Page 15 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 15


      UPM Raflatac acquires                                                                    ANDRITZ’s new
                                                                                               supply deal

      UK-based Graphics Solutions                                                              order from Sun Paper
                                                                                                ANDRITZ has received an
                                                                                               Nanning Paper Co., Ltd to
                                                                                               supply two stock preparation
        UPM Raflatac announced                                           color printing, laminates and   systems and a complete P-RC
      that it has acquired                                               wrapping films for various   APMP (Pre-Conditioning
      Metamark, a manufacturer                                           end-uses. The company   Refiner Chemical Alkaline
      and distributor of graphics                                        employs approximately 185   Peroxide Mechanical Pulp)
      solutions based in the UK.                                         people and has a manufactur-  line for the mill in Nanning,
      The enterprise value of the                                        ing site in Lancaster, UK.
      transaction is GBP 146 mil-                                        Metamark’s sales are approx-  China.
      lion (approx. EUR 175 mil-                                         imately GBP 65 million and   The new equipment will
      lion). According to UPM                                            it has an EBITDA margin   enable Nanning Sun Paper to
      Raflatac, the acquisition of                                       accretive to UPM Raflatac.  increase production of their
      Metamark will strengthen                                            UPM Graphics is a new   paper production lines and to
      UPM Raflatac’s overall com-                                        self-adhesive business unit   reduce energy consumption.
      petitiveness, bring  major                                         within UPM Raflatac. The   ANDRITZ’s scope of sup-
      synergies and further UPM   UPM Raflatac has acquired Metamark for GBP 146 Million  business was established fol-  ply includes two state-of-the-
      Raflatac as significant                                            lowing  the  acquisition of   art stock preparation, paper
      player in the fast-growing,   Executive Vice President,   combination of Metamark’s   AMC AG and its graphics   machine approach, UTM
                                                   broad product portfolio with
                            UPM Raflatac. “This acqui-
      high value-added Graphics   sition marks an important   our existing sales and distri-  business in 2022. In 2024,   (under machine pulper), and
      segment.              milestone in our transfor-  bution network allows us to   the company further
        “We’ve made a strategic   mation journey accelerating   grow also outside of Europe.  expanded its graphics portfo-  broke systems to provide
      decision to pursue global   our growth, enabling us to   Established in 1992,   lio through the acquisition of   superior pulp for the two
      growth  in  Graphics  both   grow our scale and become a   Metamark’s product portfo-  Grafityp. Typical graphics   paper machines. PM11 pro-
      organically and through   complete product and ser-  lio consists of high-quality   applications include indoor   duces high-quality testliner
      mergers and acquisitions,”   vice provider in this attrac-  self-adhesive color films,   and outdoor advertising, sig-  with a maximum capacity of
      explained Tim Kirchen,   t ive bu si ness. T he   print films for large format  nage and vehicle wrapping.  1,438 admt/d.
      International Paper to build                                       Greif to close URB Mill

      $260 mn Greenfield Box Plant                                       in Fitchburg, MA

        International Paper (IP)
      has acquired land in                                                Greif announced that it
      Waterloo, Iowa, for the con-                                       will permanently close the
      struction of a state-of-the-art                                    cont a inerb oa rd a nd
      corrugated box plant.                                              uncoated recycled paper-
        According  to  the  Iowa                                         board (URB) mill in
      Economic Development                                               Fitchburg, Massachusetts,
      Authority (IEDA), IP plans to                                      and permanently cease pro-
      “ c o n s t r u c t  a                                             duction on the Number 1
      900,000-square-foot corru-                                         Paperboard Machine (A1) in   Closure of production on A1
      gated products manufactur-                                         Austell, Georgia.     fits and outplacement assis-
      ing facility.                                                       “Decisions like these are   t a n c e .”    In   total,
        “The project represents a                                        extremely difficult because   approximately 140 positions
      $260 million capital invest-                                       of the impact it has on our   will be impacted. Ceasing
      ment and is expected to cre-                                       colleagues and their fami-  production at A1 — a non-
      ate  90 jobs  incented at a    International Paper (IP) has acquired land in Waterloo, Iowa  lies, as well as the larger   integrated URB asset for the
      qualifying wage of at least                                        community,” said President   company — is a result of
      $23.01 per hour,” the IEDA   and CEO, Andy Silvernail,   returns. This world-class box   and CEO Ole Rosgaard. “We   increased cost and declining
      said in a written statement.  mentioned the future box   plant is designed to deliver   are grateful to our col-  demand in its major end use
                                                   on our strategy, 20% lower
        In addition, the IEDA   plant. “This is a great exam-  cost, designed  in product   leagues in Austell and   markets of furniture, books,
      board awarded IP tax bene-  ple of the investments we’re   quality and just-in-time ser-  Fitchburg for their contribu-  and binders. The company
      fits through the High Quality   making as we continue with   vice. All of this is aligned to a   tions to the company and   expects to cease production
      Jobs program. On a fourth   our ambitious plans to opti-  geography and end markets   are committed to helping   on the A1 asset by the end of
      quarter 2024 earnings call   mize our mill-to-box system   where we are positioned to   them navigate next steps by   March 2025 and Fitchburg
      with analysts, IP’s Chairman   and generate attractive   win.”     providing severance bene-  by May 2025.                                                                   February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 15
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