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      Making sense of ESG

                                S      tanding for ‘environmental, social and govern-  emissions consultancy, outlines, the report linked bet-

                                                                            ter corporate performance with sustainable practices.
                                       ance’, it is a set of standards that helps them
                                                                             He says that “the social and governance parts of ESG
                                       measure their impact on society, the environ-
       The world is full of            ment, and how transparent and accountable   are pretty straightforward for our sector, especially
       acronyms and the lat-           they are for their actions.          given that the majority [of firms] are SMEs”. But adds
       est appears to be                 Some suggest that it has had its day and   that “in 2024 the environmental part is the area that
       ESG, a framework         that, as the World Economic Forum (WEF) commented   attracting a lot of attention from customers, govern-
       that guides busi-        in the summer, “ESG investing is going through a tough   ments and NGO’s. This is where progress is needed”.
                                patch, attracting criticism from many sides”.
       nesses and organisa-      It cited an example when it wrote that “BlackRock   Why ESG is considered good
       tions in their           boss Larry Fink said he will no longer use the term   ESG has risen in importance because, as Harris com-
       governance.              ‘because it’s been entirely weaponised by the far left and   ments, “companies that focus on ESG are often better at
                                weaponised by the far right’ [and that] many took this as   identifying and managing risks, whether related to cli-
       Words by                 a sign that investors had moved on, that ESG was just a   mate change, regulatory changes or social issues, lead-
                                fad after all.”                             ing to greater long-term stability”.
       Adam Bernstein
                                 However, not all think along those lines and indeed,   In his view, strong ESG practices can “enhance a com-
                                WEF considers the fundamental drivers of ESG   pany’s reputation, build trust with customers, investors,
                                “stronger than ever.”                       and stakeholders, which can lead to increased customer
                                 The term first came to the fore in a 2004 report from   loyalty and brand value”. Moreover, he reckons, many
                                the United Nations, Who Cares Wins, that carried what   investors now prioritise ESG criteria, believing that
                                is widely considered the first mainstream mention of   “companies with good ESG practices are more likely to
                                ESG in the modern context.  Importantly, as Dominic   outperform over the long term”.
                                Harris, co-founder and director of CarbonQuota, an   Beyond that, he says that it’s been shown that ESG

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