Page 19 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 19


      All4Labels launches                                                IN BRIEF

                                                                          Miraclon has named  All
                                                                          Printing Resources (APR) as
      All4Flexibles                                                       official reseller of Shine LED
                                                                          Lamp Kits, innovated by
                                                                          Miraclon in Canada in the US.
                                                                          The relationship allows the
                                                                          company to offer its custom-
        All4Labels Global                                                 ers in the US and Canada the
      Packaging Group has                                                 benefits of a new LED
      launched its new online busi-                                       Exposure System, providing them with a simple path to LED
      ness venture All4Flexibles a                                        by upgrading their existing fluorescent exposure systems.
                                                                          Allen Sanders, vice president of technical services at All
      new B2B online shop for flex-                                       Printing Resources, said: ‘This collaboration will benefit
      ible packaging. This comple-                                        many of our customers who are looking at the different
      ments the group’s extensive                                         ways to improve printing consistency, efficiency and sus-
      network of production sites                                         tainability benefits through UV LED Exposure. As Shine LED
                                                                          Lamp Kits are open to all major plate types and most fluo-
      across Europe and the   All4Labels Global Packaging Group's new online business venture  rescent exposure frames from leading manufacturers, it
      Americas, equipped with                                             offers them a simple, cost-effective path to enjoy these
      dedicated  capabilities  for   All4Flexibles is ready to pro-  tional packaging to an inno-  benefits.’ ‘We’ve been seeing a rapid adoption of Shine
      flexible packaging.    vide efficient and high-qual-  vative online business model,   LED Lamp Kits since its phased introduction at the end of
                                                                          2023,’ adds Evan Spinosa, US&C regional commercial direc-
        All4Flexibles' business   ity products for a variety of   designed to meet the growing   tor at Miraclon. ‘Printers and trade shops are increasingly
      model is based on a combina-  industries, including food   demand for small runs with   choosing to retrofit their existing exposure units, taking
      tion of dynamic, customized   and beverage, cosmetics, and   quick lead times,’ said   advantage of the consistency and efficiency benefits asso-
      ordering processes and clas-  consumer goods. All packag-  Günther Weymans, CEO of   ciated with LED during platemaking, as well as the benefits
                                                                          of better consistency.'
      sic, customer-oriented con-  ing is produced in Zeithain,   All4Labels Global Packaging
      sulting expertise: with new,   Germany (in the picture), at   Group. ‘This is one of the   Stefaan Deblauwe will take
      environmentally friendly   a modern facility powered by   many ways we are evolving   office as Athena Graphics
      materials, a short time-to-  a 747 kWp solar system,                Group's new CEO on Feb 6. He
      market and personal cus-  underscoring the company's   the  packaging  industry  to   succeeds Ignace Cosaert, who
      tomer service.  A     commitment to sustainabil-  embrace digital thinking.’   has held the position of CEO
      user-friendly platform, and a   ity.          All4Flexibles stands for a   since 2000. The company was
      team of four sales and prod-  ‘We are applying our   new era in the field of flexible   founded in 1991 and serves as
                                                                          a link between packaging
      ucts experts, ensures that   extensive expertise in tradi-  packaging.  design and printing. Cosaert was CEO for 25 years, and
      Asahi Photoproducts to host open                                    Deblauwe started as chief operating officer within the group
                                                                          10 years ago.  As active chairman of the board of directors,
                                                                          Cosaert will continue to support the strategy and take on spe-
      house in Belgium                                                    cific new projects within the group. ‘With Stefaan as CEO at
                                                                          the helm of our company, we can seize new opportunities
                                                                          and further strengthen our knowledge position in artwork,
        Asahi Photoproducts, a                                            prepress and printing plates,’ Cosaert said. Deblauwe begins
      flexographic photopolymer                                           his role as CEO of Athena Graphics Group as the company
      plate development company                                           embarks on its ‘strategic plan 2030’. Deblauwe said: ‘I see it
                                                                          as a huge honor to take on the role of CEO .'
      and a subsidiary of Asahi
      Kasei, is hosting an open                                           E Labels, a 25-year-old family-
      house event from April 9-10                                         owned business in Pico Rivera,
      at its European headquarters                                        California, added its second
      in Brussels, Belgium. This                                          Domino N610i digital press in
      event, which will take place                                        2024. Founded by Carlos
      just before the 'Shaping the                                        Rivera, an entrepreneur origi-
      Future with Packaging' con-  Open house event from April 9-10 at its European headquarters  nally from Guatemala, E Labels
      ference by FTA Europe and   SolventZero Eco-System, fea-  Gallus, Apex, Heidelberg   has grown from a small startup to a partner for industries
      Intergraf, offers an opportu-                                       including food and beverage, cosmetics, automotive, house-
                                                                          hold products and more.  Rivera's daughter, operations and
      nity  to network  and  gain   turing AWP CleanPrint  Web Carton Converting,   development manager Jacky Rivera said: 'For lack of better
      industry insights.    water-washable plates and  Lohmann, Comexi and   words, it was time. In just four years, Domino really helped us
        This open house is tailored   AFP-R solvent-saving plate   Chespa.  grow as a small business in the industry, and we want to keep
      for  narrow and  wide web   technology, designed to   Masaki Matsumoto, man-  the momentum going. From a professional standpoint, with
      converters, including deci-  enhance efficiency and envi-  aging director of Asahi   two Domino presses, we’re well positioned to meet diverse
      sion-makers and production   ronmental performance in   Photoproducts Belgium,   customer needs even more efficiently. From a personal
      experts, who will be able to   flexographic printing. There   said: 'At Asahi, we are com-  standpoint, I want to continue to grow the business that my
      learn about sustainable flexo-  will also be presentations  mitted to driving sustainable   dad created and has worked so hard for all of his life. It’s a lot
      graphic printing printing. A   from industry leaders at part-  innovation in flexographic   of pressure, and I have big shoes to fill, but I know I have
                                                                          a lot of support thanks to Domino.'
      key  focus  will  be  Asahi’s   ner companies such as Esko,   printing.'                                                                   February 2025  PrintWeek MENA 19
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