Page 18 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 18


      Sign China 2025 expands to                                                               Rotocon & Vicut
                                                                                               join forces
      China’s Shenzhen                                                                         with Chinese supplier Vicut
                                                                                                Rotocon has partnered

                                                                                               to bring its digital cutting and
                                                                                               finishing machines to the
        Sign China 2025 has                                              premier showcase for the   South African market. The
      expanded to a biannual                                             first half of 2025 and the per-  collaboration was formalized
      event to broaden the oppor-                                        fect opportunity for those   in September.
      tunity for the global sign-                                        who missed the September
      making community to stay                                           Shanghai edition to catch up   Vicut’s range of includes
      abreast of the latest develop-                                     on the latest developments in   the VL-450X (digital lami-
      ments in the rapidly evolv-                                                              nating and foiling), the
      ing sector.                                                        China’s sign market.  VFC90 (digital flatbed DTF
        Taking place across 17-19                                         The nine exhibition topics   cutter), the FC700/500 (flat-
      February at Shenzhen                                               include: Sign materials, digi-  bed cutter), the CC330/220
      Convention & Exhibition                                            tal printing, sign panels,   (auto-fed card cutter), and
      Center, Sign China is set to                                       engraving & cutting, signage   the SC-350 (auto-fed sheet
      bring the latest innovations   Sign China: drawing crowds from the signmaking community  & lightboxes, display equip-  label cutter). Among these,
      in advertising signage and                                         ment, LED illumination,   the FC700/500 flatbed cutter
      digital signage to the first   (February). The new Sign   form: same nine topics as   LED displays, digital signage.   offers versatile functionali-
      half of 2025.         China biannual event series  Shanghai        Known as China’s ‘Silicon   ties to the South African mar-
        According to the event’s   offers more opportunities   Sign China Shenzhen will        ket, enabling the creation of
      organiser, this exciting   for global sign professionals   feature nine key exhibition   Valley’, Shenzhen is a   custom packaging by cutting
      development  heralds  the   to connect, discover new   topics, creating an all-in-one   dynamic hub for innovation   both shape and crease lines
      evolution of Sign China into   trends, and embrace the pos-  platform that spans from   and manufacturing. Located   with high precision. This
      a biannual event, with exhi-  sibilities of the latest sign   signmaking materials and   at the heart of the Greater   makes it suitable for small-
      bitions held in Shanghai   technology.       equipment to LED displays   Bay Area, Shenzhen offers   run, niche packaging or per-
      (September) and Shenzhen   A comprehensive plat-  and digital signage. It’s the   exceptional connectivity.  sonalized box production.
      ABG expands German                                                 Polar Group promotes

      manufacturing facility                                             Markus Judel

                                                                          Finishing systems manu-
        Finishing equipment                                              facturer Polar Group has
      manufacturer, A B Graphic                                          appointed Markus Judel to
      International (ABG), has                                           head of business develop-
      reported significant expan-                                        ment and sales at the Polar
      sion of its manufacturing                                          Group, effective from
      site in Baesweiler,                                                January 1, 2025. By merging
      Germany. Originally                                                the divisions, the interlock-
      acquired by ABG in 2006,                                           ing of future-oriented devel-
      the Baesweiler facility cur-                                       opments for customers will
      rently spans 2,300sqm.                                             be even closer and the Polar
        The expansion, which   The expansion will nearly double the footprint to 4,400sqm  Group will be able to   Markus Judel
      began in December 2024,   machines, FleyeVision   enhancing its ability to   strengthen its technological   with the company since
      will nearly double the foot-  camera inspection systems   meet increased customer   leadership.   1989, also wants to intensify
      print  to an  impressive   and specialist rewinders to   demand.    For decades, Polar has spe-
      4,400sqm with the addition   name just a few. The new   This expansion will enable   cialized in the design of inno-  the exchange with custom-
      of a custom-built facility at   facility will consolidate the   shorter production times and   vative and future-proof   ers.
      the same location. The   current warehouse, work-                  products in the print finish-  ‘Our biggest goal is holistic
      move reinforces  ABG’s   shop and paint booth,   accommodate larger sched-  ing industry. With around   process optimization - from
      commitment to  the    allowing the existing space   ules. By doubling the availa-  350 employees worldwide at   the printed sheet to the fin-
      German market and its cus-  to be repurposed as a dedi-  ble production footprint,   its Hofheim and Shang-hai   ished ship-ping unit. With
      tomers.               cated specialist demonstra-  ABG is well-positioned to   (China) sites, Polar develops   the greatest possible cus-
        The Baesweiler site plays   tion center and streamlined   drive growth across all   efficient systems for the auto-
      a pivotal role in ABG’s oper-  production zones. This stra-  departmental areas.   The   mation of industrial cutting   tomer benefit in mind, we
      ations, producing key prod-  tegic development effec-  necessity of the expansion is   and die-cutting processes.   focus on achieving an opti-
      ucts such as slitter   tively doubles ABG’s   amplified by the increased   Based on his relevant knowl-  mum balance between qual-
      rewinders (SRI3), booklet   production floor space,  demand for ABG’s products.  edge, Judel, who has been   ity and speed,’ said Judel.
      18 PrintWeek MENA February 2025                                                   
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