Page 19 - PWM2023_SEPTEMBER
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Kocher + Beck’s plans for UPM scores
Labelexpo Europe 2023 UPM with a platinum score
EcoVadis has recognized
based on the company’s sus-
tainability performance in
Kocher+Beck has part- for smaller exhibition the following four categories:
nered with Inspired Print spaces, allowing for even Environment, Labour and
Solutions to create its stand more flexibility. human rights, Ethics and
for Labelexpo 2023 using Sustainable procurement.
sustainable materials. The Tracey McCarthy, group Only one per cent of the
stand will be reused over marketing manager said 100,000 global companies
several shows in a bid to “The entire K+B family is assessed received platinum.
reduce the carbon footprint taking seriously the issue of UPM’s score 87/100 was one
of the company. sustainability. We have all of the highest in the manu-
Traditionally, companies seen the reports on the news facture of pulp, paper and
would either rent a stand or and must all play our part to paperboard industry.
build a bespoke stand for reduce our impact on our ‘Compared to last year, our
each event, which is not only Kocher + Beck plans sustainable stand for Labelexpo Europe 2023 planet.” carbon score improved
cost-prohibitive and time- “Combined with our dedi- most,’ said Sami Lundgren,
consuming but unsustaina- £2M (USD 2.5M) worth of content. Fixtures that are cated group Project 1.5 team vice president, responsibility,
ble. A study conducted by timber alone was used once not manufactured from sus- we have approached the UPM. ‘We are extremely
Ecobooth found that and thrown away in 127 tainable materials will be build, design, and reuse of proud that our climate
100,000 tonnes of waste events. repurposed for 2025 and our Labelexpo stand in the change related management
were burnt or sent to land- All materials on the 2027. most sustainable way possi- and strong decarbonization
fills from the UK events Kocher+Beck stand are Kocher+Beck will use the ble and with the support of ambition with approved
industry in one year alone. either FSC forestry accred- stand at Labelexpo 2023 and IPS we plan to improve on Science Based Targets were
Isla’s temperature check ited, recyclable, or manufac- reuse it in 2025 and 2027. this each future shows,” recognized with Leader sta-
2022-2023 estimated that tured from recyclable The stand is easily scalable McCarthy added. tus.’
Label Life by UPM Raflatac Beontag to make
verified by Dekra Labelexpo debut
Beontag, a manufacturer
UPM Raflatac has of self-adhesives and smart
received a new certificate of tags such as RFID and NFC,
validity from leading inter- will take part in Labelexpo
national assurance service Europe for the first time.
provider, Dekra, for its
Label Life service.This new Beontag will showcase its
certificate confers validity complete portfolio, with a
to the LCA calculation strong emphasis on sustaina-
engine and the whole pro- ble products. The company
cess of generating LCAs at will showcase new technolo-
scale. As a result, customers UPM Raflatac has received a new certificate of validity from Dekra gies made from recycled
wanting to communicate declaration, based on exist- ‘With global regulations materials, like PCR-coated Labelexpo Europe 2023 debut
their potential impact in ing standards and norms. increasingly targeting envi- paper and liner rPet. The ously invest in solutions that
the labeling value chain can Generated by the newly ronmental reporting, credi- company will also display lin- enable positive change across
now do so with increased validated Label Life service, erless labels, which require the entire value chain.
assurance. the product passport proto- bility and transparency are less raw material and con- ‘We are pleased to show-
With the EU in the pro- type enables UPM vital to any company with
cess of developing a ‘digital Raflatac’s customers and sustainability on their tribute to a more sustainable case our expertise in sustain-
product passport’ (DPP) brands to communicate agenda. We wanted to be chain. Additionally, Beontag able products at Labelexpo
that will be issued for all their labeling’s potential industry frontrunners and will introduce Eco RFID Tag, Europe, reinforcing our com-
products on the market, environmental impact. It ahead of the regulations with which are crafted from paper mitment to the ESG agenda
UPM Raflatac decided to be includes a wide range of our new product passport and are responsible for less and our role as drivers of
a step ahead of the legisla- metrics that are broken prototype,’ said Flora than half the CO2 per unit transformation,’ said Barbara
tive requirements. The down into life cycle stages:
company has designed its cradle-to-gate, transport-to- D’Souza, sustainability man- when compared to tradi- Dunin, Beontag’s ESG, mar-
product passport prototype customer, printing, and ager for Label Life at UPM tional PET tags. keting and communications
(PPP), an environmental end-of-life. Raflatac. ‘At Beontag, we continu- director. September 2023 PrintWeek MENA 17