Page 12 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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NEWS        GPP 2025

      AGE Graphics participates in GPP

        Jayakrishna Valluru,                                              “This year’s edition of GPP  with the Saudi market,
      Managing Director at AGE                                           opened up avenues to   which is rapidly evolving as a
      Graphic Equipment FZE                                              explore new business pros-  hub for industrial and com-
      shared their experience at                                         pects, especially in the GCC   mercial printing. The Riyadh
      the recently concluded Gulf                                        and Africa regions, where   edition emphasized the
      Print & Pack Saudi Arabia.                                         demand for advanced print-  unique needs of the
      He said: “The Gulf Print and                                       ing and post-press solutions   Kingdom’s  industry,  ena-
      Pack 2025 has been an                                              is growing. We have initiated   bling us to tailor our solu-
      exceptional platform for                                           dialogues with key decision-  tions and strategies to meet
      AGE  Graphics  and                                                 makers in the printing and   those requirements effec-
      AGEInSight to engage with                                          packaging industry, enabling   tively. This regional focus
      the regional printing and                                          potential partnerships and   made it a distinct and highly
      packaging industry. The                                            joint ventures.       rewarding experience.”
      event has provided us with a   “GPP 2025 was an exceptional platform for us”: AGE Graphics  “The event also provided
                                                                                                The inaugural edition of
      vibrant atmosphere to show-  focused on highlighting our  Additionally, we conducted   insights into emerging   Gulf Print & Pack Saudi
      case our innovative solu-  comprehensive portfolio of   focused presentations and   trends, such as the growing
      tions, network with industry                                       emphasis on eco-friendly   Arabia, featured over 150
      leaders, and understand the   cutting-edge printing and   workshops to address key   printing technologies, which   leading exhibitors and thou-
      evolving market trends. We   post-press technologies, par-  industry challenges such as   align perfectly with our stra-  sands of industry profession-
      define it as a pivotal oppor-  ticularly from global brands   cost optimization, produc-  tegic goals.  als from Saudi Arabia, UAE,
      tunity to reinforce our pres-  like DGM, Donco,  KDX,   tivity enhancement, and   “While the GPP Dubai edi-  Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, China,
      ence in the Middle East and   FKT, HPM, ZNEP from AGE   digital transformation. Our   tion has always been a flag-  Bahrain, Jordan, India, and
      Africa markets, enabling   Graphic Equipment. We   booth served as a hub for   ship event with a global   Germany. Gulf Print & Pack
      meaningful collaborations   hosted live demonstrations   interactive discussions, ena-  audience, the Riyadh edition   2025 in Riyadh provided a
      that drive industry transfor-  of our solutions, emphasiz-  bling us to connect with   offered a more localized and   tailored platform for the lat-
      mation.               ing their efficiency and sus-  potential clients, partners,  focused experience. It   est advancements in printing
        “Our participation   tainability benefits.   and industry stakeholders.  allowed us to engage directly  and packaging technologies.

      Ricoh showcases its latest innovations and tech at GPP 2025

        At GPP 2025, Ricoh show-                                             coming to finalise business.   strengthen our relationship
      cased its latest innovations                                        “We have been focusing   with Ricoh Business
      and technology, highlight-                                         on live demonstrations and   Partners in the Middle East
      ing how its solutions,                                             application capabilities, sup-
      including enhanced auto-                                           ported by our Solutions   Region.
      mation, can help improve                                                                  “GPP  2025 has  been  a
      business efficiency and                                            Portfolio (combination of   great opportunity for us to
      reduce total cost of owner-                                        Hardware and Software).   reaffirm its commitment to
      ship.                                                               “Equipment and solutions
        Ricoh’s exhibit featured a                                       on the show floor were:   the Graphic Arts industry
      range of digital printing sys-                                     Ricoh Pro C9500, Ricoh Pro   and to Saudi Arabia market.
      tems, including the Pro                                            C7500, Ricoh Pro C5300,  The event his reinforcing
      8400 digital mono sheetfed   “GPP was a great opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment”  Ricoh Pro 8400, Fusion Pro,   the Leadership of Ricoh in
      press, Pro  C7500 digital                                          Color Logic, Ricoh Auto
      color sheetfed press, Pro   aging.           ence with the show was pos-  Color Adjuster. In addition,   Color Production Printing
      C9500 digital color sheetfed   Marie-Luce Delaune,   itive. With a vast majority of   we handled many meetings   next to the key players in the
      press, and Pro C5300 digital   Marketing Manager, Cut   visitors coming from Saudi       market.  The event was
      color sheetfed press, along   Sheet  Marketing  Arabia. The show had a very   with end customers, focus-  focusing on KSA Market,
      with the Ricoh Auto Color   Specialist,Ricoh Graphic               ing on their key require-  while GPP Dubai edition
      Adjuster, cementing its   Communications (RGC),   good  quality  of  visitors   ments for Digital Production
      expertise in multiple verti-  explained to PrintWeek   (mainly decision makers),   Printing. GPP 2025 has also   brings more emphasis to the
      cals, including luxury pack-  MENA: “The overall experi-  with a large majority of them   been a great opportunity to  entire Middle East region.”

      12 PrintWeek MENA February 2025                                                   
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