Page 18 - PWM2023_SEPTEMBER
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Amcor launches AmFiber™ Mercer’s new
Performance Paper packaging Aug. 23 inaugurated the
Mercer International on
Mercer Lignin Center, which
is located on the site of
Amcor has announced the Paper is a high-barrier lami- Mercer’s Rosenthal pulp mill
North American launch of nated paper that is recyclable in Germany. “Our focus is on
c u r b s id e - r e c y c l a b le in most paper recycling the full utilization of wood
AmFiber™ Performance waste streams, earning the resources,” said Juan Carlos
Paper packaging, part of the How2Recycle prequalifica- Bueno, CEO of Mercer
company’s AmFiber portfo- tion of “widely recyclable.” It International. “It is therefore
lio. Prequalified by provides improved barrier only logical to exploit the
How2Recycle®, perfor- and packer efficiency com- often untapped potential of
mance paper meets the pared to the existing coated lignin.” Mercer Rosenthal
repulpability standards for papers, and is PVdC-free. produces kraft pulp and has
curbside recycling, allowing Amcor’s product portfolio an annual production capac-
brands to provide consum- Amcor’s high-barrier performance paper packaging in NA ity is 360,000 ADMTs. In
ers with more sustainable deliver a more sustainable products in formats and includes options for confec- addition, the mill operates
end-of-life outcomes for end-of-life, due to wide- materials that attract con- tionery, bars, cookies, cere- the largest solid biomass-
packaging. spread curbside paper col- sumers and meet their sus- als, dry beverages, and dry based power plant in
Paper-based packaging lection and recycling. And, tainability goals, while still mixes. Format applications Thuringia (a state of central
alternatives employ innova- on the shelf, paper-based achieving the operational are ideal for cold-seal flow Germany), with a thermal
tive technologies to deliver solutions meet consumers’ performance they require,” wrap and three-side seal capacity of more than 400
the right barrier, shelf-life, preferences for a natural said Amcor Flexibles North s a c h e t s . A m F i b e r megawatts and an electrical
and machine performance Performance Paper runs on capacity of 57 megawatts. A
to meet brand and product look and feel. America Vice President of existing flexible packaging major biobased by-product of
needs. “Brands now have more Research and Development equipment, achieving mill’s pulp production is tall
Consumers often seek choices than ever when it Brian Carvill. machine speeds comparable oil to replace fossil products
paper-based packaging to comes to packaging their AmFiber Performance to plastic-based packaging. in the chemical industry.
Valmet to deliver seventh UPM Appoints Aki
tissue production line Temmes as a VP
Valmet will supply an UPM today announced
Advantage DCT 100TS tis- the appointment of Aki
sue production line to Papel Temmes as Executive Vice
San Francisco in Mexico. President responsible for
The new TM 10 machine will UPM Fibres Business Area,
be installed at the company’s effective December 1, 2023.
mill in Mexicali and the He will report to Jussi
start-up is planned for the Pesonen, President and
second quarter 2025. CEO, and be based in Aki Temmes, UPM Fibres
Valmet’s scope of delivery Helsinki, Finland. Temmes
will comprise an Advantage is currently Senior Vice Executive MBA. He is a
DCT 100TS tissue machine. President, Business Control Finnish citizen.
The machine will be and Finance Operations. “Aki is a top professional
equipped with an OptiFlo The new machine will add 30,000 tons of tissue paper per year Prior to that he was respon- with broad experience of
headbox and cast alloy sible for UPM’s Timber busi- UPM Fibres business and
Yankee cylinder. The will have a width of 2.8 operation, started up ness and UPM Fibres UPM overall,” Pesonen said.
machine will also feature meters and a design speed of between 2006 and 2020. TM Business Area Business “He has a wide interest in
Valmet’s Advantage tissue 2,200 m/min. 9 is currently under delivery Control. developing businesses and is
technology including a It will add 30,000 tons of and will start up in 2024. Temmes joined UPM in keen to find the best poten-
ViscoNip press, an AirCap tissue paper per year to Papel Valmet is a global developer 2003 and has held multiple tial in organizations and
hood and the WetDust dust San Francisco’s current pro- and supplier of process tech- roles in number of business
system. duction of toilet tissue, finance positions in Finland people. I know him as an
Start-up and commission- kitchen towels and napkins. nologies, automation and and France. He holds a mas- energizing, business and
ing are included in the deliv- Papel San Francisco cur- services for the pulp, paper ter’s degree in accounting people-oriented person with
ery. The new tissue machine rently has five Valmet lines in and energy industries. and finance?and an an excellent drive.”
16 PrintWeek MENA September 2023