Page 7 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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      “FESPA Middle East was productive”

        More than 3,400 visits                                           connections and strengthen-  their fast-growing indus-
      from over 2,700 industry                                           ing existing relationships.   tries.
      professionals from 80 coun-                                        Sustainability was a major   Profit for Purpose is
      tries attended the second                                          focus for us this year, as we   FESPA’s international rein-
      edition of FESPA Middle                                            highlighted our eco-friendly   vestment programme,
      East, the region’s leading                                         machines and materials,   which uses revenue from
      event for the global special-                                      such as roll-up media, inks,   FESPA events to support the
      ity print and signage indus-                                       and printers. We are grateful   global speciality print com-
      tries, which took place at the                                     for the strong interest in   munity to achieve sustaina-
      Dubai Exhibition Centre                                            these sustainable solutions.   ble and profitable growth
      from 20 – 22 January.                                              It’s evident that the printing   through four key pillars -
        Rashed      Jihad                                                industry is making positive   education, inspiration,
      Abdeljalil,Business   “FESPA Middle East was an exciting and productive experience”  progress.”  expansion and connection.
      Development Manager at                                              Founded in 1962, FESPA
      Flex-Europa, said: “FESPA   Additionally, it gave us a   demonstrations were a big   is a global federation of   The programme delivers
      Middle East 2025 was an   chance to learn more about   part of our booth, and it was   Associations for the screen   high-quality products and
      exciting and productive   other businesses’ needs and   great to see so many people   printing, digital printing and   services for printers world-
      experience for us. The   gain valuable insights which  interested in what we offer.   textile printing community.   wide, including market
      energy at the event was   will help us better support   We focused on giving visi-  FESPA’s dual aim is to pro-  research, seminars, sum-
      incredible, and it gave us a   our customers moving for-  tors hands-on experiences,   mote screen printing and   mits, congresses, educa-
      great opportunity to connect   ward.         including printing out their   digital imaging and to share   tional guides and features,
      with customers, partners,   “We were excited to dis-  own designs while helping   knowledge about screen and   in addition to supporting
      and industry professionals.   play some of our latest inno-  them understand how our   digital printing with its   grassroots projects in devel-
      It  was  a  chance  to  share   vations at FESPA, including  machines can meet their   members across the world,   oping markets. For more
      ideas, showcase our innova-  our advanced UV, Eco-  specific needs.   helping them to grow their   information, visit www.
      tions, and really engage with   Solvent, Labels, and laser   “This show was a great   businesses and learn about
      the printing community.   printing solutions. Live   platform for building new   the latest developments in   for-purpose.

      “FESPA Middle East 2025 was more about real business”

        Arjen Evertse, General                                               not just the impact of the ink   but if we look at the whole
      Manager Sales, Mimaki                                              itself, but also waste, how   Middle East overall, we see a
      Europe, told PrintWeek                                             much waste is generated   lot of opportunities, for
      MENA: “The second edition                                          from the printer and how   example, in countries like
      of FESPA Middle East is                                            much energy is consumed. If   Iraq. We have been develop-
      more about real business.                                          you add everything to the   ing much business in Iraq
      Mimaki has the widest range                                        calculation, according to our   over the past few years. And
      of products in our industry.                                       research, UV is the most sus-  also some other, some other
      So we are not able to bring                                        tainable ink technology   smaller countries. Overall,
      everything to an exhibition.                                       available today. Also, I’m   the future of the Middle
      So we have selected the most                                       looking forward to getting   East looks very promising
      popular products in the                                            more adoption of our 3D
      region. We don’t have actual                                       technology in the Middle   and exciting.”
      product launches in the   “2nd edition of FESPA Middle East was more about real business”  East. Besides that, the   FESPA is a non-profit
      show, but we do have a tech-  very important in this   Mimaki’s presence in the   Middle East seems very   organisation that has rein-
      nology preview of an upcom-  region. We have had previ-  Middle East is quite strong.  promising. We see a lot of   vested US$9 million into the
      ing model. This machine   ous generations of products,   “We are proposing our UV   developments in different   printing industry worldwide
      will come with a bottle ver-                                       countries. It’s not only   since 2015 through its Profit
      sion of the ink supply sys-  including bottled ink sys-  solution because there are   about, I mean, everyone is   for Purpose programme.
      tem, which allows the use of   tems for this region, ena-  different points of view on   talking about Saudi. Of   FESPA Middle East 2026
      bottled ink and enables a   bling us to get the market   sustainability. It’s essential   course, Saudi Arabia is the   will take place from 13 -15
      lower running cost, which is   position  today  because   to look at the total picture,   place to be at the moment,   January.

                                                                   February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 07
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