Page 24 - PWM2025_January EBook
P. 24

NEWS         FESPA

      “FESPA ME, a prestigious platform”

        The second edition of                                            fall, it provided us with valu-  ing our trusted GRAPHTEC
      FESPA Middle East will be                                          able opportunities to   brand of Cutting Plotters
      held at the Dubai Exhibition                                       introduce our brand and   and ITC brand of CNC
      Centre from 20-22 January.                                         products to the regional   Tools that are renowned
      Harry Joseph, Group                                                market. It also allowed us to  leaders in the plotting and
      General Manager of ADS                                             build meaningful connec-  routing industries respec-
      Advertising Materials LLC,                                         tions with industry profes-  tively.
      UAE, explained to                                                  sionals and gain insights into   “ADS Advertising
      PrintWeek MENA: “ADS                                               the growing potential of the   Materials LLC has a strong
      Advertising Materials LLC is                                       signage and display sectors.   foundation in the Middle
      proud to be associated with                                        We’re optimistic about the   East, with our operations
      the second FESPA Middle                                            continued development of   headquartered in Dubai
      East event. This is indeed a   “We are proud to be associated with the 2nd FESPA Middle East”  this event and look forward   (UAE) and branches in
      prestigious platform, and                                          to an even more impactful   Muscat (Oman) and Doha
      we’re excited to showcase   thrilled to showcase a   our solutions can enhance   experience this year.”   (Qatar). Our recent expan-
      our range of innovative   diverse  range of  cutting-  your business operations.   He concludes: “At ADS   sion into Riyadh (K.S.A),
      products and connect with   edge products, including but   We’re committed to making   Advertising Materials LLC,   underscores our commit-
      industry professionals. We   not limited to GRAPHTEC   the most of this platform to   we believe in letting our   ment to growing our pres-
      look forward to sharing   brand of cutting plotters,  connect with industry peers   products do the talking - lit-  ence in this dynamic region.
      insights, exploring trends,   ITC brand of CNC Tools,   and customers while high-  erally! One of our featured   Our strategy is centered on
      and engaging with visitors   Anodized  Aluminum   lighting the versatility and   products will be seamlessly   deepening relationships
      from across the Middle East   Sheets, and Adhesive   quality of our offerings.  incorporated into our booth   with local partners, enhanc-
      and Africa at the event. Our   Solutions. Our booth will   “ADS Advertising   design itself, come see for   ing customer service, and
      preparations for the FESPA   feature interactive demon-  Materials LLC participated   yourself. It’s a little sneak   offering innovative prod-
      Middle East event are in full   strations, detailed product   in the debut FESPA Middle   peek of creativity and func-  ucts that meet the evolving
      swing! At ADS Advertising   displays, and knowledgeable   East show. While the first  tionality coming together!   needs of the signage and dis-
      Materials LLC, we’re   staff ready to discuss how  edition had a modest foot-  Beyond that, we’re showcas-  play industries.

      “FESPA ME  is a gathering of innovators and problem solvers”

        Jithesh Kottayi,Sales &                                              tural sectors, demonstrating   creativity and adaptability,
      Product Spec Manager of Al                                         how our products seamlessly   we continue to deliver
      Shabak General Trading CO.                                         integrate aesthetics with   meaningful value to our cus-
      LLC, in a conversation with                                        functionality. Our goal is to   tomers.
      PrintWeek MENA, said:                                              leave attendees inspired,   Our strategy is centered
      “We are thrilled to be part of                                     informed, and confident in   around three pillars: inno-
      the second FESPA Middle                                            the possibilities our solu-  vation, education, and col-
      East exhibition. This event is                                     tions offer.          laboration. We are
      more than just a platform—                                          Sustainability is a key   dedicated to continuously
      it’s a gathering of innovators                                                           introducing cutting-edge
      and problem solvers. For us,                                       theme for us, and we’re
      it’s an opportunity to show-                                       highlighting products that   solutions  that  meet  the
      case our expertise in provid-  “Last year, FESPA helped us tap into new customer segments”  align with eco-conscious   evolving needs of the
      ing tailored solutions that                                        practices—an increasingly   Middle East market.
      address real challenges in   Mactac continues to set the   cation demonstrations,   important consideration in   Education plays a key role in
      the market. Last year,   standard in self-adhesive   allowing visitors to experi-  today’s market. Additionally,   our approach, as we invest
      FESPA helped us tap into   solutions for the region.   ence the practicality and ver-  we’re excited to showcase   in training and workshops
      new customer segments,   “We are putting great   satility of Mactac products             to empower customers, con-
      opening doors to fresh   effort into ensuring our pres-  firsthand. Additionally,   how Mactac’s solutions can   sultants, and applicators
      opportunities. This year, we   ence at FESPA 2025 is   we’re focusing on showcas-  transform  interior  spaces   with the knowledge they
      aim to build on that momen-  impactful and engaging. Our   ing our solutions for the   and support  architectural   need to unlock the full
      tum, demonstrating how   booth will feature live appli-  interior design and architec-  innovations. By focusing on   potential of our products.”

      22  PrintWeek MENA January 2025                                                    
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