Page 30 - PWM2025_January EBook
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NEWS         GPP 2025

      Vinsak to participate in GPP 2025

        Vinsak along with Rotatek                                        customer requirements.   Visit us at the GPP Riyadh at
      Printing and Packaging                                             With major components   RFECC, Booth D-14.”
      Technologies SL are eagerly                                        driven by servo motors, the   Vinsak is a leading sup-
      anticipating the opportunity                                       equipment runs up to 300   plier of printing and packag-
      to engage with customers at                                        meters per minute backed   ing solutions in Middle
      the Gulf Print and Pack                                            by powerful software and   East, Africa and Europe it
      show at RFECC in Riyadh,                                           featuring an HMI display for   has enabled many busi-
                                                                         easy job set-up. Vinsak
      Saudi Arabia between 14-16                                         remains committed to its   nesses to succeed by provid-
      January who are seeking to                                         consultative approach with   ing them with customized
      expand their production and                                        customers, prioritizing solu-  solutions that were well
      diversify into the Printing,                                       tions tailored to their spe-  integrated and supported to
      Packaging and labelling sec-                                       cific needs rather than   deliver high returns on
      tor. Vinsak will offer its   Vinsak to showcase advanced  technologies in GPP 2025, Riyadh  simply promoting our own   investments.
      entire suite of Pre press,                                         offerings. In line with this   Rotatek Printing and
      Press and post press solu-  and end customers from the  mium  features such as   commitment, Vinsak has   Packaging Technologies SL
      tions along with itss partners   threats of piracy.  embossing, digital foiling,   opened Secure Print for   is a leading international
      to bring the latest technolo-  In an official statement,   Cast & Cure effects, variable  Operations & Maintenance,   manufacturer specializing in
      gies to the Saudi market. In   the company, said: “We are  data printing, and more,   a dedicated service company   printing web presses. With
                                                                         headquartered  in  Riyadh
      addition to the packaging   excited to showcase our   Label-Decore empowers   aimed at providing compre-  expertise in labels, flexible
      solutions the escalating   state-of-the-art label embel-  converters to  produce   hensive support for our   packaging, folding cartons,
      prevalence of counterfeit   lishment and finishing   exceptional, high-quality   products in Saudi Arabia.   security printing, commer-
      products has prompted   machine, Label-Decore.  labels. The system can be   This initiative ensures that   cial printing, and pharma-
      brands to adopt brand pro-  Designed with innovation   configured to include Slitter   we not only deliver equip-  ceutical inserts, Rotatek
      tection solutions such as   and versatility in mind, this  rewinders, die cutting, semi-  ment but also guarantee   boasts a global presence with
      hidden features, security   modular solution is a game-  rotary die-cut and 100%   maximum uptime and   over 1800 installations
      inks, and digital solutions to  changer for label converters.   inspection/inkjet system can  enhanced productivity   worldwide. (www.rotatek.
      safeguard both the brand   Offering an array of pre-  also be configured as per   through reliable servicing.   com)

      Lawaseq predicts flexo to remain dominant technology

        Label supplier Lawaseq is                                            growth. In 2018, we inaugu-  cal  industries.  Sharing
      very upbeat about the com-                                         rated our new, state-of-the-  insight about the technology
      ing decade for the printing                                        art production facility in   of the future, Alfayez opined:
      and packaging industry in                                          Riyadh, with a compliant
      Saudi Arabia. In an inter-                                         Quality Management    “Within such a positive,
      view with Gulf Print & Pack,                                       System, meeting ISO   growth orientated environ-
      CEO of Lawaseq, Asem                                               9001:2015 requirements,   ment, we believe that flexo
      AlFayez explained: “The                                            operating across an area of   will continue to be the domi-
      emergence of positive initia-                                      12,500 sq/m, a sizeable pro-
      tives such as Vision 2030 in                                       portion of which is available   nant technology in packag-
      the shorter term and the                                           for new business develop-  ing and label production,
      2034 World Cup in the                                              ment.”                thanks to current enhance-
      longer term, provide the per-  “We are well-placed to exploit the emerging opportunities”  Lawaseq’s product range   ments in printing plates and
      fect combination for sus-                                          include labels, RFID tags,
      tained business growth in   which will inevitably follow,   and packaging company in   label printers, ribbon, IML,   UV curing. We are well-
      Saudi Arabia, across the   despite the current fierce   Saudi Arabia.  They have   printed packaging tapes,   placed to exploit the emerg-
      broad business spectrum.   competition,  which has   been taking significant   printed sticky note, and A4   ing opportunities, not only at
      With the packaging and   impacted margins signifi-  strides towards expanding   label paper. They supply to a   home but also in the export
      label sector well-positioned   cantly.”      their operations.  Alfayez   range of sectors from foods
      to take advantage of the sig-  Founded in 1990 in   added: “Being market leaders   and beverages, household,   markets, both within the
      nificant opportunities for   Riyadh, Lawaseq aims at   in our field for over 25 years,   personal care, pharmaceuti-  Gulf region and further
      business development,   becoming a leading printing   we have decided to invest for   cals, as well as oil and chemi-  afield.”

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