Page 25 - PWM2023_MAY
P. 25


      The Pen Warehouse launches                                                               Samedaybags’
                                                                                               new site
      hi-res digital pen printing                                                              bag printer Samedaybags.
                                                                                                On-demand promotional

                                                                                               com has launched a new
                                                                                               website offering t-shirts,
        Trade merchandising sup-                                         three-strong research and
      plier Tancia, which trades as                                      development team and an   hoodies, and other promo-
      The Pen Warehouse and                                              unnamed New Zealand   tional clothing delivered
      Snap Products, has com-                                            company. Tancia’s team   within 24 hours. The site,
      menced production with a                                           developed the technology,,
      pair of custom-built transfer                                      with  the  other  company   went live in February to coin-
      presses allowing the produc-                                       building and testing the   cide with the Merchandise
      tion of pens printed at                                            machinery.            World event in Coventry.
      300dpi. In production since                                         Cleere declined to offer
      the start of April, the two                                        specifics on how the tech-  Director of Samedaybags,
      presses and applicator                                             nology worked, other than   Melvin Green, told
      machine represent an                                                                     Printweek that there was a
      investment of £1.2m for the   The technology, which Tancia calls UltraHD, prints up to 300dpi  confirming  that the   huge demand for fast-turna-
      company in the past six   rent inkjet technology can   cess would allow the com-  machines printing onto the   round promotional clothing.
      months.               wrap right around small cir-  pany to take advantage of the   transfers did not use inkjet   Counting Glastonbury fes-
        The technology, which   cumference objects like   ease of digital printing tech-  technology. He said: “We,   tival among its clients, the
      Tancia calls UltraHD, offer   pens – represent a new step   niques, without having to   the [merchandising] indus-  Monmouthshire-based
      “unparalleled” print quality   for the industry.  sacrifice print quality.  try, we’re shrouded in
      for the merchandising sec-  Neil Cleere, managing   The entire transfer and   secrecy.”  screen and digital print firm
      tor,  according  to Tancia,  director and founder of   application process was built   Now, however, the firm is   started out selling novelty
      which said the transferred   Tancia, told Printweek that   from the ground up in a part-  taking on around 10 staff   Christmas clothing, which it
      prints – which, unlike cur-  the new transfer-based pro-  nership between Tancia’s   every month.  had printed externally.
      Elevate Signs & Graphics brings  Antalis to acquire

      work in-house with HP install                                      Integart Group

        Elevate Signs & Graphics                                          Antalis has signed a bind-
      has brought a large amount                                         ing offer to acquire the
      of  work in-house  and                                             Integart Group, to expand its
      started to explore new mar-                                        footprint in the visual com-
      kets after installing a new                                        munication market. With a
      HP Latex 335 printer.                                              consolidated turnover of
      Founded by Adam Sharpe in                                          €42m (£37.2m) and more
      2021 after he was made                                             than 200 employees in 2022,
      redundant from a previous                                          the Integart Group is a dis-
      role during the pandemic,                                          tributor of visual communi-
      Falkirk-based Elevate Signs &   The business has brought vehicle wraps in-house  cation  products,
      Graphics offers a wide range   on the market, the company  spending tens of thousands   headquartered in Poland   Deal will expand its footprint
      of print and signage services,   installed the 1.6m-wide Latex   of pounds with a trade print   with offices in Czech   tion in Eastern Europe and
      including both indoor and   335 in December and the   supplier, so not only will I   Republic and Slovakia. The   enhance the execution of our
      outdoor signs, safety signage,   machine immediately ena-          group offers a wide range of   growth plan in the visual
      and vehicle wraps.    bled it to bring work includ-  have more control over jobs,   large-format printing materi-  communication market.”
        Elevate Signs & Graphics   ing vehicle wraps and signage   but I will increase profit mar-  als, textiles, and machinery
      had initially been outsourc-  panels in-house.  gins. I have also employed my   for various industries such as   Sławomir Kot-Zaniewski,
      ing a lot of printing work to a   “The  versatility  of  HP   wife to help. We also do lots   media, interior design, and   president of the Integart
      trade printer. This led Sharpe   Latex technology was perfect   of interior wrapping, so digi-  construction.  Group, added: “Since its
      to explore the option of pur-  for my business as we cover a   tal wallpaper is also on the   The deal was announced   founding, our company has
      chasing a machine that   wide range of jobs,” said   radar. We are always looking   on Friday (21 April). Antalis   grown to be a highly special-
      would enable the business to  Sharpe. “Both the cost-effec-        CEO  Hervé  Poncin  com-  ised and reputable supplier of
      bring work in-house and cut  tiveness and quality of print   into new possibilities, we   mented: “The acquisition of   visual communication solu-
      its outsourcing costs.  made the HP Latex 335 the   don’t do as many window   the Integart Group will   tions and services for the
        After weighing up options   obvious choice for us. I was   graphics as we would like.”  strengthen our market posi-  advertising industry.                                                                      May 2023 PrintWeek MENA 25
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