Page 5 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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      MPS Company expands portfolio

        MPS  Company,  which                                             needs of highly effective   MPS Company, which
      operates from within                                               marketing campaigns. The   serves as the Managed Print
      Ghobash Group’s technol-                                           printers also boast post-pro-  Services and Document
      ogy cluster as the specialized                                     cessing output with in-line   Solutions arm of Gulf
      Managed Print Services arm                                         finishing options, enabling   Commercial Group (A
      of GCG Enterprise                                                  simultaneous printing to
      Solutions, has announced                                           post-processing options.  G ho b as h  G r ou p
      the addition of a new light                                         Speaking on the develop-  Enterprise), is a leading pro-
      production printer to their                                        ment, Mohamed Samir   vider of office technology
      partner portfolio in the UAE                                       Khewa, Head of MPS    solutions in the UAE.
      with Fujifilm – Japan’s lead-                                      Company  stated that “From   Distinguished by their
      ing Multi-Function Printer                                         producing marketing and   unique multi-vendor strat-
      technology pioneers.  MPS Company adds Fujifilm light production printer to portfolio  promotional collateral to   egy that guarantees their
        Transforming office oper-                                        discreetly developing pre-
      ations through superior   state-of-the-art printers are   and posters, enabled by the   mium samples or mockups   clients benefit from the
      technological capabilities,   loaded with innovative fea-  wide range of paper sizes   for new products which can-  most suitable technology,
      the Fujifilm ApeosPro C750   tures which will enable busi-  and thicknesses which the   not be taken outside due to   along with a constant
      A3 Color Multifunction   nesses to take advantage of   printers can accommodate.  confidentiality, Fujifilm’s   emphasis on maximizing
      Printer series delivers the   many new opportunities.   The variable data printing   light-production printer   uptime,  they  keep  your
      world’s first high resolution   These include speedier   capabilities of the ApeosPro   series are gamechangers.   operations functioning
      LED printhead print output   and convenient easy in-  C750    A3   Color   By gaining professional   smoothly. Their product
      for achieving professional   house production and high-  Multifunction Printer series   printing and the latest office   range include state-of-the-
      quality images and high-def-  precision output of   also facilitates greater flexi-  MFP functionalities, our
      inition printing. Targeted   eye-catching promotional   bility in tailoring messages   customers benefit from the   art printing along with spe-
      for general office use, in   materials and deliverables   and imagery to various tar-  deployment of one dedi-  cialized services that come
      terms of advanced functions  such as flyers, business   get audiences, lending to the   cated device that can do it   together to fulfill all your
      and operability, these new   cards, brochures, catalogues  printing and production   all”.  organization’s needs.

      Agfa expands Anapurna Ciervo inkjet printer family

        Agfa has added a 2.5m                                                expanding their application   another testament to Agfa’s
      model to its hybrid printer                                        scope to include precise and   commitment to continuous
      lineup to complement the                                           reliable printing on corru-  innovation and to providing
      bigger Anapurna Ciervo                                             gated cardboard, making   a beast for every need,
      H3200 launched last year.                                          them suitable for packaging   ensuring that sign and dis-
      The manufacturer said the
      new Anapurna Ciervo                                                and POS applications. The   play professionals have the
      H2500 offers the same ver-                                         new guides can also be retro-  right tools to excel in any
      satility and performance as                                        fitted on existing Ciervo   setting.”
      the H3200, in a more com-                                          printers.              The new machine uses
      pact format.  The Ciervo                                            Arnaud Calleja, vice-presi-  Greenguard Gold-certified
      H2500 can print on a variety                                       dent of digital printing solu-  inks while Agfa’s Thin Ink
      of rigid and flexible sub-  Ciervo H2500 can print on a variety of rigid and flexible substrates  tions at Agfa, said: “Just like   Layer technology minimises
      strates and, like its larger                                       all Agfa’s ‘beasty’ inkjet   ink consumption without
      sibling, features six-colour   pared to its predecessor –   allows efficient printing on   printers, the Anapurna   compromising quality,
      plus white inks and UV LED   and delivers “vibrant,   up to four boards simultane-  Ciervo H2500 is powerful by   according to the manufac-
      curing.               high-quality results” on   ously.
        With a redesigned print   applications ranging from   Agfa said both the Ciervo   nature, combining a com-  turer. The device also has a
      engine and shuttle, it can   banners and vinyl to corru-           pact footprint with unparal-  protective hood and several
      print at up to 59sqm/hr in   gated cardboard and coated   H3200 and H2500 printers   leled performance and   other smart design features
      Production Mode, an   textiles. Its continuous   now offer new optional cor-  agility.This new addition to   to ensure optimal operator
      increase by nearly 70% com-  board feeding capability   rugated media feed guides,   the Ciervo family is yet   safety.

                                                                   February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 05
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