Page 23 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 23


      UPM to replace natural gas                                                               Glatfelter gets
                                                                                               new COO

      boilers in Finland, Germany                                                              announced that Boris
                                                                                                  Glatfelter  on  April  5
                                                                                               Illetschko has been
                                                                                               appointed to the role of
        UPM announced plans to                                           the Valkeakoski district   Senior Vice President, Chief
      replace the use of fossil fuels                                    heating network.      Operating Officer. He
      with electric boilers in heat                                       The remaining electric   replaces the company’s cur-
      and steam production at its                                                              rent Senior Vice President,
      mills in Finland and                                               boilers will be installed at the   Chief Commercial Officer,
      Germany. A total of eight                                          Finnish and German mills by   Christopher W. Astley, and
      boilers will be installed,                                         the end of 2023. Once opera-  Senior Vice President,
      mainly to replace the use of                                       tional, they will replace a sig-  Integrated Global Supply
      natural gas. “In addition to                                       nificant amount of various   Chain and IT, Wolfgang
      improved security of supply                                                              Laures, both of whom will
      and emission reduction,   8 boilers will be installed to replace the use of natural gas  fossil fuels, thereby reducing   leave the company effective
      electric boilers will signifi-                                     emissions at the mills and at   immediately. Glatfleter
      cantly increase the mills’   from the fuels and pur-  UPM Tervasaari paper   UPM.        noted that these changes are
      ability to provide demand   chased electricity by 65%.   mill has already commis-  UPM delivers renewable   not related to the company’s
      side flexibility to the elec-  In Finland, new electric   sioned its first 50 MW elec-  and  responsible  solutions   operations, financial report-
      tricity system and markets,”   boilers can reduce CO2   tric  boiler,  which  was        ing or controls, or personal
      said Petri Hyyryläinen,   emissions from the use of   transferred to Valkeakoski   and innovates for a future   conduct.
      Energy Director at UPM   fossil fuels by about 50,000   from UPM Kaipola mill. In   beyond fossils across six busi-  Illetschko will join
      Communication Papers.  tonnes per year. In   the autumn, a new, more   ness areas: UPM Biorefining,   Glatfelter after completing
        With the introduction of   Germany, electric boilers   efficient  60 MW  electric   UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac,   his legally required notice
      the electric boilers, the com-  will improve security of sup-  boiler will be installed at the   period with his current
      pany will take a step   ply for heat and steam gen-  mill. The new boiler will not   UPM Specialty Papers, UPM   employer, which will con-
      towards its 2030 target of   eration  and  achieve even   only produce steam and heat   Communication Papers and   clude no later than October
      reducing CO2 emissions   greater emission reductions.  for the mill, but also heat for   UPM Plywood.  1, 2023.
      Georgia-Pacific announces $50  DS Smith announces

      million investment                                                 upgrade programme

          Georgia-Pacific is making                                       DS Smith  has announced
      significant investments,                                           an ambitious upgrade pro-
      totaling more than $50 mil-                                        gram to its kraft paper mill
      lion, at its Port Hudson mill                                      in Viana, Portugal. A multi-
      in Zachary, Louisiana. The                                         year EUR 145 million pack-
      investments will greatly                                           age of investments will
      enhance the company’s retail                                       bring some of the most up to
      consumer towel business.                                           date papermaking machin-
      Investments to the Port                                            ery to the company’s Viana   EUR 145 million investments
      Hudson mill include                                                paper mill in Portugal,
      upgrades to increase capacity                                      rebuilding the mill’s paper   by 25%, with steam from
      and improve capability of                                          machine and reducing CO2   the boiler being recycled
      existing converting equip-                                         emissions.            back into the mill.
      ment and enhance internal   The investment is meant ro grow consumer towel business  According to DS Smith,   The new boiler will also
      infrastructure. Construction                                       the investment package will   support the rebuild of the
      has begun on this project,   retail tissue, towel and nap-  quality and focus on research   include the rebuild of the   mill’s paper machine, PM4,
                                                                                               increasing both its speed and
                                                   and development to create
      with startup of the lines   kin business for Georgia-  products that consumers   existing paper machine and   capacity. The company has
      scheduled for some time in   Pacific.        value.”               a new state-of-the-art recov-  commissioned suppliers
      mid-2023.               “It also allows us to further   The improvements will let   ery boiler, which will be one   Voith and Valmet to rebuild
        “This truly is an invest-  leverage the many advan-  expansion of Georgia-  of the most modern in   the machine, with comple-
      ment in our customers and   tages we have, including our   Pacific’s own premium paper   Europe. The boiler will   tion expected later this year.
      consumers who value the   breadth of offerings, excel-  towel offerings, especially   improve environmental per-  The start-up of the new boiler
      quality of our products,” said   lence in manufacturing oper-  Brawny® Mega and Tear-A-  formance by  enhancing   is  expected to be  in  early
      Vivek Joshi, president of the   ations, commitment to   Square®.   steam efficiency at the mill   2025.                                                                       May 2023 PrintWeek MENA 23
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