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FESPA Middle East sets a new record
More than 3,400 visits gathering of industry profes- directly onto a film and then
from over 2,700 industry sionals from across the transferring it to a t-shirt or
professionals from 80 coun- globe, reinforcing FESPA’s other material. There was
tries attended the second position as the premier plat- also the introduction of
edition of FESPA Middle form for innovation, collab- additive manufacturing and
East, the region’s leading oration, and business 3D printing, highlighting
event for the global special- growth in the speciality the shift to more advanced
ity print and signage indus- print and signage industries.
tries, which took place at the The year-on-year growth in technology. Several key
Dubai Exhibition Centre exhibitor participation and launches and regional
from 20 – 22 January. This visitor numbers highlights debuts took place, including
represents an 8% year-on- the growing influence of the Massivit 3D printer, an
year increase in attendees The show celebrates year-on-year visitor growth following debut FESPA Middle East as a industrial system for the
compared to FESPA Middle must-attend event for the automotive, marine and
East’s debut event in 2024, Highness Sheikh Hasher bin being showcased. region. This success under- railways, and the Kornit
setting a new record for the Maktoum bin Juma Al Bazil Cassim, Regional scores our commitment to Digital Textile Printers, a
show and demonstrating the Maktoum, welcomed high- Manager (Middle East & driving industry advance- single-step direct-to-fabric
strength and demand from level decision makers from Africa), FESPA, said: “The ments, fostering new oppor- printing solution. The dou-
the regional and interna- the UAE, Saudi Arabia, overwhelming response to tunities, and delivering a ble side Super Wide format
tional printing and signage Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, the second edition of FESPA world-class showcase of cut- printing was also a show
sector which includes print Egypt, Jordan, India and Middle East has under- ting-edge print and signage
service providers and sign- China, amongst others, scored the growing demand technologies.” stopper with Yaslan’s 5.5m
makers to visual communi- where they had the opportu- for events of this calibre for One of the major trends at wide UV Printer.
cation specialists and nity to witness over 100 the print and signage sec- this year’s exhibition was the The next edition will take
textile-related professionals. exhibiting companies, a tors. Throughout the three- increase in direct-to-film place from 13 -15 January
The event, which was offi- year-on-year increase of 8%, day exhibition, we (DTF) technology, which 2026 at the Dubai
cially opened by His with more than 200 brands welcomed an exceptional involves printing design Exhibition Centre.
Canon appoints new President & CEO for Europe, ME and Africa
Canon EMEA, a global Yoshida is tasked with bol- technologies with millions
provider of imaging, print stering and growing existing of customers throughout
technologies and services core businesses while capi- EMEA; this diverse and
announced Shinichi ‘Sam’ talising on the brand’s repu- exciting region is full of
Yoshida as President & CEO tation for imaging and opportunity and I am hon-
for Canon Europe, Middle printing technology and oured to be leading the busi-
East and Africa (EMEA), solutions expertise to ness through the next phase
succeeding Yuichi Ishizuka expand into new areas such of innovation and growth.”
who is retiring after seven as B2B Imaging, Industrial says Yoshida.
Ishizu ka,
Yuic hi
years in the role and a suc- and Commercial Printing President & CEO of Canon
cessful 44-year career with and Inform ation EMEA, held senior positions
Canon.Sam Yoshida was Management Solutions. He globally over his 44-year
previously based in the USA brings a wealth of expertise career, including in Japan,
where he held the position including manufacturing, USA, and Canada. During
of Executive Vice President innovation and recycling his successful career a nota-
& General Manager of the Shinichi ‘Sam’ Yoshida becomes President & CEO for Canon EMEA having been part of the origi- ble highlight was his pio-
Marketing Strategy Unit, sibilities as President & CEO countries, employs approxi- nal team that established neering launch of the
Chairman & Chief Executive Canon Virginia, Inc., world-renowned Cinema
Officer of Canon Solutions of Canon EMEA from 1st mately 12,300 people and Canon’s major manufactur- EOS range in the US, which
America, Inc. and Canon March 2025. He takes over a contributes about a quarter ing site in the Americas. has revolutionised film
Financial Services, Inc. He regional sales organisation of Canon’s global revenues “Canon is the market shooting and created main-
will assume his new respon- which has operations in 120 annually. leader in imaging and print stay video products.
Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/ Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/ and
Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/ © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: No part of this publication may be reproduced
without the written permission of the publishers. February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 03