Page 27 - PWM2025_January EBook
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      New year predictions: Ricoh UK

        Tim Carter, commercial                                           ing advancements in inkjet   point underscoring the piv-
      print director, Ricoh UK                                           technology, enhancing effi-  otal role of print media in
      Graphic Communications,                                            ciency in critical communi-  the wider communication
      is anticipating further                                            cation domains, and
      rationalisation and consoli-                                       expanding the potential for   ecosystem.
      dation occurring throughout                                        offset migration.      What are Ricoh’s own
      the industry as we move into                                        The greatest opportuni-  hopes and aims for 2025?
      2025 and beyond.                                                   ties lie in print organisa-  Can you tell us about any-
        What do you feel were the                                        tions’ ability to embrace   thing exciting in the pipe-
      main trends and key indus-                                         digital alternatives and   line?
      try developments in 2024?                                          champion print as an essen-
        In 2024, our industry cen-                                       tial component of the com-  Ricoh is fully committed
      tred around three key areas.                                       munication mix. This   to innovation and develop-
      Firstly, the continued con-  Carter: Suppliers must strive to become trusted advisors  harmonious approach will   ment in this sector, the
      solidation as the sector   automation to minimise   printers in 2025?  highlight print media’s   recent addition of the Pro
      evolved and right-sized itself   touchpoints across produc-  As we step into 2025, we   unique worth – its tactile   Z75 and VC80000 is a true
      for future demands. Then                                           quality, permanence, and
      the positive impact of   tion processes. Additionally,  anticipate the ongoing evo-  profound impact.  testament to this. The intro-
      Drupa, where strong attend-  the evolution of inkjet plat-  lution of the trends that   Print organisations should   duction of the VC40000
      ance and engagement from   forms remained a critical   emerged and thrived in   actively stress these assets,   and the launch of a mono-
      key stakeholders drove   focus, driving efficiency and  2024, with likely further   even as they acknowledge   only version extend the
      future investment plans and   innovation throughout the   rationalisation and consoli-  the role of digital-only meth-  product portfolio to support
      decisions. And, thirdly,   year.             dation occurring throughout   ods. Providing robust, inde-  future requirements in criti-
      addressing ongoing chal-  What do you expect to be  the industry.We expect the   pendent data and statistics
      lenges, including attracting   the main trends, key indus-  HID  [Hunkeler  for validation becomes   cal communications, book
      skilled talent from younger   try developments, and big-  Innovationdays] platform   essential in this context,   production, and graphic arts
      generations and advancing  gest opportunities for  will be pivotal in highlight-  serving as a sturdy proof  applications.

      New year predictions: HP Industrial Print

        Haim Levit, SVP and divi-                                            ments in automation and   trol,  predictive  workflow
      sion president of HP                                               digital printing equipment.  maintenance, and fully
      Industrial Print, says the                                          Investments in intelligent   automated workflows.
      manufacturer’s vision for                                          automation  accelerated,   These technologies have
      2025 centres on pioneering                                         with over 80% of print busi-  accelerated  the  develop-
      new technologies that
      enhance productivity, sus-                                         nesses worldwide automat-  ment of new industry stand-
      tainability, and profitability                                     ing  their  production   ards within productivity,
      for its customers.                                                 processes in order to   unparallelled versatility in
        What do you feel were the                                        enhance efficiencies and   B2 digital printing and
      main trends and key indus-                                         keep the pace of a rapidly   expanded print operating
      try developments in 2024?                                          evolving market. But auto-  software systems. Artificial
        2024 marked a pivotal   Levit: Digital tech has reduced environmental impact this year  mation isn’t a quick fix. It’s a   intelligence is about improv-
      year for the printing indus-                                       journey, and every business   ing production efficiency,
      try driven by transformative   on-demand and short-run   tent creation, making it   is at a different stage of that   which is why HP introduced
      trends and digital innova-  production, as well as cus-  accessible to everyone.   journey. Over the last 12   new digital print innovations
      tions. The demand for digi-  tomised  direct mail  and   Coupled with ongoing
      tal print was accelerated,   packaging experienced   labour challenges, these   months, artificial intelli-  including the HP Indigo
      driven by shorter runs and   remarkable growth. The rise   trends created a pivotal   gence, digitisation and auto-  120K and HP Indigo 18K
      faster turnaround. High-  of e-commerce and                        mation have been critical   showcasing its advance-
      value commercial applica-  AI-driven design-to-print   moment for the industry,   enablers of new technolo-  ments in automated produc-
      tions, photo merchandise,   tools has revolutionised con-  driving significant invest-  gies, powering quality con-  tion floors.

                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 25
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