Page 21 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 21


      Techkon launches new                                                                     FTA Europe
      version of ChromaQA 6                                                                    Intergraf, in partnership
                                                                                                FTA Europe and

        Techkon USA has                                                  cally averages all    with Smithers, have invited
                                                                                               professionals from the
      launched a new release of its                                      measurements together,   European packaging and
      ink and pressroom color                                            which is perfect when meas-  printing sector to register
      m a n a g e m e nt  s u i t e                                      uring ink drawdowns or   for the Shaping the Future
      ChromaQA 6 release with                                            other materials with color   with Packaging conference,
      SmartInk, which features a                                         variations.  With Chroma   which will take place on
      redesigned, intuitive user                                         Standards, users can also   April 10-12 in Brussels,
      interface and powerful new                                         manage their own ‘live’,   Belgium, at the Sheraton
      features for color matching,                                       cloud-based library of colors   Hotel Brussels Airport.
      corrections and standards                                          specific to their inks, sub-  Attendees can expect a
      management.ChromaQA6                                               strates, and print processes,
      combines several software                                          ensuring that all locations are   comprehensive exploration
      packages into one, providing                                       targeting achievable color   of various facets of the
      a cloud-based color quality   The new version features a redesigned , intuitive user interface  standards. Chroma   packaging industry. These
      control workflows, without                                         Standards can also automati-  include market insights
      the pain points of other soft-  The ink toning technology   tion methods such as   cally identify and eliminate   into the European packag-
      ware and at a fraction of the   SmartInk, which uses AI for  Automatic, Lowest deltaE   duplicate colors to ensure a   ing sector by Smithers, EU
      cost.                 precise recipe corrections in  and Lowest Ink Amount.  clean database. New localiza-  policies such as the
        The new version features   the ink room and right on   The  Chroma Standards   tions and embedded training   Packaging and Packaging
      a completely new user inter-  the press, has been further   feature now allows for using   videos in multiple languages,   Waste Regulation, and the
      face with a modern, clean   refined for higher accuracy,  multiple measurements   now include English,   role of artificial intelligence
      look and feel for easier and   faster matching, and now   when creating new stand-  German, Spanish, French,   in packaging innovation.
      more intuitive workflows.   provides specific optimiza-  ards. ChromaQA automati-  Polish and Serbian.  Registration is now open.
      Hubergroup           Polytag launches QR                          Vulcan launches range

      adhesives            Squared                                      of print media

        Hubergroup has intro-
      duced its latest innova-  Polytag has launched, QR                 Vulcan, a German company
      tions Cold Foil Silver and   Squared, a new digital ser-          known mostly for its digital
      Cold Foil Gold adhesives,   vice designed to help brands          finishing machinery, has
      specially designed for food   of all sizes future-proof their     launched LabelStock, a new
      contact material (FCM)   packaging through certified
      applications.        QR codes.  Powered by GS1                    brand offering a range of print
        Tailored for packaging   standards, QR Squared will             media. The first product, PP
      manufacturers in the con-  introduce a fully compliant,           film labels, is already availa-
      fectionery, chocolate,   approved, and secure plat-               ble.
      tobacco, and hygiene sec-  form to create and download             The new LabelStock brand   New brand of printing media
      tors, these products meet   Digital Link QR codes for all   Alice Rackley, CEO of company  has been launched to offer   Tiedemann, managing direc-
      the high standards for vis-  sectors. In an industry first,   enables  brands  to  easily   print media optimized for
      ual quality, safety, and   this will provide a seamless   upgrade their current bar-  high demands throughout the   tor of Vulcan. ‘That is why we
      efficiency in print produc-  transition from traditional   codes to QR codes, which   entire process: brilliant color   decided to make it accessible
      tion. The new Cold Foil   barcodes to 2D barcodes,                printing, easy processing and   to the entire label printing
      Silver and Cold Foil Gold   from enterprise businesses   will scan securely at point-  strong adhesion.  industry through our special-
      adhesives are powered by   to challenger brands of all   of-sale at retailer checkouts.   Vulcan originally devel-  ist dealers.’
      hubergroup’s advanced   sizes.              The same QR code is   oped the material specifically   According to the company,
      UV-curing cold foil adhe-  Ahead  of packaging   scanned by customers to   for its sheet-cutting plotter   the new product range is posi-
      sives, NewV lac MGA to   change initiatives, including   access more information on   SC-350. However, it is gener-  tioned in the lower price seg-
      provide sharp definition   the discontinuation of bar-  the brand or product.   ally suitable for all forms of
      and brilliance. These cold   codes and the introduction   QR Squared’s analytics   processing.  ment despite its premium
      foils  offer  brands  the   of Digital Product Passports,   dashboard service enables   ‘Extensive tests have con-  quality. Vulcan LabelStock is
      opportunity to achieve   QR codes will become an   brands to know how their on-  firmed that the material offers   currently available in two var-
      high-impact  metallic   essential tool for businesses.   pack QR codes are perform-  excellent cutting quality and   iants: white synthetic PP film
      effects.             The QR Squared solution   ing.               is easy to handle,’ said Oliver   87g/sqm, in glossy or matte.                                                                    February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 21
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