Page 24 - PWM2024_February
P. 24


      Messe Düsseldorf releases                                                                Five decades of
      drupa cube speakers line-up                                                              marked the 50th anniver-
                                                                                                The year 2024 has

                                                                                               sary celebration for the
                                                                                               DuPont Cyrel brand, which
        Messe Düsseldorf, the                                            industry.             introduced its first pho-
      organizer of drupa has con-                                         Samir Husni will also pre-  topolymer plate to the flex-
      firmed the line-up for this                                        sent on editorial credibility   ographic printing industry
      year’s cube, which will once                                       and value in the Digital Age   in 1974. Since then, Cyrel
      again be the central discus-                                       where truth and validity of   has continued to break new
      sion forum for print and                                           social media content is often   ground, with innovations.
      packaging leaders. The                                             questionable and has led to a   ‘This is an extraordinary
      agenda includes five keynote                                       lack of trust among consum-  moment for DuPont and
      presentations and sessions                                         ers.                  the entire Cyrel team.
      focused on boosting busi-                                           Mark Maslin, a renowned   Throughout this journey,
      ness success, the circular                                         scientist and professor of   we have brought countless
      economy and sustainability                                         earth systems science at   innovations to the market
      plus print and packaging   drupa cube will provide inspiration, expertise in over 50 sessions  UCL will discuss the effects   and have always prioritized
      futures along with sessions                                        of climate change, the con-  developments in collabora-
      on new business models and   aging industry. Guest speak-  more thought and effort you   sequences for the future and   tion with our customers,’
      trends.               ers will include thought  invest in communicating   the responsibility that com-  c o m m e n t e d  T u c k e r
        Speakers will share best   leaders from the print indus-  something, the more con-  mercial organizations have   Norton, global business
      practice examples and will   try and also personalities   vincing the message will be,’   in saving our planet. He will   director for DuPont Cyrel
      discuss the global meg-  from advertising agencies,  is  the  thesis  of Rory   also discuss specifically, the   Flexographic Solutions.
      atrends that have already   market research, academia,   Sutherland, one of the head-  role of the printing industry   The past five decades have
      influenced and will continue   consulting and professional  line speakers at this year’s   in helping to achieve sus-  been marked by several
      to affect the print and pack-  trade associations. ‘The  drupa. lasting mark on the   tainability goals.  achievements.
      GMS Pacific’s        Toyo Ink acquires                            Viet Spring invests in

      new center           Nilpeter FA-17                               Vetaphone VE1A-C

        Following a significant
      investment, GMS Pacific,   Toyo Ink has invested in a              Vietnam-based label con-
      one of the leading print-  new Nilpeter FA-17 flexo               verter  Viet  Spring  has
      ing and label equipment   press. Toyo Ink is repurpos-            invested in Vetaphone
      distributors, has opened   ing this advanced piece of             VE1A-C 410mm corona
      the doors to its first demo   technology, typically used          treater with six electrodes on
      center in Melbourne.  for label printing and flexi-               its Etirama flexo press to
        The  company, which                       Toyo Ink in the FA-17 flexo press  increase product quality and
      has delivered intelligent   ble packaging, to focus on   resentative in Japan, Screen   production efficiencies fur-  Viet Spring & Vetaphone team
      technologies for label and   testing and refining printing        ther. At its 1,000-square-  Khuyen Pham, sales and mar-
      packaging manufacturers   inks.   The press, ordered   GP, reflects Toyo Ink’s pro-  meter production site in Ho   keting director of Viet Spring.
      for more than four dec-  after a visit to the Nilpeter   active stance in partnering   Chi Minh City, and with a   Viet Spring manufactures
      ades, has handled distri-  booth at Labelexpo Europe   with other innovative com-  team of 30 employees, the   labels for the food and drinks
      bution and servicing for   and a thorough Factory   panies within the global   company operates a variety of   market as well as for the
      brands,  including   Acceptance Test at Nilpeter   printing industry.  Peter   rotary and semi-rotary   household goods, cookware,
      Domino, Tesa tapes, EyeC   in Denmark, has been spe-  Eriksen, COO of Nilpeter,   presses, using both letterpress   electrical, pharmaceutical
      quality inspection,   cifically configured to fit                 and flexo technologies in up
      Kongsberg Precision   Toyo Ink’s unique require-  commented: ‘I am genuinely   to six colors.   and cosmetics sectors, along
      Cutting Systems, Sandon   ments. Noteworthy techni-  excited about our new part-  ‘We would like to help   with laminate tubes, pop-up
      Global Anilox, Rotec   cal features include   nership with Toyo Ink. It is   make our customers’ products   labels, peel/reseal and seals
      sleeves and Toray, just to                  not merely about delivering a   stand out from the competi-  for screw caps. Substrates in
      name a few. The first   temperature controlled ink   printing press. This partner-  tion by adding more shelf   daily use, including PE, PP,
      piece of equipment on dis-  chambers, allowing for pre-  ship is designed to create   appeal. With consumer atten-  and PET, need surface treat-
      play is the Kongsberg C64   cise control and measure-             tion so short and shelves so   ment to improve ink adher-
      digital cutting table,   ment of ink properties.     value for both Toyo Ink,   cluttered, products need high   ence, which led the company
      showcased in Australia for   This strategic acquisition,   Nilpeter and printing compa-  visibility to secure purchase –   to Vetaphone corona technol-
      the first time.      facilitated by Nilpeter’s rep-  nies around the world.’  that’s our aim here,’  said   ogy.
      24  PrintWeek MENA February 2024                                                   
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