Page 23 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 23


      Global print industry                                               Print procurement special-
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      jobs to fall 20%                                                    i s t  H a y b r o o k e  h a s
                                                                          launched a new sustaina-
                                                                          bility initiative for print
                                                                          buyers using a system
                                                                          c alled ‘C e r t if i ed
        The global print industry                 larger trade printers or sell-  S ustai n able P r i n t’.
      will see its headcount shrink               ing their books.        Launched on Friday (31
      by 20% over the next five                    On the smaller side of the   Jan ua r y), M a r k e t
                                                                          Harborough, Leicestershire-based Haybrooke said the ini-
      years, according to a report                                        tiative offers print buyers the opportunity to showcase their
      from the World Economic                     scale, SME printers are   commitment to sustainability backed with evidence of sus-
      Forum (WEF) – but industry                  increasingly moving to a   tainable print procurement practices. Participation is free to
      figures have said a decline in              hybrid model, where they are   all PaaS users of PDQ Print Hub, Haybrooke’s print procure-
                                                                          ment platform. Print buyers are issued with a Certified
      jobs does not make for a                    partially print managers and   Sustainable Print certificate and digital badges, which can
      declining industry.                         partially a production house.  be used across websites, marketing materials, email signa-
        The report claimed print                                          tures, social media, and printed products. They are also
                                                                          provided with informational materials to use in their inter-
      and related trades would see                 “Previously you would   nal and external marketing communications.
      the sixth-fastest decline in   20% fall in jobs in next 5 years  have needed at least one
      jobs, and the fastest decline   ing jobs, it’s probably valid  operator for pretty much   Xerox’s full-year results
      among manufacturing sec-  that print is in there. But that  every press, every finishing   have shown falls in reve-
                                                                          nue, profit and earnings
      tors.                 would be incorrect to assume                  per share as the company
        In the UK, two immediate   that because it’s in the top six   line, just to make sure it was   restructures – but guidance
      factors are likely causing a   declining jobs, that it’s in the   running correctly.   for single-digit growth in
      decline in printers’ head-  top six declining industries,”   “Now, because of the level   2025 signals hopes for
                                                                          recovery at the group.
      counts according to Brendan   he told Printweek.  of automation, some of our   Shares in Xerox fell sharply
      Perring, general manager of   “The biggest printers are   members that would have   (13%) on the morning of 28
      the IPIA: the industry’s con-  getting larger, and mid-level        January as the company confirmed a constant currency
                                                                          drop of 9.5% in revenues for the year, marginally better
      tinuing consolidation, and   printers  that  were  key   previously had 10 people   than the firm’s Q3-issued guidance of a 10% decline for the
      automation.           employers are either selling   working on a press room   year. Revenues for the Norwalk, Connecticut-headquartered
        “I think in terms of declin-  up and being absorbed by  floor now need just two.”  firm came in at $6.22bn (£5bn) down from $6.89bn, with a
                                                                          pre-tax loss for the year of $1.21bn, compared with a $28m
      International Paper’s new deal                                      loss in 2023. The 2024 figure includes a non-cash goodwill
                                                                          impairment charge of $1bn.

        US group International  scheme of arrangement   Following conditions   One of the original co-
                                                                          founders of Solopress has
      Paper has completed its  under Part 26 of the   being satisfied and the sanc-  returned to the business as
      acquisition of London-  Companies  Act  2006  and   tioning of the scheme at the   its new sales and customer
      headquartered packaging  was subject to the terms and   Court Hearing during   success director. Greg
      giant DS Smith. The boards  conditions set out in the   January, the two companies   Ralph was one of the origi-
                                                                          nal ‘gang of three’ who set
      of the two companies said  scheme document that was   said the delivery of a copy of   up the Southend-on-Sea
      they had initially reached  published on 11 September               business alongside Aron
      agreement on the terms of  2024.             the Court  Order  to  the   Priest and Andy Smith. He takes over from Sarah Kilcoyne
      the recommended all-share   The scheme was approved   Registrar of Companies   who left at the end of last year and will report to Solopress
      combination deal last April.  by the requisite majority of   meant the scheme became   CEO Simon Cooper. Cooper’s remit was expanded to include
        The deal was implemented  DS Smith shareholders on 7   effective on Friday (31   parent group Onlineprinters’ European online business last
      by way of a Court-sanctioned  October 2024.  January).              summer. Ralph stepped back from Solopress in 2012 and
                                                                          went on to be involved with a wide range of interests in
      Fujifilm and Konica Minolta JV                                      other business areas, including e-commerce and property
                                                                          development. Solopress said he had gained a broad per-
                                                                          spective across strategies.
        F u j i f i l m  B u s i n e s s           partner with a 75% stake,
      Innovation and Konica                        with Konica Minolta hold-  Ofcom has confirmed its proposed changes to Royal Mail’s
      Minolta have decided on the                  ing the remaining 25%. The   Universal Service Obligation including a reduced Second
                                                                          Class service, a relaxation of delivery targets, and a
      name for their joint venture                 newco is based at Epic   revamped bulk mail access service.Royal Mail parent group
      for procurement.Plans for                    Tower in Yokohama City   International Distribution Services called for “major reform”
      the strategic alliance were                  and has 192 employees with   of the USO back in May 2023. Ofcom subsequently launched
      announced by the two                         137 seconded from Fujifilm   an in-depth project to look into its future shape, and
      Japanese manufacturers                       BI, and 55 from KM. Global   reported on the possible reforms four months ago. On 30
      nine months ago. The new   Fujifilm has a majority stake  Procurement Partners is   January, Ofcom published its proposed changes to Royal
      company,     Global   capital is ¥50m (£260,000).    helmed  by  President   Mail’s obligations.“In our latest in-depth research, most
      Procurement Partners Corp,                   Masaharu Furukawa, who is   postal users said they do not need six days a week delivery
      was officially established in   Fujifilm Business   corporate vice president and   for the majority of letters,” Ofcom said. First Class mail
      January. The initial share   Innovation is the majority   director at Fujifilm BI.  delivery would continue six days a week.                                                                   February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 23
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