Page 38 - PWM2025_January EBook
P. 38


      Companies collab on Nutella                                                              Release of
                                                                                               ColorAnt 11
      label design challenge                                                                   ColorAnt 11, the newest
                                                                                                ColorLogic has released

                                                                                               version of its color meas-
                                                                         create Nutella labels.  urement and correction
        Bria, a visual generative                                         Bria uses licensed content   software introducing
      AI platform, and HP, a                                             to train its models, ensuring   advanced features tailored
                                                                                               for professionals in color
      global digital printing com-                                       responsible image genera-  management.
      pany, collaborated with                                            tion with proper royalty   With  a  revamped  user
      Eurostampa on their eighth                                         attribution. Bria’s platform   interface, ColorAnt 11
      Envelope project.                                                  creates customized visual   streamlines test chart crea-
        The Envelope project is an                                       content while complying   tion, offering a faster, more
      initiative where brands,                                           with copyright and privacy   intuitive experience. The
      technology providers and                                           regulations.          Complementary Mini
      university students collabo-                                        Integrating Bria’s platform   Charts mode further
      rate on creative design chal-                                      into HP SmartStream   enhances flexibility, allow-
      lenges while experimenting                                         Designer’s ‘HP Spark’ tech-  ing users to generate cus-
      with technologies, materials   Bria, HP and Eurostampa collaborate on the design challenge  nology enabled the creation   tom charts for diverse
      and printing. The students                                         of 9,000 unique Nutella   printing applications. This
      challenged Bria and HP to   Eurostampa, which makes   Pollenzo, Italy, and the   labels. This demonstrates   update also introduces
      reimagine Nutella’s label   labels for wine, sparkling   DAAP  (Design,  AI’s potential to transform   enhanced spot color con-
      through the lens of different   wine, spirits, chocolate, food   Architecture, Art, and   the variable data printing   trol, featuring an Add over-
      art movements, including   and cosmetics packaging,   Planning) Program of the   industry. HP SmartStream   prints on black option
      Cubism, Impressionism and   has been collaborating for   University of Cincinnati,   Designer, a component of the   within Spot Color Libraries,
      Pop Art, with the goal of   several years with students   Ohio. The eighth iteration of   PrintOS Creativity Power   providing greater precision
      making each jar a unique   from  the  University  of   this initiative, Envelope 8,   Pack, provides capabilities   in complex printing scenar-
      artistic statement.   Gastronomic Sciences of   focused on harnessing AI to   for variable data printing.  ios.
      Linx’s UV            Henkel wins Finat                            Korozo & Zertus work

      laser coder          Sustainability Award                         on Baileys pouches

        Linx    Printing
      Technologies has       He nke l Adh esi ve                         International flexible pack-
      launched the Linx UVG5   Technologies has received                aging specialist Korozo Group
      UV laser coder. The new   the Finat Sustainability                has partnered with Zertus UK
      coder can code on chal-  Award 2024 in the ‘optimi-               and Ireland for the introduc-
      lenging substrates and                                            tion of an award-winning
      mark a diverse range of   zation of recycling’ category.          snack range that has helped
      materials, providing pre-  The company received the   Finat Sustainability Award 2024  Baileys with its transition
      cision and versatility to   award at the Sustainable   for the 2024 edition of the   from an after-dinner tipple to
      production environments.  Packaging Summit in   awards.           an anytime adult treat.
        The Linx UVG5 UV                           Henkel’s award recognized   Baileys Chocolate Nut Mix   Baileys stand-up pouches
      laser is designed to perma-  Amsterdam. Finat, the inter-         is a new range developed to
      nently mark complex   national association for the   its Aquence PS 3017 RE prod-  continue to take the   with Korozo Group for the
      materials such as delicate   European label industry,   uct, a water-based acrylic   renowned Irish cream liqueur   development of new stand-up
      mono-recyclable films   presented this award in rec-  pressure-sensitive adhesive   into new product categories,   pouches. Printed in eight
      and rigid plastics, includ-  ognition of Henkel’s work in   that is specially designed for   such as the adult snack mar-  colors using the flexographic
      ing HDPE, LDPE and PP.   developing a sustainable   olefinic filmic labels used for   ket. The product itself com-  process, in addition to the
      By minimizing thermal                       PET bottles. The Finat   bines chocolate-coated   application of a partial surface
      stress, each coder ensures   wash-off adhesive that   Sustainability Awards judg-  almonds, a mix of caramelized   matte lacquer, Korozo’s pro-
      substrate integrity and   improves the recycling pro-  ing panel highlighted bene-  almonds, cashews, hazelnuts   prietary KoroRCY film was
      reduces the risk of dam-  cess for PET bottles.   fits such as the low washing   and peanuts with a hint of   laminated to a PE layer with
      age, making it a suitable   The long-running FINAT   temperature for some   Baileys flavor and salted toffee   EVOH component to achieve
      choice for marking sensi-  Sustainability Awards honor   selected label constructions,   popcorn.   the required barrier proper-
      tive materials where tradi-                 along with the fact that it can   To get this product onto   ties that ensure product integ-
      tional CO2 and fiber   sustainability initiatives in   be used on PET trays and   retail shelves and into the   rity without compromising
      lasers may cause undesir-  the label industry. A total of   offers a non-water whitening   hands of consumers, Zertus   the recyclability of the stand-
      able effects.        28 entries were submitted   effect for clear labels.  UK and Ireland collaborated   up pouch.
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