Page 11 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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Fujifilm unveils new printers at GPP
Gulf Print & Pack 2025 in the complete product portfo- Center (RFECC), marked a
Riyadh provided a tailored lio of Fujifilm and it was a significant milestone for the
platform for the latest great opportunity to bring Kingdom’s printing and
advancements in printing this awareness to the mar- packaging industry, bringing
and packaging technologies. ket.” together more than 5,052
Sabarish Ramanunni, He concludes: “Fujifilm visitors from 54 countries.
Graphics Communication Middle East have not partici- Fujifilm, a key exhibitor
Division Manager at pated in a GPP since 2014
Fujifilm Middle East, told edition in Dubai. This is the and industry leader, chose
PrintWeek MENA: “GPP first main event we have par- Gulf Print & Pack 2025 to
Riyadh was a good show for ticipated in the region in the launch two new mid-range
Fujifilm. We were able to post covid era. So it would printers. The company intro-
successfully launch the two not be a fair comparison to duced a fifth colour option to
new production machines. “Customer engagement was excellent”: Sabarish Ramanunni make any analysis based on their entry-level printer, the
We are grateful for the visit Jetpress family JP750S and shown in live demos. This our experience 11 years Revoria SC285s, and
of the Minister and Deputy FP790, was introduced to the was the first time the two before simply due to the fact unveiled the EC2100, a mid-
minister to our booth. The that the market, customer, range workhorse printer fea-
show was successful in customers. We also had rep- new mid range printers were products and every expecta- turing an entirely new
terms of showcasing of the resented the whole product first shown in the entire tion of these are different platform and technology,
products to the industry and portfolios in video walls MEA region. now.” promising significant techni-
announcing the intention of shocasing our entire solu- “Customer engagement The inaugural edition of
Fujifilm to be present in the tions to the market. The was excellent in this show. Gulf Print & Pack Saudi cal advantages to customers.
KSA market to support the machines actively demon- And we got a lot of response Arabia, the Middle East’s The exhibition featured
customers. strated was for the Print On from the visitors about the leading commercial print over 150 leading exhibitors
“Fujifilm Showcased A jet- Demand segment where the entire portfolio being pro- and packaging trade show, and thousands of industry
press corner where our flag- entire range of Toner based moted. Many customers held recently at Riyadh Front professionals from different
ship inkjet products in the printing products were were not entirely aware of Exhibition Conference countries.
“We’ve made important new business connections at GPP”
Konica Minolta covered focused on showcasing our terms of expanding our foot-
three segments of Digital latest innovations and solu- print in the KSA.
Production Print at Gulf tions, aimed at addressing “We’ve made important
Print and Pack 2025 with both current and emerging new business connections
state-of-the-art AccurioPress challenges in the printing and identified potential col-
C 14000, AccurioPress C and packaging sectors. We laborations that will help us
7100 and AccurioPress C actively engaged with visi- further grow in the region.
4080. Digital tors, from both existing cli- The exhibition also provided
Embellishment was covered ents and potential new the opportunity to learn
by AccurioShine 3600, customers, to demonstrate more about regional market
Digital Spot UV with inline our products and discuss demands, which is critical
Single Pass Foiling system how they can help optimize
for decorative prints. Kazim their business operations. for tailoring our offerings to
Mankani, Regional Business Additionally, we had mean- meet the specific needs of
Manager of Konica Minolta, ingful conversations with this dynamic market.
told PrintWeek: “My experi- “My experience at GPP was truly exceptional”: Kazim Mankani other exhibitors and thought “The Riyadh edition of
ence at Gulf Print and Pack technologies. I would define believe it is an event that leaders about the future GPP had a more targeted
2025 was truly exceptional. it as a major milestone for showcases the dynamic evo- direction of the industry, focus on the Saudi market,
The exhibition served as a the printing and packaging lution of these industries, which was invaluable. The offering a unique chance to
vibrant platform for con- sectors in the KSA. It pro- offering ample opportunities 2025 edition of GPP has tap into the growing
necting with industry pro- vided significant insights for networking and collabo- offered us various new demand within the
fessionals and exploring new into market trends, and I ration. At GPP 2025, we opportunities, especially in Kingdom. February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 11