Page 43 - PWM2025_January EBook
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                                                              ing to see how this brings together   reaped the benefit of that throughout
                                                              the printing sector to both under-  Jamm’s existence as we watched
                                                              stand the skills gap, but also the gen-  them flourish and develop.”
                                                              der divide too”.             But looking at the question of
                                                               In conclusion Thirlby stresses that   whether there are enough women in
                                                              she doesn’t think the print sector is   print, to Shackleton the impact of
                                                              alone as a highly male dominated   more women joining the sector – at
                                                              sector: “I suspect there are many   all levels – has been very marked.
                                                              other industries with similar chal-  In particular, she thinks that “the
                                                              lenges. However, there is a chance   increase in the number of women
                                                              that if the print sector attracts more   working in the print industry has
                                                              females, it could also contribute   transformed it. When I started in
                                                              towards attracting a younger work   print, business was done in the pub;
                                                              force as well.”            reps from paper merchants, ink mer-
                                                                                         chants and so on were all male and
                                                              Liz Shackleton Managing direc-  would offer to take their, usually
                                                              tor, Jamm Print & Production  male, customers to the pub to discuss
                                                               Liz Shackleton is an experienced   new deals. Women didn’t, as a rule,
                                                              businesswoman who’s seen much in   participate”.
                                                              her years in the world of print includ-  While she understands what hap-
                                                              ing, it appears, her fair share of sexist   pened in the past – and why – and
                                                              behaviours. She explains that back in   also doesn’t like to generalise, she
                                                              the late 1980s she was appointed   says that “that approach really
                                                              manager at Farleigh Press in   doesn’t tend to appeal to most
                                                              Watford: “It was a closed shop, and   women, so new ways of making con-
                                                              the full-time branch secretary of the   tacts and doing business have flour-
                                                              NGA came in to see me soon after I   ished in the past 20 plus years as
                                                              started. He assured me that print   women have become more and more
                                                              ‘wasn’t a job for a woman’ – not a par-  prominent in the industry”.
                                                              ticularly promising start.”   Getting more women into the
                                                              Fortunately, over the intervening   sector
                                                              years she’s witnessed both the atti-
      probably tell you: [it’s] not easy to implement in an environment that   tude of the unions, and the situation   Granted the gender balance is
      depends on high productivity and lean operation to function successfully”.  generally, change greatly since that   changing, but how can the sector get
                                                              period of her life.        more women into print? Is there a
      Dealing with the challenges                                                        lack of awareness of print as a career
       As to how to get more women into print generally, Thirlby sees little hap-  Men and women combined  for women? Are they put off by a per-
      pening unless management leads from the front. As she says, “until the top   In terms of the ratio of men to   ception that some women may strug-
      layer becomes more infiltrated by females it is unlikely to filter down to the   women, in her world at least,   gle with physical roles? It’s possible,
                                                                                         but for Shackleton, the solution
      shop floor”.                                            Shackleton puts it around the other   seems to be working its way out natu-
       That said, she doesn’t think women are put off. Rather, she thinks there’s   way in that it’s more like women to
      a lack of opportunities or poor awareness of the variety of roles in the print-  men. “We have a 60:40 split women   rally over time. She explains what she
                                                                                         means: “
      ing industry. As she says: “It is not as linear as some may think and probably   to men here at Jamm,” she says. “We   Back in the day, if dad was a
      not a sector that is seen to promote or offer a great work life balance.” The   do employ some casual staff who are   printer, sons often got apprentice-
      natural question, then, is what can be done to encourage more women into   mostly women. And one of the ways   ships too. That has changed so much,
      print; should the process begin at school to get more women onto technical   we have achieved that balance is by   not least because employment in the
      courses and apprenticeships?                            offering employment and training   industry is no longer a secure job that
       Thirlby acknowledges that more apprenticeships focusing on opportuni-  opportunities to casual staff.” It’s   would see you through to retire-
      ties in the printing sector could help. But for her there is only one guaran-  notable that Jamm’s warehouse man-  ment.” She notes too that “a lot of
      teed way to get more women involved in the sector. As she says, “change   ager, one of the directors, IT staff,   jobs used to be far more physical than
      needs to start at the top with company owners looking at how they can   and the head of a new service that the   they are has
      embrace and encourage a higher female ratio, probably starting at the board   company has recently begun to offer,   changed the demand for physical
      level”.                                                 “all started as casuals on zero-hours   strength so much”.
       That said, Thirlby pins hope on the new government making positive   contracts. We spotted their potential,   But even in the late 80s things
      noises about establishing a ‘Skills England’ body to tackle the “country’s   offered training and a supportive   began to change as Shackleton
      fragmented and broken training system”. She thinks that “it will be interest-  atmosphere, and we have absolutely   recalls.                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 41
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