Page 23 - PWM2025_January EBook
P. 23


      Wellcare to participate in FESPA ME

        Mani N, Managing                                                 which connects senior deci-  growth.
      Director and Godwin                                                sion-makers and trade pro-  From a sustainability per-
      Joseph, Executive Director                                         fessionals with leading OEM   spective, six sessions,
      of Wellcare Advertising                                            suppliers and distributors
      Solutions LLC, in a conver-                                        from the print and signage   including individual presen-
      sation with PrintWeek                                              industry, will return to the   tations and panel discus-
      MENA, explained:                                                                         sions, will cover topics such
      “Wellcare will be participat-                                      Dubai Exhibition Centre on   as reducing costs through
      ing in FESPA Middle East                                           20-22 January 2025 after a   optimising energy and
      2025 by exhibiting the most                                        hugely successful inaugural
      advanced solutions for the                                         event earlier this year.   resources, avoiding green-
      advertising and signage                                             FESPA’s decision to host   washing, and what an
      industry.We will be launch-  “Rigmatech Integrated Fiber Laser Cutter will be a new launch”  this event in 2025 follows   increased focus on decar-
      ing some new products for                                          the positive response to the   bonisation and supply chain
      the industry. Also, we will   customers.     which can do metal and   launch of the inaugural   transparency means for
      exhibit some European   “Our association with   acrylic cutting.   FESPA Middle East 2024.   brand expectations.
      brands which we are newly   Summa, Belgium will bring   They conclude:  “By   One of the highlights of
      associating along with our   a wide range of cutting solu-  embracing technology,   the conference programme   In addition to the confer-
      regular line of products.   tions for the industry. Unifol   understanding local   is the FESPA Leadership   ence sessions, visitors can
        “Wellcare has partici-  from Fedrigoni group has   nuances, and focusing on   Exchange (FLEX), which   explore the Sustainability
      pated in the debut FESPA   come up with a premium   innovation and sustainabil-          Spotlight stand, which will
      Middle East show and it was   quality solution for Vehicle  ity, Wellcare can achieve sig-  will make a welcome return   showcase the latest products
      a huge opportunity for us to   Wrap. We will be having a   nificant growth in the   and provide a platform for   supporting sustainable print-
      showcase new products,   live car wrap at the show.  competitive advertising and   knowledge sharing, raising
      generate leads, build brand   The Rigmatech Integrated   signage market in the   standards within the sector,   ing and business practices,
      awareness and   strengthen   Fiber Laser Cutter will be a   Middle East region.”  networking, increasing   including everything from
      relationships with existing   new launch during the show   FESPA Middle East,   transparency and business   media substrates to software.

      “We look forward to sharing our expertise and new trends”

        Mehdi Berrada- Baby,                                                 announce that our upcom-  vibrant, durable designs for
      Managing Director of ICON                                          ing products include the   any garment. Together,
      DIGITAL DMCC, in a con-                                            Massivit 3D printers and   these cutting-edge products
      versation with PrintWeek                                           Kornit Direct To Garment   promise to transform indus-
      MENA, said: We are thrilled                                        printers. Massivit, a pioneer
      to participate in the second                                                             tries and empower creativ-
      edition of FESPA Middle                                            in 3D printing, continuously   ity. “
      East 2025! This event is a                                         sets new standards for the   One of the key trends that
      great opportunity for us to                                        industry  by  pushing  the   FESPA witnessed was the
      showcase our latest innova-                                        boundaries of technology   demand for environmen-
      tions, connect with industry                                       and innovation. Their state-  tally friendly products and
      leaders, and engage with a                                         of-the-art solutions enable   practices, with 72% of print
      dynamic community of pro-  “This event is a great opportunity for us to showcase our products”  businesses to create large-  buyers actively seeking
      fessionals from across the                                         scale, intricate 3D models   products that are eco-
      region. We look forward to   last year was a fantastic suc-  “As we look ahead to this   with unmatched speed and   friendly and or produced
      sharing our expertise, intro-  cess as the first edition was   year’s edition, we’re excited   precision. Alongside,   using sustainable processes.
      ducing new trends, and con-  held in the Middle East. The   for an even bigger and better
      tributing somehow to the   event exceeded expecta-  show, with the ground-  Kornit’s advanced Direct To  Other significant trends
      continued growth of the   tions,  highlighting  the   breaking technology that we   Garment printers offer high-  included faster turna-
      print and signage industries   region’s growing potential in       quality, sustainable printing   rounds, increased personali-
      in the Middle East. The   the printing and signage   will be showcasing.  solutions for apparel, pro-  sation  and shorter  print
      FESPA Middle East show   industry.            “We are excited to   viding businesses with   runs.

                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 21
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