Page 33 - PWM2025_January EBook
P. 33


      Mondi EUR finishes 20 mn                                                                 USDA’s board

      energy efficiency projects                                                               Board (P+PB) announces
                                                                                                The Paper and Packaging
                                                                                               five new board members
                                                                                               appointed by USDA
        Mondi announced that it                                          kitchen, and introduce a   Secretary Tom Vilsack.
      has made good progress on                                          refined winder concept.  Appointed for three-year
      the previously announced                                            “We are proud to invest in
      EUR 20 million investment                                          technology that drives effi-  terms are Steve Henry of
      program at its Neusiedler                                          ciency, reduces emissions,   Domtar, Brandon Bennett of
      uncoated fine paper mills in                                       improves product quality,   Georgia-Pacific and Erin
      Austria. The full benefit of                                                             Raccah of Sylvamo.
      the upgrades is expected                                           and strengthens our resil-  Appointed for a two-year
      from the first quarter of                                          ience,” said Florian Döbl,   term is Anne Ayer of Sappi.
      2025, including reduced                                            Managing Director of   Appointed for a one-year
      greenhouse gas emissions   Upgrades will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 20%  Mondi Neusiedler. “These
      and increased energy effi-                                         measures will reduce our   term is Richard Bennett of
      ciency and operational   steam heat exchangers to   ments include a new steam   greenhouse gas emissions by   Suzano Packaging. The term
      safety.               eliminate emissions and fur-  system and heat recovery at   20%, and we will consume   begins on January 1, 2025.
        The program includes   ther improve safety; instal-  the paper machine, and   around a quarter less gas in   An eight-member Board of
      four  key projects at  the   lation of a new steam   winder optimization to   future, all contributing to   Directors representing the
      Kematen pulp and paper   accumulator to balance fluc-  improve customer reel out-  our sustainability commit-  four grades of paper funding
      mill: rebuild of the recovery   tuations in steam demand   put. The program also   ments.”  the Paper & Packaging —
      boiler and associated infra-  which improves efficiency   included upgrades at the       How Life Unfolds® campaign
      structure to increase energy   and turbine performance;   Theresienthal site to    The investment program
      efficiency and improve over-  and, revamp of the steam   improve the efficiency of the   was funded by Mondi with   oversees the paper and pack-
      all performance; upgrade of   turbine with a new rotor to   paper machine’s steam and   the support from the   aging sectors’ national pro-
      the pulp dryer from gas   increase electricity produc-  condensate system, increase   European Union –   motion program focused on
      burners for air heating to   tion. Additional enhance-  automation in the additive   NextGenerationEU.  sustainability.
      Stora Enso provides Wilfa with  Duni Group acquires

      biodegradable foam                                                 Poppies Europe

        Stora Enso announced                                              Duni AB (Duni Group)
      that Wilfa, a Norwegian-                                           has signed an agreement to
      owned company and a lead-                                          acquire the UK-based paper
      ing supplier of small                                              tableware producer Poppies
      electrical items in the Nordic                                     Europe Ltd for a fixed pur-
      countries, will use Stora                                          chase price of approximately
      Enso’s bio-based and biode-                                        SEK 670 million, whereof
      gradable* foam — Papira®                                           60 percent will be paid upon
      — made of wood fibers to                                           closing and the remaining
      package its ProBaker kitchen                                       amount will be paid in three   Products for the catering sector
      mixer.                                                             instalments by the end of   company has approximately
        According to Stora Enso,                                         2025 (20%), 2026 (10%) and   220 employees and annual
      Wilfa was seeking sustaina-                                        2027 (10%).           net sales of approximately
      ble alternatives in packaging   Papira, a bio-based & biodegradable foam made of wood fibers
      materials for their ProBaker                                        Poppies manufactures a   SEK 620 million.
      kitchen mixer and needed a   these two wood-based mate-  was the perfect match for   quality product range pre-  According to Duni Group,
      solution that  could meet   rials meant Wilfa was pro-  us,” said Arnt Sandvik   dominantly for the catering   the acquisition provides syn-
      their demands on sustaina-  vided a packaging solution   Nilsen, Category Director at   sector, produced under the   ergies within manufacturing,
      bility without compromising   with the protection needed           well-recognized Poppies
      on protective features and   and an aesthetic appeal that   Wilfa. “It’s still early in the   brand name, along with   with increased premium tis-
      design.               went perfectly with the clean   process of changing the pack-  other bespoke labels such as   sues and airlaid production
        Stora Enso developed pro-  Nordic design of the   aging, but with a common             in Duni Group’s paper mill
      tective inserts for the Wilfa                goal to reduce and reuse, we   McNulty Wray and Staples.   Rexcell. The acquisition is
      ProBaker featuring a combi-  ProBaker. “With its 15 kg,            Poppies’ production facility
      nation of Papira and corru-  solid construction and multi-  aim to test Papira together   is located in St Helens,   subject to regulatory
      gated board. The blend of   ple accessories included, this  with ProBaker in the future.”  Merseyside, England. The   approval.                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 31
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