wallPen has appointed an offical Sales Partner in the Middle East

wallPen is pleased to announce KYKO Solu4ons as its official sales partner for the Middle East

wallPen is an innova4ve company that has developed a unique technology for designing
ver4cal surfaces. With wallPen, you can transform walls, wood, glass and much more into
stunning works of art without the need for extensive renova4on work.

There are no limits to your designs. With a print height of up to 4 meters and unlimited
width, you can design private rooms as well as offices, hospitals, hotels, kindergartens and
much more. The wallPen technology is easy to operate and can be used by anyone. The
wallPen can be set up in just a few minutes and can be controlled from any mobile device.
KYKO Solu4ons has an experienced team who will be delighted to provide you with
comprehensive advice on the wallPen, help you build a business case and answer any further
ques4ons you may have.

Working together for joint success

With the selec4on of KYKO Solu4ons as an official sales partner, wallPen is well posi4oned to
serve the growing market in the Middle East and Levant.

KYKO Solu4ons is pleased to introduce the innova4ve wallPen technology to prospec4ve
customers in the Middle East. The company is convinced that wallPen will revolu4onize the
way people design their ver4cal spaces.

wallPen and KYKO Solu4ons look forward to a successful collabora4on and to offering a
unique and revolu4onary ver4cal space design solu4on to prospects in the Middle East.
For more informa4on about wallPen, please visit the company's website:

For more informa4on about KYKO Solu4ons, please visit the company's website:

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