Page 40 - PWM2025_January EBook
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IN BRIEF Self-healing plastic
Xerox has agreed to
acquire laser printer man-
ufacturer Lexmark in a
$1.5bn (£1.2bn) deal, buy- breakthrough
ing out the consortium of
Chinese investors that
bought it in 2016. The deal, A breakthrough in the The reformulated plastic
which valued Lexmark development of self-healing
inclusive of its assumed was manufactured with
liabilities, will strengthen Xerox’s print portfolio by bringing packaging could revolution- nanosheets of a material
in several lines of printers suitable for corporate in-house ise the packaging industry by
reprographics and the A4 colour market. With Lexmark allowing products to fix called MXene – appearing to
taken on board, Xerox will serve more than 200,000 clients the naked eye as a powder –
across 170 countries, taking a top five global share in each of themselves after cracking or
the entry-, mid- and production-level print markets, the even breaking into pieces. The plastic begins to heal itself which is used industrially as a
company stated. “Our acquisition of Lexmark will bring “We are following the reinforcement agent for plas-
together two industry-leading companies with shared val- Bournemouth University,
ues, complementary strengths, and a deep commitment to same process as mother who led the study. tics. Specially treated with a
advancing the print industry to create one stronger organi- nature - when you cut your “Most of the things in our
zation,” said Steve Bandrowczak, chief executive officer at finger, the blood will initially everyday lives have plastic in glue-like agent, the MXene
Xerox. them and this has the poten- sits dormant within the plas-
solidify to cover the crack
A veteran journalist’s until the skin tissue seals it, tial to extend the life of a tic until it is exposed to mois-
debut novel – published and that is what we are doing whole range of products and ture in the atmosphere by a
after 47 years’ experience reduce waste, from re-usea- breakage: it then activates,
at local newspapers – has with our plastics,” said Amor ble drink bottles to mobile
called back the vanishing Abdelkader, associate profes- phones to plastic pipes and so bonding the broken sections
world of the weekly local sor in advanced materials at much more.” back together.
paper, smoky newsrooms,
and the final days of hot-
metal typesetting.Peter Pheasant’s novel Manfishing, com- Flexpress expands footprint
pleted 40 years after he began writing it as a young report-
er, is set at the fictional Brexham Bugle, with the daily life Leicester trade printer ing to managing director the quieter new year period.
at the paper based on his own experience – though with Flexpress has set its sights Steve Wenlock. “It needs a bit of tidying
plenty more drama thrown in. One aspect inspired by his on growth in the new year, “This has kept me out of
own experience was the scramble to send finished copy to up and painting, and we’ve
the contract printers, with junior reporters putting a sello- taking on an additional mischief this month,” he got to put the electrics in
tape-wrapped parcel on the local bus, before dashing back 465sqm of floorspace in a told Printweek. I’m one of
to the newsroom to phone the printer and tell them the neighbouring unit over the those people that thrives on where we need them, but
bus number and its arrival time. If the junior reporter forgot Christmas break. Paired a bit of a challenge, so I like we’re taking it in two
to telephone, then it could be 24 hours before that bus next with the company’s invest- to keep stirring things up.”
passed the printworks. ment in multiple new Duplo The expansion had origi- phases,” he explained. The
Sign & Digital UK is set to finishing machines in 2024, nally been planned for April expansion leaves Flexpress
return to Birmingham’s the expansion has given 2024, but with the unit only with around 1,400sqm of
NEC conference centre on Flexpress capacity to grow becoming free in December,
23-25 February 2025, after its operations in 2025 – and Wenlock decided it was best floorspace to play with, and
a bumper 2024 show. With will ease crowding in the
just 10 weeks to go until certainly kept the business to get things up and running
doors open, the show has busy over the break, accord- as quickly as possible over main facility.
shown off several first-
time exhibitors at the
Live! (P&P). China Print Supplies, founded in 2024 as the Lecta boosts food safe offering
wide-format event, co-located with Printwear & Promotion
sole UK distributor for SinoColor textile and direct-to-film Lecta has gained food safe coated papers. Lecta said that
(DTF) printing kit, including the FB-0906s A1+ mini UV flat-
bed and FB-2513s 2.5x1.3m UV flatbed, will attend the show FSSC 22000 certification at achieving the standard
for the first time to show off its kit. “Sign & Digital UK is an its Leitza mill in Navarra, involved rigorous audits to
exciting opportunity to connect directly with a highly
engaged audience of industry professionals, decision- northern Spain. The latest ensure compliance.
makers, and potential clients,” said Scott Clutton, manag- accreditation means that “This is an essential step in
ing director of China Print Supplies. “The exhibition gives us three of the group’s Spanish meeting the needs and trust
a unique opportunity to showcase our latest products and
technologies in a hands-on, interactive environment, mills have now achieved food Lecta has gained certification of its clients and consumers
allowing attendees to experience the quality and function- safety standards for produc- 22000. Leitza’s accreditation in general,” the group stated.
ality of what we offer first-hand.” Also showing off its new
DTF printers will be UK-based inkjet manufacturer tion of specific packaging relates to its Metalvac metal- FSSC 22000 is a global cer-
Mermicornjet. Emma Yu, the firm’s managing director, said materials, with Leitza joining lised papers for food packag- tification model used in the
she was looking forward to finding out what challenges Sant Joan les Fonts, which ing. food manufacturing industry
printers were facing. Sign & Digital 2024 saw more than
5,500 visitors attend over three days, with more than 60 also holds FSSC 22000, and The mill also makes car- and related supply chain to
suppliers exhibiting. Motril, which has ISO bonless, thermal and cast- ensure food safety standards.
38 PrintWeek MENA January 2025