Page 10 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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APS participates in GPP Riyadh 2025
The inaugural edition of solution for cartons, a paper aged, though there were
Gulf Print & Pack Saudi bag machine, corrugation areas, such as the lighting in
Arabia, the Middle East’s printing services, and cus- the venue, that could have
leading commercial print tomized packaging solu- been improved. Despite the
and packaging trade show, tions, which we believe can show’s unusual schedule, it
held recently at Riyadh benefit not only large facto- remained consistently busy,
Front Exhibition ries but also end-users. We even on the final day. The
Conference Center conducted live demonstra- quality of visitors at this
(RFECC), marked a signifi- tions of these cutting-edge event exceeded that of the
cant milestone for the printing and packaging solu- Dubai edition, providing a
Kingdom’s printing and tions throughout the event. strategic opportunity for us
packaging industry, bring- “Participation in GPP25 to engage directly with the
ing together more than provided us with excellent local market and industry.
5,052 visitors. “Quality of visitors at the event exceeded that of Dubai edition” opportunities to showcase, As a company based in
Alkhorayef Printing printing and packaging solu- vative solutions focusing on capabilities and new to part- the Kingdom, we are eager
Solutions (APS), a leader in tions, along with our unique sustainability and digital ners, customers, and visitors to support the development
the Saudi market, attended in the Saudi market. We of the Saudi printing and
the debut GPP 2025 Saudi setup, was very well- transformation. We were engaged with high-quality packaging sector by show-
Arabia. APS General received. We successfully honored to host a tour for prospects and generated casing our expertise with
Manager Awad Alanazi said: concluded a couple of deals His Excellency the Minister many promising leads, the latest solutions.
“Our experience at Gulf during the event and are of Industry and Mineral which we plan to follow up Participating in the Riyadh
Print & Pack 2025 was optimistic about securing Resources and his deputy at on in the coming weeks. Our edition allowed us to effec-
highly positive at Alkhorayef more significant opportuni- our pavilion, where they goal is to evaluate the true tively market our business,
Printing Solutions. Our ties in the future. explored the latest technolo- return on investment from build new partnerships, and
booth attracted a large num- “At the event, Alkhorayef gies we provided. In addi- these connections. From an gain valuable insights into
ber of customers and suppli- Printing Solutions show- tion to the tour, we organizational standpoint, the evolving Saudi land-
ers, and the display of our cased a wide range of inno- presented a digital printing the event was well-man- scape.”
“GPP Riyadh experience has been truly amazing”: Canon
A y m a n A l y , B 2 B achievement. Staying con- training program designed
Marketing Director at nected with our customers is for our salespeople, culmi-
Canon Middle East talks to vital. When we participate in nating in a diploma in print-
PrintWeek MENA about exhibitions in Riyadh, we
Canon’s participation in never worry about the return ing. The training modules
GPP 2025 Riyadh. were delivered by both
Could you share your expe- on investment. That’s why Canon and non-Canon
rience at the Gulf Print and we are always committed to experts, including some ses-
Pack 2025? being present at such events.
The experience has been Could you share the strat- sions at Riyadh Polytechnic
truly amazing. What sets this egy Canon has in place to fur- Institute to understand
exhibition apart from others ther expand its footprint in analog printing among other
is that it’s not just Canon the Saudi Arabian market? things. We also had many of
showcasing its offerings. It Absolutely. Our strategy
was great to see the entire “It was great to see the entire industry represented at GPP 2025” primarily revolves around our partners, such as EFI,
industry represented here, investing in high-quality per- participate in this program.
from printing and finishing one roof creates a dynamic bitions, we had good footfall The trainees were educated
to even paper selling. This energy and presents custom- and engaging discussions sonnel across all aspects of not only on sales skills but
comprehensive representa- ers with diverse options, with customers. We our business. Last year, we also on the technology itself.
tion provides customers with which ultimately benefits the exceeded our expectations by launched the Canon Printing
a complete experience. industry. Even on the first making sales close to $2 mil- Consultant Program. This is (Read the full interview on
Having everyone under day, typically quieter at exhi- lion, which was an excellent essentially a comprehensive our website)
10 PrintWeek MENA February 2025