Page 21 - PWM2024_February
P. 21


      ABG unveils 4th-generation                                                               APR expands
      Converter platform                                                                       ing SEI Laser for its flexible
                                                                                                APR will begin represent-

                                                                                               packaging products in the US
                                                                                               beginning in 2024 to expand
        Leading finishing equip-                                         sistent air gap performance   its product portfolio of flexo-
      ment manufacturer, A B                                             with thin liners and preci-  graphic equipment. SEI
      Graphic International                                              sion in die-cutting opera-  Laser’s flexible packaging
                                                                                               products are highlighted by
      (ABG), has introduced its                                          tions.                the PackMaster and
      4th-generation Converter                                            The extended rewind and   PackMaker family of prod-
      platform. The platform                                             waste rewind roll capacity of   ucts, featuring solutions for
      incorporates numerous cus-                                         up to 800m, compared to   laser cutting, scoring, and
      tomer-led innovations, all                                         the previous 700mm limit,   macro and micro-perforating
      designed to allow converters                                       allows for longer production   products.
      to produce more with less.                                         runs. The dual-frame   SEI offers multiple prod-
      Able to achieve running                                            unwind feature and offset   ucts including easy-open,
      speeds of up to 250m/min,                                          brake make roll loading and   window packaging, micro/
      the system handles both   The platform incorporates numerous customer-led innovations  unloading easier. This fea-  macro perforation for easy
      printed and blank web mate-  ing the ability to position   footprint. Downtime is min-  ture improves operational   ventilation, and MAP, and
      rials, thereby enhancing   fleyeVision cameras before   imized through design and   efficiency, especially for   can accommodate both sin-
      productivity and streamlin-  or after stripping and adapt   innovative engineering,   rolls smaller than 200mm.  gle or multi-layer films like
      ing production cycles. Its   web paths, the Converter   ensuring uninterrupted pro-  The new converter allows   PE, PET, PP, nylon, and
      flexo technology offers high   platform enhances visibility   duction and resource sav-  customers to run roll to roll,   PTFE, as well as paper.
      print quality, registration   and quality control, accord-  ings.  The platform features   roll to finished product, or   Integrating the SEI Laser
      accuracy and speed.    ing to ABG.           a die head, which reduces   roll to sheet, with or without   flexible packaging product
        With expanded camera   The Converter platform   heat generation during die-  ABG non-stop technology on   line strengthens APR’s prod-
      placement options, includ-  features a more compact   cutting. This results in con-  the unwind or rewind.  uct lineup.
      Jetsci Global launches dSpark                                      All4Labels and Actega

      Hybrid+                                                            join forces

        Jetsci Global, part of                                            Long-standing business
      Monotech systems, has                                              partners All4Labels Global
      launched its latest digital                                        Packaging Group and Actega
      label finishing and convert-                                       have agreed at the joint fur-
      ing machine, dSpark                                                ther development and the
      Hybrid+. It adds to the com-                                       exclusive use of the Signite
      pany’s already existing port-                                                            Signite is a unique technology
      folio  of  digital  label  and                                     technology developed by
      packaging printing and con-                                        Actega by All4Labels in the   hensive support, guide the
      verting plus finishing solu-  It integrates with conventional or digital printing processes  European market.   development of labels and
      tions.                treatment corona unit, pre-                   Signite is a unique decora-  promote sustainable deci-
        This 330 mm wide press   pares the enhancement pro-  packaging in real-time, add-  tion technology that signifi-  sions. Our partnership with
      finishes and converts digi-  cess.           ing to the press’ comprehen-  cantly reduces waste by   Actega is heading in exactly
      tally printed labels and also   The press has two fully   sive capabilities. The cold   eliminating printing sub-
      seamlessly integrates with   servo-driven spot registered   foil setup is driven by both   strates. It offers improved   this direction: this innovative
      conventional or digital   flexo printing units. The first   digital UV inkjet and the sec-  design flexibility, and ulti-  technology will open huge
      printing processes. dSpark   unit is pre-inkjet and can be   ond flexo unit. It provides   mately enables improved   opportunities, even for mar-
      Hybrid+ is driven by inkjet   employed for last-minute   users with the flexibility to   reuse and recycling.   kets that do not use labels
      technology using UV cura-  color additions to labels,   choose, based on job   Paloma Alonso, All4Labels   today. This breakthrough
      ble fluids.           security printing and more,   requirements. It features            solution not only signifi-
        The dSpark Hybrid+ is   providing flexibility in label   unique differential unwind   CEO, said in a statment: ‘We   cantly reduces waste and
      compatible with a wide   customization.      and rewind shafts for effi-  promote continuous and sus-
      array of digitally or conven-  The second fully servo-  c ien t f oi l us ag e.   tainable investment in   improves recyclability and
      tionally printed substrates   driven spot registered flexo   Additionally, it may be used   research and development   reuse, but also offers tremen-
      for enhancements. The web   unit, post inkjet station fur-  for security and special ink   across the board to provide   dous design flexibility for
      cleaner and an inline surface   ther enhances labels and   applications.  our customers with compre-  brand owners.                                                                   February 2024 PrintWeek MENA 21
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