as part of its
toner crown from the Pro revamp of the former
C9200 range when it’s Arjowiggins brands the mer-
launched next month. chanting group acquired last
According to the Japanese year.The Conqueror brand
manufacturer, its new Ricoh dates back to 1888 and in its
Pro C9500 builds on many of heyday was a byword for
the proven technologies of its The C9500’s headline speeds of 115ppm as standard or 135ppm quality letterheads. Antalis Conqueror dates back to 1888
predecessor, while also fea- acquired it in a £1.5m deal
turing a series of significant tures a new operating sys- ise their business effective- along with Olin, whites and off-white shades
automation advances that tem, Ricoh GC OS, that ness and return on Keaykolour, Rives and had been “meticulously ana-
combine to boost productiv- offers improved operating investment through a range Pop’Set and associated lysed and scrupulously
ity. The C9500’s headline and maintenance functions of value-added software stock. The merchant worked matched to ensure absolute
speeds of 115ppm as standard accessible through an options, including Ricoh with former Arjowiggins continuity of the world-
or 135ppm with a field speed onboard larger GUI screen or TotalFlow Supervisor, manufacturing director renowned range”.
upgrade, match those of the remotely via a tablet or PC. TotalFlow Production Angus MacSween and Neil The smooth Conqueror
C9200 and C9210 respec- Simon Isaacs, national Manager and FusionPro.” Strain, who was technical CX22 grade is available in
tively, as does its 1,260mm director, Ricoh UK Graphic The cut-sheet engine’s director at Stoneywood mill three whites, and in weights
long-sheet capabilities, but it Communications Group, inline quality control has also on the revamp. The paper is from 90-350gsm. Conqueror
can handle a broader range of said the Pro C9500 repre- been upgraded. It’s based on now made at an unnamed Laid is also available in three
substrate weights – sented “a leap forward in the a new Auto Color Diagnosis mill in Europe. whites with additional oys-
40-470gsm – than its prede- evolution of production tech- Unit (ACDU) that automates Antalis said the refreshed ter, vellum and cream
cessor’s 52-470.However, nology. Its capabilities will output quality, registration, range was made to the same shades, and weights of
the four-colour device fea- enable our clients to maxim- and colour management. exacting standards, and the 90-400gsm.
14 PrintWeek MENA September 2023