Page 22 - PWM2024_February
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      Polytag QR codes used                                              IN BRIEF

                                                                          Konica Minolta Business
                                                                          Solutions (UK) and Focus
      in Ocado DDRS trial                                                 Label Machinery have cele-
                                                                          brated their first year of
                                                                          partnership success, having
                                                                          suppli ed s e v e r al
                                                                          AccurioLabel presses to UK
        Over 20,000 cash rewards                                          customers, including BSP
      have been redeemed by con-                                          Labels, Vista Labels and Arc
      sumers as part of the first                                         L abe ls. F ocus L abe l
      nationwide digital deposit                                          Machinery has also invested in an AccurioLabel 230 demo
                                                                          system at its Bingham, Nottinghamshire facility to show-
      return scheme (DDRS) trial                                          case its full range of capabilities to other print providers.
      by one of the major UK                                              ‘Since partnering with Konica Minolta to supply the
      supermarket chains Ocado                                            AccurioLabel 230 and AccurioLabel 400 digital presses, we
      Retail and recycling tech app                                       have sold a number of these market-leading solutions to
                                                                          customers, all backed up by Konica Minolta’s class-lead-
      Bower, utilizing QR codes   20000 cash rewards redeemed by Ocado Retail customers  ing service and support,’ said David Lee, director of Focus
      provided by recycling tech                                          Label Machinery. 'With a considerable market interest in
      firm, Polytag.        before being deposited into   their registered at-home   short-run, high-quality label solutions, these presses
        Since 14 July, Ocado Retail   home kerbside recycling.   recycling bin, and the reward   have already proven to be popular, so much so that we
                                                                          have also installed our own demonstration system so we
      customers have been able to   Held across England and   withdrawn into their bank   can enable customers to have a one-to-one hands-on
      claim monetary rewards for   Wales, the world-first initia-  account. Up to GBP 4,000   demonstration with the Konica Minolta team and us,’
      recycling  any  of  its  own-  tive enabled monetary   worth of rewards were   added  Lee. Along with  Konica  Minolta’s  digital
      brand two and four-pint milk   rewards and charity dona-  obtained during the nine-  AccurioLabel presses, Focus Label Machinery’s demo
                                                                          center also includes a high-spec Proflex 330SE flexo press
      bottles using Polytag’s   tions to be claimed through   week-long trial. The trial   with various options, the dFlex inkjet hybrid press and so
      unique QR codes, redeema-  the Bower app, in which cus-  seeks to meet customers'   on.
      ble via recycling app Bower.  tomers simply set up their   appetite for retailers to offer   Global Graphics Software has
        As revealed in an end-of-  account and add their regular          extended its strategic busi-
      trial report, the trial saw   recycling bins and bank   recycling initiatives and   ness partnership  with a
      more  than  20,000  Ocado   account. The QR code inte-  improve national recycling   Japanese manufacturer of
      Retail milk bottles scanned   grated onto the milk bottles’   rates ahead of the govern-  digital inkjet printers for a
                                                                          further five years.  The part-
      by over 3,000 consumers   labelling is scanned via the   ment’s DRS scheme set to   nership was initially forged in
      using their smartphones   app, the bottle disposed of in  come into place in 2025.  2016 when the company inte-
                                                                          grated Global Graphics
      X-Rite, Pantone offer free Brand                                    Software’s Harlequin Core SDK into its RIP software that
                                                                          drives its printers. Since then, the companies have collabo-
                                                                          rated to create a PDF Editor designed for rapid handling of
      Color Assessment Profile                                            complex PDF files. Harlequin Core has also evolved signifi-
                                                                          cantly, with enhancements including color management
                                                                          software from Global Graphics’ sister company ColorLogic,
                                                                          offering high color quality on the market, as well as support
        X-Rite and Pantone have                                           for PDF 2.0 and CxF/X-4 (Color Exchange Format).  Harlequin
      launched  a  Brand  Color                                           Core is claimed to be the fastest RIP engine available on the
      Assessment Profile program                                          market and is the technology of choice for many digital
      to help businesses envision                                         press solutions due to its ability to deliver fast and accurate
      brand colors reproduced                                             pages.
      across various types of pack-                                       Zolemba has recently its
      aging materials to ensure                                           new website. With a focus
      consistent branding.Cindy                                           on e-commerce, orders can
      Cooperman, VP of brand                                              now be easily and quickly
      global strategic accounts at                                        arranged with just a few
                                                                          clicks. In anticipation for the
      X-Rite Pantone, said: 'Color   The profile will be made using a brand’s specific color scheme  future, the configurator for
      consistency is critical in   experts at X-Rite Pantone   brands can gain peace of   printed labels has been
      brand recognition because                                           renewed. The updated site
      consumers often associate   will create a personalized   mind in their color decisions.   allows customers to easily order printed labels in one
                                                                          overview. New to the platform are the service levels. For
      any color discrepancy with   Color Assessment Profile   Our goal is to empower   experienced buyers, there is the 'Economy Class' service
      product quality. Our Brand   using a brand’s specific color   brands with the necessary   level, where the customer provides print files according to
      Color Assessment Profile   scheme, which brand manag-  color data and insights to   the submission specifications. With 'Business Class,' the
      aims to alleviate this by help-  ers can use to make better   make informed color choices   customer receives personal advice on their submitted
      ing brands understand how   informed  decisions  about   and reduce time spent on   files. The highest service level is 'First Class,' where pre-
                                                                          press staff take care of file formatting and also provide
      color will reproduce early in   colors early in the design          optional variable data printing lists or mosaic printing.
      the design process before   phase. Cooperman added:   color adjustments, enhanc-  The digital proof is then displayed as a 3D model, show-
      color samples are even sent.'  'By leveraging X-Rite's color   ing brand visibility and con-  ing the roll winding, material properties, and appearance
        Under the program, color   libraries and digital tools,   sumer engagement.'  in a lifelike manner.
      22  PrintWeek MENA February 2024                                                   
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