Page 21 - PWM2023_MAY
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      Mimaki Technology at FESPA 2023

        Mimaki Europe will make                                          advanced UV flatbed print-  in the rainforests of Saba, in
      its return as a gold sponsor                                       ers, from the smaller size   which he seeks to capture
      to the FESPA 2023 Global                                           UJF-6042 MkII e to the large   the essence of nature and
      Print Expo (May 23rd– 26th                                         format JFX600-2513. For   instil the same feeling of
      in Munich, Germany - Stand                                         textile printers, the sublima-  awe in the viewer that he
      B1-B10). The company will                                          tion printers, the TS100-  had while there.
      join FESPA and the wider                                           1600 and TS330-1600, will   “The environment is a
      printing industry to look at                                       also feature.         critical concern across all
      the sector with a ‘new per-                                         Embracing  FESPA’s   print sectors – including for
      spective’ with its latest inno-                                    theme of ‘New Perspectives’,   us here at Mimaki. We are
      vations, technologies and                                          Mimaki will use this global   working towards the UN’s
                                                                                               Sustainable Development
      collaborative projects. On its                                     show to recontextualise the   Goals, focusing on reducing
      booth, Mimaki will display   Mimaki returns as a gold sponsor to FESPA 2023 Global Print Expo   print industry through the   wastage, water and to
      its flagship printers and cut-                                     lens of sustainability - rein-  encourage and help printers
      ters for the sign graphic,   and affordable pr cess for   intervention needed.Other   stating the company’s com-  to create sustainable appli-
      industrial, and textile mar-  decorating apparel, most   notable technologies on   mitment to it, as well as   cations, where possible,”
      kets, including the recently   commonly T-shirts, the   show, include Mimaki’s flag-  engaging and collaborating   comments Danna Drion,
      announced TxF150-75   TxF150-75 responds to the   ship sign and display tech-  with creative eco-conscious   General Manager -
      Direct-to-Film (DTF)   market need for a reliable,   nology from the entry-level   minds from across the   Marketing. “We will return
      machine, the high perform-  stable DTF technology.   100 Series and the high per-  industry. Mimaki will be   to FESPA to join hands with
                                                                                               the industry to collaborate
      ing 330 Series and the entry-  Equipped with  Mimaki’s   formance 330 Series. The   showcasing the Dutch sur-  on  and  hopefully  inspire
      level 100 Series.     core technologies, it pre-  print and cut workflow will   realist Rik Lina’s visually   some creative, show-stop-
        Mimaki’s first foray into   vents common issues, such   be demonstrated with   vibrant art inspired by the   ping end-products. Like pre-
      DTF technology, the   as poor ink ejection and   Mimaki’s latest cutting plot-  natural world. The artwork   vious shows, visitors can
      TxF150-75 will make its  white ink clogging, ensuring  ter, the CG-AR series. For   headlining the booth, titled   also expect Mimaki to debut
      international show debut at   that processes are carried   industrial printers, visitors  “Fascinated Rainforest”, is   something new on our
      FESPA. Providing an easy   out efficiently with minimal  can see the Mimaki’s   based on Lina’s own travels   stand.”

      Durst Group to showcase “360 Production Excellence” at FESPA

        Durst Group, manufac-                                                    based and UV-LED portfolio   Tiles at the Durst Customer
      turer of advanced digital                                          of ink systems that comply   Experience Center.
      printing and production                                            with all relevant regulations   Furthermore, attendees can
      technologies, will be pre-                                         and are certified for third-  see the P5 500 in production
      senting its “360 Production                                        party and sustainability   use at Escher Digitaldruck,
      Excellence” at FESPA Global                                        requirements. Additionally,   about one hour away from
      Print Expo 2023 in Munich,
      Germany. From May 23-26,                                           Durst Group’s Service divi-  the exhibition, after regis-
      the company will showcase                                          sion will present new offer-  tration. The P5 500 is the
      its new and integrated sys-                                        ings for proactive customer   reference in the field of 5
      tems and solutions for fully                                       support, now available in   meter roll devices and the
      automated, sustainable and                                         more than 80 countries.  successor of the Rho 512,
      cost-effective large-format   “360 Production Excellence” at FESPA Global Print Expo 2023   Durst Group is also offer-  which is used hundreds of
      print production in Hall A2,                                       ing a shuttle service to its   times worldwide.
      Stand A10. A media briefing   Group, stated that the focus   next-level automation for   headquarters in Brixen,   Durst Group’s Software
      will be held at the booth on   today is on automation, sus-  unattended  print  produc-  Italy, to view its entire P5   division will showcase its
      May 23 at 10am to inform   tainability, and profitability,   tion. As a product launch,
      press representatives about   and Durst Group’s offerings   Durst Group will introduce   large-format portfolio, along   advanced software solutions,
      the innovations before the                                         with other segment solu-  tailored to digital printing.
      start of the show.    align with this focus. The   the fastest roll-to-roll printer   tions such as Label &   The solutions allow to
        Christian Harder, Vice   company will exhibit an   to date. The company will   Flexible Packaging, Textile,   streamline the “From Pixel
      President  Sales, Durst   impressive  installation of   also showcase its water-  Wallpaper, and Ceramic   to Output” process.

                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA 21
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