Page 8 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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      ICON DIGITAL at FESPA Middle East

        Mehdi Berrada- Baby,                                             eco-friendly solutions for   standard for quality and
      Managing Director of ICON                                          the future of printing.   speed, with more than 120
      DIGITAL DMCC, in a con-                                             “This year, we focused on   units now installed through-
      versation with PrintWeek                                           showcasing groundbreaking   out  the  region alongside
      MENA,  said:  “FESPA                                               digital technologies like 3D   with the ICON Hybrid
      Middle East was an out-                                            Printing and Direct to   series and the ICON True
      standing experience for us                                         Garment  Printing.  We’re   Flatbed series.
      this year, thanks to the high                                      proud to say that we offer   “Without any pretension,
      quality of visitors and the                                        some of the best 3D printing   we can confidently say that
      exceptional professionalism                                        systems in the industry, and   the technologies we show-
      of the show organizers. It                                         we’re excited to announce   cased this year were the true
      truly stands out as the most                                       that the first Massivit 3000   stars of the event. The
      professional printing exhibi-                                      printer will soon be installed   attendance at our booth was
      tion in the  entire MEA                                            at an iconic printing house   overwhelming throughout
      region, providing valuable                                         in Dubai.             the three days, and we
      opportunities to connect                                            “Additionally, our Kornit
      with industry leaders and                                          Digital printing systems are   couldn’t be more delighted
      showcase our latest innova-                                        rapidly gaining traction   with the success of our
      tions. The event’s well-                                           across the MEA region, with   Massivit 3000 3D printer
      organized structure and                                            several units already   and Kornit Atlas Max Direct
      focus on industry excellence   “Most professional printing exhibition in the entire MEA region”  installed. These advanced   to Garment printers.
      made it an unmissable high-                                        technologies are enabling a   “The interest and excite-
      light for our team.   expanded to include cutting   textile printing using pig-  range of applications that   ment around these cutting-
        “For the past 25 years,   and finishing machinery in   ment ink. These technolo-  were previously unattaina-  edge technologies
      we’ve been manufacturing,   response to our customers’   gies not only push the   ble. We’re also proud to fea-  confirmed their strong
      selling, and installing cut-  needs. More recently, we’ve   boundaries of what’s possi-  ture our workhorse, the   impact in the industry, and
      ting-edge digital printing   embraced what we believe   ble in the industry, but they   ICON Roll to Roll UV LED   we’re thrilled to have had
      systems. Our journey began   to be the most promising  also align with our commit-  RTR printer. Over the past   the opportunity to share
      with large format printing   segments of digital print-  ment to sustainability, offer-  few years, this roll-to-roll   them with such an engaged
      solutions, and over time, we  ing—3D printing and digital  ing greener, more   printer has become the gold   audience.”

      “FESPA Middle East was an exceptional platform to network”

        More than 3,400 visits                                               would define it as a dynamic,   friendly alternatives to PVC
      from over 2,700 industry                                           forward-thinking, and   films, reinforcing
      professionals from 80 coun-                                        result-driven exhibition,   MACTAC’s commitment to
      tries attended the second                                          allowing us to connect with   sustainability with polypro-
      edition of FESPA Middle                                            key decision-makers and   pylene-based films that
      East from 20 - 22 January                                          create valuable business
      2025.                                                              opportunities.        align with global environ-
        Renjith Somarajan and                                             “At FESPA Middle East   mental goals. Hands-on
      Krishna Prasad, Sales                                              2025, MACTAC, in partner-  training sessions were con-
      Managers of Al Shabak                                              ship with Al Shabak, focused   ducted for installers and
      General Trading CO. LLC                                            on demonstrating high-per-  print professionals, focusing
      share their experience of                                          formance films that cater to   on best practices in applica-
      attending the event:                                               evolving market demands.   tion techniques, material
      “FESPA Middle East 2025   “The event was an exceptional platform to expand our network”  MACTAC showcased real-  efficiency, and performance
      was an exceptional platform   trends, and exchanging   adhesive solutions in the   time applications of vehicle   testing. The goal was to
      for engaging with industry   knowledge on cutting-edge   region. The visitor turnout   wraps, architectural films,   ensure that attendees not
      professionals, customers,   printing and graphic solu-  was impressive, with a high   and paint protection films
      and innovators. The event                                          (PPF), emphasizing durabil-  only saw the products but
      was not just about showcas-  tions. For MACTAC and Al   level of interest in sustaina-  ity, ease of installation, and   also understood their real-
      ing products but about   Shabak, it was a key opportu-  ble materials, high-perfor-  superior print quality. The   world performance through
      building strategic connec-  nity to reinforce our position   mance films, and innovative   event provided the ideal   live testing and expert dis-
      tions, discussing industry   as a leading provider of self-  application techniques.We   stage to introduce eco-  cussions.”

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