Page 16 - PWM2023_MAY
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      XSYS launches new LED                                                                    TLMI offers

      platemaking equipment                                                                    TLMI has invested in future
                                                                                                For the past 46 years,

                                                                                               generations of the tag, label
        SYS has launched the                                             fitted with an automatic   and package printing indus-
      ThermoFlexX Catena-E 48                                            plate loading door as an   try. The TLMI Scholarship
      unit for LED exposure of                                           option. Like the Catena-E   for two/four-year college or
      flexographic printing plates                                       80, the new model is also   vocational degree programs
                                                                                               awards up to 5,000 USD to
      for the label, folding carton                                      ideal for plates with the fin-  full-time  students  in  the
      and flexible packaging mar-                                        est surface microstructures,   United States and Canada.
      kets.   The product is com-                                        such as ThermoFlexX   Students’ major coursework
      pact and delivers flat-top dot                                     W o o d p e c k e r   N a no .    should relate to the industry,
      plates at a significant pro-                                       Powerful, simultaneous   including but not limited to
      ductivity level, along with                                        main and back LED expo-  management, sales/market-
      lower cost of ownership.                                           sure ensure excellent plate   ing, production, graphic
        Christophe Lievens,   XSYS launches new LED platemaking equipment  quality and productivity,   communications, industrial
      global sales director at XSYS  and corrugated board mar-  ness.’   while the enclosed tempera-  engineering, IT, and electri-
      Prepress, said: ‘Catena-E   kets.’ Lievens continued,   Exposing plates up to 900   ture-controlled environ-  cal, print and mechanical
      LED exposure technology   ‘Now with the Catena-E 48,   x 1200mm in size and   ment combined with   trade school programs.
                                                                                                To apply, students must
      was first introduced to the  narrow and medium web  6.35mm in thickness, the   water-cooled LED modules   complete the application,
      market in 2020, and the   printers active in labels,   Catena-E 48 has been   guarantees consistent pro-  provide two letters of recom-
      larger Catena-E 80 model   folding cartons and flexible   designed to match the high   duction of high-quality flexo   mendation, offer examples
      for wide web applications   packaging can enjoy the   speed of the TFxX 48-S plate   plates. For energy efficiency,   that demonstrate an interest
      was quickly adopted by   same excellent plate quality   imager from XSYS, which   the back exposure adapts to   in the tag, label and package
      platemakers and printing  with faster LED exposure   offers an output of 6m2/hr.   the plate loaded, only illumi-  printing industry (optional),
      companies serving the   and consistent operation,   Exposure takes less than 15   nating LED according to   and supply an academic tran-
      global flexible packaging   which will boost their busi-  minutes, and the unit can be   plate size.  script.
      Hybrid Software to introduce                                       S-OneLP releases new

      MyCloudFlow                                                        system

        Hybrid Software, a soft-                                          S-One Labels and
      ware provider for the label                                        Packaging has introduced
      and packaging industry, is                                         the CatPak JetFx Solo
      introducing MyCloudFlow,                                           30-inch eBeam digital
      an enterprise workflow                                             embellishment system.
      software offered as a cut-                                          The JetFx print bar is spe-
      ting-edge software-as-a-                                           cifically designed to attach
      service (SaaS) product.                                            to S-OneLP’s CatPak eBeam
        MyCloudFlow promises                                             finishing system. The prod-
      customers quick, effortless   Cloud-based workflow SaaS product for label, packaging sector  uct promises enhancements   New eBeam digital system
      access  to  its  CloudFlow   tomers significant availa-  hands of customers who are   for converters aiming to pro-  sales. ‘The right flexible
      enterprise workflow soft-                                          tect surface printed ink from
      ware. Hosted by Hybrid   bility and performance,   seeking an easy, cost-effec-  an HP Indigo press, while   packaging finish makes an
      Software on the fastest   security and attentive mon-  tive way to implement enter-  also providing their packag-  unforgettable first impres-
      cloud computing platforms,   itoring of system health,   prise workflow software,’   ing with a unique and strik-  sion.’
      MyCloudFlow offers con-  including daily backups   explains Nick De Roeck, co-  ing appearance.   CatPak is designed for
      venience and security to   and disaster recovery.   president of Hybrid   ‘Our CatPak JetFx solu-  coating and laminating flex-
      the label and packaging   MyCloudFlow’s multi-ten-  Software. ‘Cloud computing   tion offers converters an   ible packaging films, shrink
      industry without the need   ant architecture offers each   is highly scalable and is ide-  added opportunity to   sleeves and labels using
      for in-house IT support or   customer their own private   ally suited to quickly adopt   enhance the look and feel of   eBeam curing. eBeam prom-
      substantial capital invest-  workflow experience and               labels, shrink sleeves and   ises high-demand finishing
      ment.                  ensures maximum data   new automated processes,   flexible packaging that ele-  options for fast, clean and
        MyCloudFlow includes   security for all users.   grow in alignment with busi-  vate brands to stand out   food-safe labels and packag-
      expedited access to work-  ‘With MyCloudFlow, we   ness growth or even scale up   from competitors,’ said   ing. JetFx eBeam inks are
      flow tools within the cloud,   put the power and scale of   to handle temporary or sea-  Sharon Beeman, S-OneLP   compatible with S-OneLP’s
      and it also guarantees cus-  cloud computing in the   sonal peak periods.’  vice president of global  CatPak over print varnishes.
      16 PrintWeek MENA May 2023                                                        
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