Page 23 - PWM2024_February
P. 23


      Saica Flex launches metallized                                                           ABG appoints
                                                                                               new director
      mono-material structure                                                                  (ABG) has appointed Peter
                                                                                                AB Graphic International

                                                                                               Redmond as its director of
                                                                                               service. He will be based in
        Saica Flex, Saica Group’s                                        given time.           ABG’s Bridlington site in
      division for flexible packag-                                       The new packaging tech-  the UK and report directly
      ing, has developed a new                                           nology can be used in differ-  to ABG CEO Richard
      mono-material, metallized                                          ent sectors and markets,   Knight. Knight said: ‘ABG is
      structure designed to cater                                        whether food or non-food   delighted to welcome Peter
      to a wide variety of prod-                                                               Redmond as our new direc-
      ucts.                                                              products. Its high barriers   tor of service.’
        The structure is com-                                            to water, vapor, oxygen and   Redmond is a chartered
      posed of three layers (tri-                                        light, reinforce the protec-  engineer with more than
      plex), all of which are made                                       tion of the contained prod-  two decades of experience
      of polyethylene (PE), thus                                         uct.                  in the printing industry and
      creating a monomaterial,                                            In addition, the struc-  most recently helmed the
      which is in great demand in   The new material is suitable for different types of products  tural performance, this   UK division of a sheetfed
      today’s market.         The middle layer of the   odors, suitable for products   technology does not com-  offset print equipment
        Saica Flex’s new product,   packaging, a metallized PE,   that require a very high   promise printing quality,   manufacturer in Germany.
      which is already present in   can be used with medium   level of protection.  instead, it raises the quality   In the new role, Redmond
      the market, provides a pre-  barrier levels, which prior-  These developments            will seek to improve the
      mium metallized appear-  itizes the metallized   result in a versatile product   to the highest level, provid-  after-sales experience to
      ance  with  high  barrier   appearance; or with very   and concept which is highly   ing a premium look in a   enhance customers’ equip-
      which provide maximum   high barrier levels, which   adaptable to the products,   lightweight package. The   ment efficiency and estab-
      protection to the product in   aids capturing and retain-  specific needs and circum-  product is already available   lish ABG as a global leading
      the package.          ing humidity, oxygen and   stances of clients at any  in the market.  service provider.
      Jet Technologies brings Actega                                     Beneduce x Razza

      products to Australia and NZ                                       peelable wine sticker

        Jet Technologies, a print                                         Abraham  Lule  created
      and packaging solutions pro-                                       peelable wine sticker for a
      vider in Australia and New                                         limited-edition release from
      Zealand, has partnered with                                        Beneduce Vineyards and
      Actega to provide sustainable                                      Jersey City pizza restaurant
      and innovative packaging                                           Razza. The wine itself is
      technologies in the region.                                        straight out of New Jersey, a
      For over 25 years, Actega has                                      white field blend that’s fer-
      distinguished itself through                                       mented with some of Razza’s
      its commitment to sustaina-                                        sourdough yeast culture.   Peelable wine sticker
      bility, high-quality products,                                      The labels are a continua-  And, the label utilizes
      and technical expertise.  Jet Technologies has partnered with Actega for the region  tion of Lule’s previous work   Avery Dennison’s Grape
        With the motto ‘Let us                                           with the vineyard, a cleverly
      make the world a little bluer’,   broader audience.  cesses, and to drive innova-  cute bottle featuring a simple   Touch paper, a wood-free
      Actega takes a holistic   ‘We are excited to partner   tive solutions to reduce   illustration of two hands toss-  paper consisting of 15 per-
      approach to sustainability,   with Jet Technologies, a com-  packaging waste in the ANZ  ing up a piece of pizza dough   cent grape waste and 85 per-
      deeply integrating it into   pany known for its deep   market.’    into the air. What’s more, the   cent FSC-certified pulp.
      every aspect of its operations   industry expertise and out-  The partnership will focus   ‘dough’ in question is actually   Further, the neck seal is a tip
      and product offerings. The   standing customer service,’   on showcasing several   a peelable sticker that drink-  of the cap to pizza sauce, a
      partnership with Jet   said Björn Mohr, director of                ers can move up or down the   vibrant red addition that
      Technologies aligns with   paper and board in Asia at   Actega’s products in the ANZ   bottle to their heart’s delight.   reads ‘best enjoyed with
      Actega’s mission, leveraging   Actega. ‘Together, we aim to   market, including highly   According to Lule, the sticker
      Jet Technologies’ expertise   influence the sustainability   abrasion-resistant matt and   was also added by Razza’s   pizza’.
      and exceptional customer   of packaging significantly,   gloss coatings, coatings for   employees, ‘the same that   This article was sourced
      service to deliver Actega’s   supporting food protection,   in-mold labels, and the   hand-picked the grapes for   from the Dieline and pub-
      technologies to an even   to simplify  recycling pro-  ACTGreen Barrier Coatings.  [the] wine.’   lished with persmission.                                                                   February 2024 PrintWeek MENA 23
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