Page 41 - PWM2025_January EBook
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      De La Rue delivers                                                  Pre-press and proofing
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      turnaround                                                          machine firm JM Heaford
                                                                          has brought on board Tim
                                                                          Paul as sales director, in a
                                                                          newly-created  role.
                                                                          Having joined the firm on
        De La Rue appears to have                 £338m, the highest level in at   2 December from Domino,
                                                                          where he served as global
      turned the tide on a difficult              least five years.       account director, Paul will
      few years with a return to                   “We have made substantial   focus on driving growth
      profit in H1, and the strong-               progress in 2024 both opera-  and reinforcing the company’s position within the industry.
                                                                          “I’ve had a fantastic welcome here at Heaford, it’s a great
      est order book it has seen in               tionally and strategically,”   environment to work in,” he told Printweek. “Heaford has
      at least five years, despite a   Despite a drop in revenues  Vacher said, adding that   been very successful for 40 years, and it was founded by
      short-term slip in revenues.                                        family and is still family-owned. I’d like to make a signifi-
                                                                          cant contribution to making sure they’re successful for the
        The group, which has been   to 105p at the time of writing  October’s agreed sale of the   next 40. It’s a little bit of a different market than the one I
      struggling with a slump in   – the company has now  company’s Authentication   came from, but I’m embracing the challenge – I’m sure
                                                                          there will be many synergies, coming from a more digital
      demand for cash following   appeared to stabilise with an   division to US giant Crane   world.” Paul added that there were plenty of opportunities
                            adjusted operating profit of
      the pandemic, today (12                     NXT for £300m had put the   in the market.
      December) posted H1   £7.3m on 2024’s H1 profit of   company in a much stronger   McLaren Packaging has
      results, to 20  September   £7.9m, ahead of guidance.  position.    entered into a new joint
      2024, that show “firm foun-  On an IFRS basis, the com-  “Completion of the   venture with VPK Packaging
      dations” for growth, accord-  pany has now returned to   Authentication sale will   UK & Ireland, part of the
                                                                          family-owned Belgian VPK
      ing to Clive Vacher, the   profit, and is up to £1.3m   allow us to repay both our   Group, to take on the
      group’s CEO.          from H1 2024’s loss of                        Scottish corrugated market.
        Despite a 16% tumble in   £3.4m.          existing banking facilities in   The new company, to be
                                                                          called McLaren Corrugate
      currency printing revenues   More promisingly for the   full and materially reduce the   Ltd., will be formed from a
      year-on-year, to £94.9m –   firm, however, is its growing  remaining deficit on our leg-  50/50 split combination of
                                                                          McLaren’s corrugate factory in Port Glasgow and VPK’s East
      itself the cause of a five-point  order book, swollen by “sig- acy defined benefit pension   Kilbride sheet factory, which it acquired in 2021. Announced
      slip on the London exchange  nificant  orders”  in  Q3  to  scheme,” he said.  earlier this week, the joint venture will be led by a man-
                                                                          agement team from McLaren, which will have operational
      Formara wins sustainability award                                   control of the new business.  Donald McLaren, McLaren
                                                                          Packaging managing director, said: “We are delighted to
                                                                          establish a new joint venture focused on corrugated pack-
        Formara  Print  &  Shinohara 74V five-colour   essential for the future of our   aging with VPK’s East Kilbride site.”
      Marketing has won a sustain-  press.         industry.” said Andy Pond,   Media Concierge’s takeover
      ability award from the   “Winning the 2024   managing director at   of National  World has
      national Business Awards  Corporate  Sustainability   Formara Print & Marketing.  moved a step closer after
      UK, revealed on 5 December.  Award is a testament to our   Speaking to Printweek, he   the respective boards of
                                                                          both companies reached
        The Southend-on-Sea  team’s dedication to reduc-  added: “It’s nice to be recog-  agreement on the all-cash
      commercial print and mar-  ing our environmental                    deal. Media Concierge
      keting firm won the accolade  impact while delivering   nised for trying to make a dif-  Holdings has also set up a
      for its sustainable packaging,  exceptional value to our cli-  ference. We’re trying to   n e w c o , Ne o  M e d i a
      specifically the firm’s  ents. This achievement   make sustainability a core   Publishing, which is the entity that will acquire National
                                                                          World.The 23.00p per share deal represents a 55.6%
      unbleached board business  underscores our belief that   part of the business moving   increase on National World’s average share price in the six
      card box, printed on a  sustainable practices are   forward.”       months prior to the original offer made on 22 November. It
                                                                          values National World’s issued, and to be issued, share
      Love Paper Week by Two Sides                                        capital at £65.1m, or an enterprise value of around £52.1m
                                                                          taking into account £13m of cash on National World’s bal-
                                                                          ance sheet. The statutory EBITDA multiple for National
        Two Sides initiative Love                  their clients, customers and   World’s 12 month period is 8.7x.
      Paper is launching a new                     consumers more widely   Compass Business Finance has appointed Katie Dowse as a
      week-long event to encour-                   about why paper is such a   finance specialist for the print sector. Dowse has started at
      age the industry to collec-                  sustainable, effective and   the Tonbridge-based business this month to provide
      tively champion paper and                    attractive medium.     enhanced support to suppliers and customers within the
      sustainability to consumers                   To promote it, there will   industry. The company’s core speciality is asset-based
                                                                          finance services for the print, packaging and engineering
      and businesses. Love Paper                                          sectors. With more than 35 years’ experience, Dowse has
      Week will run from 3-7                       be simple assets and   joined Compass from Asset Advantage, prior to which she
      February 2025 and Two   Love Paper Week in February  resources, communicated   also ran her own general asset finance business for 11 years.
      Sides said it encouraged all                 widely, for the industry to   The new hire follows a wave of other new appointments
      printers, paper merchants,   within the sector to support   use through social media   and promotions announced by Compass a few weeks ago.
                                                                          The business said all are intended to enhance the compa-
      packaging manufacturers   the initiative and use the   and other individual com-  ny’s offering.
      and others who operate   materials available to inform   pany communications.                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 39
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