Page 26 - PWM2025_January EBook
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NEWS         NEW YEAR 2025

      New year predictions: Xerox

        Kevin O’Donnell, produc-                                         house or through broader   embracing AI, analytics and
      tion marketing manager UK,                                         service offerings. Our focus   automation whilst aligning
      Ireland and the Nordics at                                         is on five areas: ultra effi-  and integrating clients and
      Xerox, says that while 2024                                        cient production environ-  consumer work patterns,
      was a tough year for print,                                        ments; workflow solutions
      firms can help to future-                                          that monetise every minute;   whether that be served from
      proof themselves by har-                                           unrivalled service delivery;   a central production envi-
      nessing opportunities to                                                                 ronment, the office, the
      expand their services.                                             higher standards of security;   home or even mobile.
        What do you feel were the                                        and  sustainability  at  the   How can suppliers better
      main trends and key indus-                                         heart of what we do.  help printers navigate the
      try developments in 2024?                                           What are Xerox’s own   challenges and seize the
        Once again, a tough year                                         hopes and aims for 2025?   opportunities in 2025?
      for the industry evidenced   O’Donnell: A number of commentators re-engage with print  Can you tell us about any-
      by mergers, acquisitions and   of the marketing mix, we   the main trends, key indus-  thing exciting in the pipe-  Companies need to con-
      sadly  businesses  closing   need to put a foot in this   try developments, and big-  line?  tinue to embrace broader
      their doors. But I do see                    gest opportunities for   To continue our    service offerings that com-
      changes in client demand   opening door and shout out              Re-Invention drive, aligned   plement the core print pro-
      and opportunities for broad-  loud in 2025 about the tangi-  printers in 2025?  to today’s and tomorrow’s   duction with the customer
      ening service offerings to   ble results achieved when   The themes remain com-  opportunities and be com-  experience at the forefront of
      deliver insight that results in   using print. Businesses in  mon, align to maximising   the client engagement, solv-
      increased relevance to the   our sector really started to   today’s business whilst shap-  mitted to becoming a busi-  ing challenges, supporting
      end client. It was noticeable   see benefit from embracing   ing services and client values   ness relevant to our
      that the back end of 2024   higher levels of automation   for the future. These will be   customers’ success. With   end clients’ customers and
      saw a number of leading   driven by data, analytics and  driven by the unstoppable   print at its heart we are rede-  opening new markets.  ESG
      commentators and agencies  AI but this is just the start.  rise in the pace of digital   fining our proposition for   and sustainability will con-
      re-engage with print as part   What do you expect to be   transformation whether in-  the future, utilising and  tinue to be big.

      New year predictions: Fujifilm Graphic Communications

        Andy Kent, general man-                                              the main trends, key indus-  capture  consumer  atten-
      ager, Fujifilm Graphic                                             try developments, and big-  tion, particularly in the
      Communications, UK, says                                           gest opportunities for   competitive packaging
      2024 was a big year for both                                       printers in 2025?     space.
      automation and embellish-                                           In 2025, we expect auto-
      ment, and this is sure to con-                                                            How can suppliers better
      tinue into next year and                                           mation and AI to play an   help printers navigate the
      beyond.                                                            even larger role as printers   challenges and seize the
        What do you feel were the                                        adopt smarter technologies   opportunities in 2025?
      main trends and key indus-                                         to meet evolving customer   Suppliers have a vital role
      try developments in 2024?                                          expectations. Automating   in helping printers capitalise
        In 2024, automation and                                          systems and processes using
      embellishment were some of   Kent: We expect automation and AI to play an even larger role  AI will further reduce man-  on trends. By offering
      the key trends shaping the                                         ual intervention, enhance   advanced, accessible, and
      printing industry.    compromising  quality.  At   there is an ongoing battle   consistency, and enable   cost-effective solutions, they
      Automation has become   the same time, embellish-  with economics and value.   printers to handle diverse,   can empower printers to
      essential for printers looking   ment gained traction as a   Solutions such as Fujifilm’s   deliver  premium-quality
      to streamline workflows,   way to add value and differ-  Revoria Press PC1120 offer   high-demand projects effi-  products efficiently.
      reduce costs, and increase   entiate printed materials,   an immediate solution to   ciently. Similarly, embellish-
      efficiency, especially as cus-                                     ment  will  remain  a  key   Additionally, suppliers must
      tomers continue to demand   particularly in packaging   this.      trend, as brands increasingly   provide clear guidance and
      faster turnarounds without   and marketing. However,   What do you expect to be   seek premium finishes to   education to help printers.

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